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Mr. White

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Posts posted by Mr. White

  1. 12 minutes ago, divineauthority said:


    There's definitely a moonclan warband coming mid Octoberish, a week or two after the new set. 7 moonclan grots (with mushrooms on them of course) and 2 squigs. This Troggoth isn't with them though...

    Is this a warband of 9 models for Underworlds or AoS?

    Either way, we now know Nighthaunt, Sacrosant, and Moonclan are in NightVault. Anyone wanna take bets on Darkoath? ;)

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Gdead909 said:

    Hey guys,

    Where has everyone said their court is from for realm artefacts? Is everyone going for the reslm of light for the CP artefact. Maybe the realm of fire for the ignax scales?

    Realm of Metal!

    That's where my army is based out of in the fluff. Not sure what it means for realm artefacts....haven't looked into that. :/


    • Like 4
  3. On 8/21/2018 at 8:33 AM, Fluttershy said:

    like Honks list


    thinking ghoul patrol could be an option, too ;)



    head start with 2x artefacts, 2x CP, 2x Varghulf and 3d6 ghoul unit reinforcement (every turn).

    sure, ghoul units are weak till they reach 20, but your opponent will probably fixate on killing the 3 couriters and the dragon, so your ghoul units should rise above 20 ;)



    I'm new to 1K points, so trying to follow along...

    How does the above list have 2x artefacts? It looks like it has none.

    Also, how does it have an extra command point?

    Finally with the 2 varghulfs and the ghast...isn't it actually 3x 6 (18 total) dice every turn and not 3d6?


    • Like 1
  4. Rumor!

    I always heard the Bretonnian range was a bone thrown to the Perry twins to scratch their historical interest itch. The line gave them an opportunity to sculpt more traditional knights and men-at-arms and such. It seems it was less a line GW wanted and more a clause to appease their talent, near as I can tell.

    There were some sweet models in that range, but the rumor made sense. I'm not surprised it ultimately went away....and I say this as a guy who had a Bret army. Then again, I'm cool with the current direction of fantasy warhammer and would rather see GW continue to develop more new rather than revisit old...

    • Like 7
  5. Out of curiosity...let's say there are more waves of Sylvaneth. Would that mean a new Battletome? Same with Deepkin. If some new units came out, would there be a new Battletome? So soon?

    I guess my perception of that logistic obstacle is why I've been ok with some armies lagging in the Battletome release schedule. I mean, I guess GW could throw a BT out there, but why if they know at some point they want to refresh/update the line?

  6. I would like to see the beastmen joined in with Darkoath. Both tribal barbarians living in the shadow of Chaos.

    All GW needs to do is create a few Darkoath units, fold in the existing Bray/Warherd units, then they have a new, decently sized faction, without having to devote large amounts of resources to a full new line like Deepkin.

    Seems the smart way to go.

    • Like 5
  7. 6 hours ago, Kaptain Murder said:

    For really fun, casual decks - Consider using just the "faction only" cards out of each expansion and maybe adding a couple here or there. They are definitely not the best decks out there, but will give you a great casual/almost-mid-range game that plays into their spirit. I especially like doing this with my Ironjawz, Slayers and Farstriders. It also really makes you strategize your play more than just drawing teh cards you need, which will help you immensely in the long run. Good luck!

    I've had recent success, and fun, introducing new players to the game using the decks posted by @Mortarch_of_Night.  However, i do like the idea of running more faction unique and specific decks. I posted some ideas here:

    @Kaptain Murder  Do you have a formula or procedure you follow in adding a few neutrals about?

  8. Just finished 1K of FEC.


    It looks like:




    ghast courtier

    10 ghouls

    10 ghouls

    3 horrors

    I'm going to be playing with a bunch of guys that are pretty experienced, whereas AoS is still new to me. I'll eventually learn my list and future options, but to hit the ground running and give my opponent a decent game, does anyone have any tips on how to run this list as is? Thanks!

  9. I have to say...I'm a bit skeptical about this 'left out by mistake' explanation also. I mean, if that's the case, then AoS 2 would have surely been an opportune time to bring them back. The molds and models are there...all they need is a Battletome. It's as simple as a the FEC battletome. A little tweaked fluff...some warscrolls...boom new Death army and players are happy everywhere.

    So, giving this story the benefit of the doubt during the AoS 1e initial release, doesn't make sense when there's been a new opportunity with a new edition.

    • Like 5
  10. Here's a rumor from over in the Shadespire area.

    Apparently, the new Nighthaunt battletome mentions a 'Briar Queen'. From reddit:

    "The Briar Queen - nemesis of the cursed city of Shadespire - is unleashed by Nagash to menace other lands. She is tasked with claiming certain souls that have cheated Nagash. With the aid of her spectral army - the Thorns of the Briar Queen - she visits each of the Mortal Realms, always bringing back her target's soul. Between missions the Briar Queen returns to Shadespire, for her need for vengeance there remains unsatisfied."

    Perhaps, in the Shadespire wave/season 2  we see this Nighthaunt character leading the Nighthaunt warband?

    • Like 3
  11. Yeah... the aelf situation is the only misfire in AoS, imo. Aelves should have been split amongst all four grand alliances for variety.

    Sylvaneth - aelves that want to maintain the cycle of life - Order

    Deepkin - aelves pillaging and taking what isn't theres - Destruction

    Daughters - aelves worshipping Khaine - Chaos

    [new faction] - aelves that, though they live long, are jealous of the soulblight. they want immortal life as well and are the new stewards of the power of shadeglass. Now being immortal they need undying servants as well...maybe an army of shadeglass constructs powered by the souls trapped in the shadeglass of shadespire - Death

    (i know Order doesn't mean 'good', but the current aelf alliance situation seems more based on racial identity rather than their ideologies in the fluff.)

    • Like 2
  12. On 5/25/2018 at 12:56 PM, Mortarch_of_Night said:

    Finally completed all 8 decks out of the entire pool of cards. We scoured through the Let's Chat threads (some great advice) and looked at other decks and these seem fairly balanced, which was the main objective. The true test comes after a few games!

    Feedback would be great, whether you still think some warbands are over or under-powered, or that some cards belong better with a different band...or even that we left some great cards in the reject pile:

     Steelheart's Champions

    Garrek's Reavers

    Ironskull's Boyz

    Sepulchral Guard

    Spiteclaw's Swarm

    The Chosen Axes

    The Farstriders

    Magore's Fiends

    So, there's no overlap with these decks?

    I'm also wanting to build some casual decks to introduce the game with. Heck, I might just keep the game at 'casual play' level.

  13. 3 hours ago, Swooper said:

    The more I think about it, the more convinced I become that the Mistweaver was an early concept for the Idoneth Deepkin. She was released with ST as a teaser, but they ended up going in a different direction with the faction and couldn't really include her any more so she's forever left without a faction.


    I'd be happy to be wrong on this, but it's my current personal theory.

    i can see that.

    her helmet looks very similar to the turtle drummer and as a whole she looks like she sort of matches up with some of the characters.

    Plus, 'mistweaving' seems pretty close to some sort of mystical water-type conjuring.

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