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Everything posted by Requizen

  1. Just a couple pages back: Incantor - General, Thundershock (was trying this, might go for Stormcaller in the future) Relictor - Translocation Heraldor Azyros - Soulthief Liberators Liberators Liberators 10 Evos - Granstaff 5 Evos - Sword + Staff 9 Longstrikes 3 Aetherwings 10 Skinks 1990/2000 Thinking of maybe swapping the Azyros for something else, but there are plenty of times where you really need those Longstrikes to connect and he's invaluable even for 1 turn.
  2. Anyone considered bringing two Big Bosses? Doubling up on that CA could be quite powerful, though you'd need multiple Points to use it. Maybe bringing a Fungoid ally for the 4+ extra CP per turn?
  3. Those look amazing! But I'm actually short the weapons, not the bodies haha. I'm trying to figure out something that might work as an alternative to the Big Stabba itself.
  4. Anyone converted Big Stabbas? I want more than I'm just getting in the Boyz box, and I have bodies to spare.
  5. I think for chump warbands (or at least relatively chump like Godsworn), Last Chance and Rebound are a must-take. Especially against Mollog/Magores meta, where everyone is trying to pop something on Turn 1.
  6. I found Mollog to be really close. I only won the second game in our Bo3 due to holding one Objective to his 0 on tiebreakers. I think Thorns have one of the better matchups into him, since they have mobility and solid defense dice, but Mollog still usually got multiple Glory on T1 just due to being able to set up close and walk up to kill something immediately. Magore's is quite difficult since they have so many things that can just punk Ghosties early and are going to drive Thorns into a corner. Supremacy/OOWO is really hard to get off against them (or Orruks I suppose). Bag of Tricks feels like a trap card. There's only 12 Activations per player and giving one up to dig for something can sometimes be useful, but useful enough to give up a slot in the deck for? There's no one Power card that I've built around that is that necessary.
  7. tbh while it's not Chaos, I think you could easily use the Tyranid line in AoS. They're aliens, sure, but there does exist a void between realms and fluffing them as a faceless void race that falls on the realms to feed could easily work in the psychedelic fantasy that is AoS. The Tyrannocite/Sporocyst box is already a terrain piece for AoS2 rules!
  8. I wonder if at that point you don't just go triple Templar for Drakesworn Temple. Have to lose the Skinks, but then you get the extra Artifact and general amusement.
  9. Dracoth Battleline is what I ask for every survey haha.
  10. Derp, you're right on the artifacts. Probably not worth it then for the Battalion. I think pretty much everything Extremis is too expensive atm, sucks that they really were pushing Sacrosanct in GHB2018. Templar going down was nice, but it still feels way too much for what it does in the army. Maybe you could bring 2 in a mixed Order list, however.
  11. I think you're a bit too low on model count and countercharge threat. If something big and nasty like a Terrorgheist gets into your lines, you're in for a bad time. Maybe find a way to bulk the 10 Sequitors to 20? I would consider putting the Dracovators into one unit, they're much easier to buff and hit with that way. You lose a bit of splitting up power, but the potential gain in smash damage is quite noteworthy. Phalanx isn't worth it in this setup, imo, it's much better when you have big units of Evos and/or Sequitors being buddy buddy together. More Stardrakes!
  12. Yeah, I really did. There are some matchups where getting Everhanged and Headless Chainrasp inspired for Cleave is super easy, but a lot of times they're either charging uninspired or are dead. I think I may swap it out in the future, depending on what I can find to change for it. Dark Darts is a nice option, though, and can make Keep Them Guessing a bit easier to score. I think I might swap it out for Potion of Rage now that you say that, it's a fairly solid choice that meshes with the deck.
  13. So one of the thoughts related to the current meta: There's a lot of lists out there that are running double big monsters, which works quite well since one big monster or unit (like a singular Stardrake) can get out of position or split up by opponents flanking. Two monsters can threaten a large portion of the board and force your opponent to split up and react. So here's a stupid army: Drakesworn Templar - General, Staunch, Ignax, Keen Clawed Drakesworn Templar - Ethereal Amulet, Keen Clawed Incantor - Azyrite Halo Incantor - Azyrite Halo Liberators Liberators Liberators Judicators Judicators Thunderhead Brotherhood 1980/2000 Now, I haven't tested it and it for sure isn't optimized, but I think the idea of a double Templar build might actually be worth considering. They're very much not as good as the Lord Celestant versions, but they are cheaper so fitting two isn't that big of a deal. The Battalion is nothing special, but it is a relatively cheap way to get the second artifact on the Stardrakes considering it only needs 2 extra Battlelines. Could probably swap one Incantor for a Castellant or Heraldor, but either way. Now, Templars aren't the most killy things in the game, but they are pretty stalwart (especially if you can chuck Mystic Shield on one of them) and the Rain of Stars can be quite powerful. The main downside is bodies - most of the double monster lists are in armies where those monsters can be supplemented by cheap, replenishable bodies (Death, Seraphon, etc). A version of this that drops the Battalion and Judis but takes 20 Sequitors could be pretty nice as well, but then you lose one Artifact which is pretty harsh.
