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Everything posted by Mohojoe

  1. Tried to use more likes on this but it wouldn't let me. Instead you may have my firstborn son!
  2. It does actually, however it does feel like you just peed on my cornflakes haha. Though Necromunda's rebirth would also be amazing, that is a real blast from the past
  3. I don't think I can deal with any more dwarf related heartbreak. Don't play with my emotions GW! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Hello all, So as many of you know the last three months I have been juggling work to get an army finished for the Titans event, hosted by @Jamie Grinstead at Athena Games in Norwich. Yesterday I attended the event, which was my first dip into the waters of tournament play. This was very apt as it was the first Age Of Sigmar event that Athena Games had hosted. I am going to do a brief write up of my thoughts of the event and my impressions as a newcomer to the tournament scene. I wont be writing out entire battle reps, as honestly, my memory isn't the best and I would not like to do any player a disservice. I travelled to the event with my brother, Damien ( A fellow newcomer to tournaments) and we arrived on the dot at 08:30 as the doors opened. We were greeted by Jamie and his friendly and helpful staff who showed us to the game hall located above the store. Originally a working mans club, the venue is surprisingly large and has qualities that resemble the Tardis. Above the hall there is another floor that was not in use on the day but we were assured that they could cope with ample players if the need arose. The hall itself was very spacious with eight tables set up and plenty of room for more and a raised platform at the front where the staff could observe all the games (as well as doing regular spot checks and rules queries). The tables themselves were all of a very high quality with decent terrain being used. The decision was made for all of the terrain to be static on the day without special rules being applied to it, this may have been a downside to some but as a fresh player it was a welcome change as it was one less thing for me to worry about! People filtered in for the next 45 minutes and got chatting and introducing each other. We had 16 competitors in all and everyone was very friendly and enthusiastic, definitely took the edge off the pre tourney nerves. At 09:25 Jamie welcomed us all to the event, handed out a free gift ( a very handy acrylic rangefinder made by http://www.counterattackbases.co.uk/ especially for the event) and explained the rules. He then proceeded to draw the first matchups and we all went to our respective tables and got stuck in. My first opponent, Arthur Treitl @WillofNagash, brought a death army to the table for our Blood & Glory scenario. He brought Nagash, a Liche priest, 3x20 Skeletons and a summoning pool of 500 points which in our game he used to summon 4 Morghast Harbringers. I was using a Frostlord on stonehorn, Huskard on thundertusk, Tyrant, Moonclan Grot Shaman, 2x 6 Ogors, 1 X3 Ogors, 3 leadblechers and a Gargant. Arthur was a great, very patient opponent who took the time to explain what his minis did and so on. By turn 3 he nearly had the major victory by outnumbering me on one objective however my Ogors managed to kill enough of his skeletons so that he was one man short. After a hard fought battle for a tie, we ended the game at turn 5 on a draw. However due to leaving his Nagash on 3 wounds Arthur took the minor win on points. Loved the game, great scenario, great opponent and a fantastic entry into tournament play. After game 1 the armies were displayed for the painting competition while people went for lunch. All the armies, (bar mine) were of a fantastic standard and nothing was sub par. The player vote went to @Bishmeister for his fantastic Display/Diorama of " Da Bloo Moon Forest Fungus Boyz " and the staff vote went to @shep for his incredibly detailed Skrye army. Part 2 to follow
  5. Cheers for the great day everyone, great to meet you all and Jamie threw a fantastic event. Hope to play you all again soon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. There goes the painting trophy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Tournament day! Had a mad rush to get everything painted last night, hope nothing gets taken off the table. Looking forward to meeting all you lovely people and getting a wooden spoon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I thought you guys nearly had them when Duncan said you were trying to catch him out! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. @Dez While I cant comment on the stream, I am cheering you on from the sidelines about pushing them for duardin teasers
  10. I can make rumours up for free stuff GW if you are listening. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I am worried about getting a bunch only to see them get removed from the game. Been thinking about grabbing some fyreslayers instead Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. *sees lack of Duardin announcements and returns to his salty lair* Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. They are pretty cool, I am hoping the blood bowl dwarf aesthetic is a good indicator of the quality as those sculpts are really pretty. If the rumours are to be believed my pay day will tie in with the release and I may be pre ordering a whole bunch of stunties. The titan forge guys would make some great alternate models though it feels odd to be saying that having not even seen the standard models yet Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Don't tease me with your flirty words Dez! I would just love some sort of concrete evidence of them at this point as everything else is Chinese whispers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. WTT organs for Steamhead Duardin reveal. Please hurry. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Never played against stormcast and from talking to the guys in the shop I'm not looking forward to it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. One week to go and just managed to get some time in to paint. Latest progress. Looking forward to seeing them in a match up Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I went through my army and got it all table standard. That's all that is needed. After that when I had time I have added highlights and bits and pieces if I could. Don't sweat it mate, the rule is usually there to stop people buying a filth list and doing the minimum to get it on the table. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. When I spoke to Jamie in store he saiid three colours for standard table top. From what I understood it was to show effort rather than people spraying one colour and that be it. I feel for you, I'm struggling and I only have ogres. Fyre slayers must be crazy hard Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Kind of reminds me of the thief Nov from dark souls 3. Same posture. Very cool looking models Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Takes 5 minutes at the absolute most. It's pretty much opposite. Just before St. Andrews is the Shakespeare building carpark which I find a lot easier to park in and is literally opposite the store. If anyone is not sure where it is I'm happy to meet up in the car park in the morning and lead the way, though no one should have too much difficulty finding it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. "Going up with the Duardin in the sky, going up and I'm getting pretty high, when I die and they lay me to rest, gonna find my bearded body in a nest" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I am still trying to find time to finish my army and get games in! Looking forward to meeting some local players Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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