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Everything posted by Kosmion

  1. Im not gonna beat a dead horse here but..SC and khorne again.. not surprised tho and i cant really blame GW. The box art looks really oldschool and cool i gotta say!
  2. I want it to be white lions but i doubt it.. probably space marine id say
  3. Aaaaaahhh!!! Fk yeah the hype is devouring me. But why not 20 skellies in a box...?
  4. true true. the blood bowl skaven team might also be an indication of whats to come in aos, very eshin-esque
  5. BLESSED BE THE HORNED ONE!! but im actually having a hard time figuring out what the skaven army actually needs. my bet is on shadespire
  6. since the start collecting skeleton horde is still there, it seems likely they will be repacked, and not removed right?? (please god no) this suits me perfectly as I'm just about to start a death rattle army!
  7. if you can (from the model´s head perspective) see either the torso or the head of the target, then its in LOS. the simplest and most logical way imo. but GW should clarify these kinds of questions in GHB2, this is a question one shouldnt have to ask about, feels pretty basic like it should be clearly written
  8. GW adding those TK units to the GA:death tells me they want to make them somewhat relevant again. if you look at the sculpts of some of them, they still look amazing, and completely on pair with even the latest releases: necro/warsphinx, necropolis. Screaming skull catapult is a wierd addition tho, since the model looks like a bad joke. Settra is basically a finnancial treasure waiting to be exploited by GW. The model is old ofc, but they can easely make a new updated version of him, and essentially add a new "god" for Death. Or he becomes one of Nagash´s underlings tho quite unlikely since he doesnt kneel and stuff but yeah.. Tomb Kings as we knew them will never be back (probably), just like most other races just arent the same as in WHFB. But the concept of undead egyptians still sells, and death just happens to be in quite a need of some sort of expansion. Plus the demand of well TK is still here, alot of people want them back or remade. I honestly think the signs are too clear to ignore, something for death is in the making, and i pray its atleast 1% reminiscent of what TK was
  9. the artwork for this game plus the addition of TK units in GHB2 seem to point to something... or maybe its just me being overly hopeful
  10. I'm about to lose it...the hype is too much. those TK/oriental-looking skeletons...yes..pleeeease just please
  11. The creature and the skintone of the arm look both very dark elfy and slaaneshi. So yeah, my bet is around there somewhere
  12. i think since Stormcast is GWs flagship for AoS and Khorne playing the counterpart as arch enemy, this is very fair. not surprised at all since SC just got an updated one, so naturally, Khorne gets one as well
  13. Araby basically. Thats all i ever want, mix of arab/persian humans (or some other suiting race would work) with elephants, jihns, flying carpets the whole shebang.
  14. Yay more stormcast and khorne..but im really hopeful for this summer! Im pretty certain some form of Aelf will be released. Something new for Death wouldnt hurt either
  15. Not a huge fan tbh, but theyll make for some fine skryre conversions atleast?
  16. Okok.. thats enough about slaanesh i agree. Now, what about the only race that we all know even truly matters. The one that stands tall and proud above all other pitiful, lowly beings. The most epic and grand, whose eternal light will bask us all in its undeniable glory and coolness upon its mighty release-yay: I speak ofc of the HIGHBORN AELVES what do u guys think we will see? Personally, I just want updates spearmen to be pleased haha
  17. i sicerely hope they don't drop the current darkling covenant models, the warriors and black guard kits still look amazing imo. and please, not another sylvaneth, can't we just have some regular ****** elves?
  18. Kosmion


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