  14. Oh hey that 3rd place deck is mine. It worked really well, the Objective Deck is designed to not really encourage one style of play and it makes the deck super hard to shut down, so even if I can't score some of them I can score the rest. And with Varclav and Queenie both being able to rack up extra Glory with those Upgrades, it does super well against chump decks.
  15. Aetherwings are MVPs always. Stop a Gristlegore Terrorgheist one time and tell me that's not worth 50 points every game.
  16. That's a really solid pick, allows the 5 man Libs to spread out while having a nice central brick.
  17. My impression from the ACon panel was that you would be able to use those 9 non-Chaos factions right off the bat, meaning they wouldn't be new sculpts. But they were purposefully vague.
  18. It's a good start, but some notes: Azyros might be a bit greedy. Multiple Ballistas already rinse most units or Heroes, reroll 1s is probably overkill even when you get it in play. Judicators are unnecessary considering how much shooting you already have. I'd rather have more bodies - 2 units of Skinks is cheaper, double the wounds, and covers a huge amount of ground and objectives, which you need. Much like the Azyros, the Comet is probably overkill. Between Stardrake dropping stars and charging, and the Ballistas blasting things away, you don't need another 100 points of ranged damage. Dropping the Comet, Azyros, and Judis frees up 360 points. I'd want more bodies - either Allied Skinks like I said, or beefing up the Lib units to go hold objectives and block off space. Especially once the Stardrake gets out of range, having a 10-15 man Libby unit can be a good target for the Castellant and make a backfield holder. I like the idea, though!
  19. Ah, Double Incantor is a great idea for sure, I could easily see that working well. Honestly the Gryph Hound loss is mostly fine. The main loss is that I don't have a throwaway model to just sit 9" from my back corner and block off, his actual barking to shoot ability never went off anyways. Skinks can cover more than enough ground and are also really good for blocking charges, and tbh Libs are so useless in combat that I often just throw them into the backfield to do the same job of covering drops. I'd like to have that extra body for free, but it's not been the end of the world.
  20. Build was the one I've been using for a while: Incantor - General, Thundershock (was trying this, might go for Stormcaller in the future) Relictor - Translocation Heraldor Azyros - Soulthief Liberators Liberators Liberators 10 Evos - Granstaff 5 Evos - Sword + Staff 9 Longstrikes 3 Aetherwings 10 Skinks 1990/2000 @Diabo Vexillor isn't a bad idea, but honestly I just hug the Relictor to the Longstrikes all game so I can get the teleport off. The Heraldor buddies around with the 10 man Evo unit and gives them a lot of extra mobility, especially if you skip Hero Phase shooting for a turn and give them auto-6" run. The other main downside of the Vex is that if you drop a unit 9" away and fail that charge (which you do most times), it just gets countercharged and Evos aren't exactly the toughest units in the game. @PJetski At first I would have agreed, but even 5 Evos are absolutely brutal for 200 points. They easily punch above their weight class, helping kill an Etheral VLoZD, chunking down a Thundertusk, and chewing through hordes of bodies as if it was their job. The 10 man is obviously better, but the smaller unit pulled its weight every game except the last one, in which they got charged T1 by a Terrorgheist that rolled three 6s on the Maw to instagib them. And even then they were a distraction piece that let the 10 man unit get up and punk the AGoTG right after. I would heavily consider swapping them, but I'm not sure what else I could get for those points that would do the same amount of work. I was considering Palladors - not that they do the same amount of damage, but they bring a lot of mobility to the army and can help as "troubleshooters". 6 Prosecutors could also be helpful, especially a fighty melee unit that can drop down and reliably get in a 3d6" charge to threaten backfields without needing Gav or whatever. There's the potential to drop both units and take a 6 man unit of Dracovators, but that's way less MWs, which is what saves me most games. No one wants to charge into my lines knowing I can potentially bump out 30 MWs in a turn if I my dice go completely off. Overall the list feels really solid as long as you know what to sacrifice and when. Sometimes I'll just pitch away my Incantor knowing she's going to die, but getting to smash Vials and force awkward pile ins can be the difference between victory and defeat.
  21. Yep! 9 Longstrikes 10+5 Evos etc. It's verybsolid multi threat, the main issue I had was mobility. So many armies now can teleport, summon, move fast, etc that I was pinned in many of my games unless I used Scions, which people are starting to zone out against. Haven't tried Stardrake + Ballista, seems like the points would be a bit funky. What setup were you thinking?
  22. Ah man I can't wait. ~9 hours and I'll be sitting in that hall again
  23. I honestly think we'll see multiple shown off. 2-3 covers, maybe a couple Endless Spell models. They had a great thing going with 40k showing off 3 Codices every other month, they could easily adopt that style and crank out Battletomes.
  24. The only thing making me doubt the mixed tome is that they're listed as separate on the Faction page. This could be just them not updating it until it becomes official, but I doubt it. I think we'll get separate Tomes for sure, with maybe a mixed one thrown in down the line, or some sort of mixed Duardin Battalion in each Tome.
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