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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. I recently got a Malakai Makaison. He's going to be my Volley gun on an Ironclad 😍
  2. I can imagine it. Core Book: 32,50 Warbans 2x 40 Terrain sets: 70-80 Total: 182,50-192,50 And then all the extra markers etc. So in their minds it's a 30-40 euro discount. But it's so expensive. On a side note. Although its not a lot of big terrain pieces. It's a surprising amount: 2 big walls, the stair/altar, 4 wooden bridges, 2 metal bridges, 10 doors/arches, 5 spiked walls, 10 scatter terrain pieces. It does lack height in terrain, although you could argue that the lava adds height in the board.
  3. I don't think thats true at all. Not to mention that the Dutch language incorporates a lot of english. Wikipedia seems to agree with me, but that's not always the most reliable source.But I can't find any source that list more words for english than dutch
  4. That eye in the disk! 😍 the whole model looks amazing. So good!
  5. That was my second thought as well. But stormcast have a weird ‘blocky’ style. And just couldn’t find that either. I ended up with the back end of an axe handle from the hunter champion. So it’s the same style, has a bit of flourish to it and fits in size. Haha thought about adding a blade or axe but he started looking like an anime character. and yes that search required a beer for motivation. I did end up cleaning over 40 sprues, so it was a nice space saver as well. No to reorder the bits box.
  6. Well I cut down this amount of sprues times two to find a counter weight on the aquilor’s axe .... Found nothing yet 😅
  7. I would sign up for that in a heartbeat. But I’m expecting between 130-150 euros. no knowledge to back that up, just gut feeling. Previous box sold out fast. Last two starter boxes are 125 and 130 . For AoS and 40k respectively. And while you get less plastic soldiers, you do get some plastic terrain. But hopefully I’m just a bit jaded by the last few releases and it will be a sunnier affair than that 😅
  8. Getting my build on... New longstrike champion. next one will have the bird on a branch and then I’m outta ideas where to put it 😂 Lord aquilor, need to find something to balance that axe out. A mace head or something on the end of the handle. and arcanum on soon to be (black) panther. and yes if your stormhost is famous for their decimators you get an axe. You get an axe. Everybody gets an axe!
  9. So I go at it with your point of view. I’m going to be very dissatisfied when I find out that the core rules don’t include the warbands I want to play. Despite them being advertised on the homepage of the game as playable. my problem isn’t the books themselves. It’s the set-up where I buy into an incomplete game. after trying that I have to make the choice of investing more if I like it. Or worse if I want things like permanent injuries, full warband roster I need to make a bigger investment to experience the complete game. in the end the problem isn’t the books so much as the communication and spreading all the rules over different publications. I have no issue with monster and mercenaries as it’s super clear it’s an add on expansion. No issues there.
  10. Yeah and I don't understand your line of thinking. So we're probably won't get on the same page . But let me try to phrase it in a different way. You see it as going easy by not including additional rules. I genuinely don't know what the additional rules are looking from the outside in. So to me it feels going incomplete, as I can't make that call without the first purchases. Where is the line between core rules and expansions? I have several Order armies that I would love to play in Warcry. So that makes the GA Order book a core rule right? So again, i'm two books in before I can play what I assume is the core game. If I also want to be able to play my order factions against the Orcs I collected over the past 6 months especially for Warcry... I need one more book. Or the interpretation is that the GA books are already an expansion project and only the warcry chaos warbands are available in the core of the game. If so that feels very incomplete to me for a game that has Order, Destruction and Death as options to play as well on it's homepage. On a semi-sidenote question: Isn't it the case, that to play the campaigns with the injury system you need the tome of champions? Because that would be one more thing that I want from the start. I can't imagine playing any campaign twice so I would like the full experience in that from the start as well. But again, I simply don't know that unless i'm conscious enough of the core rules not including everything to research it ahead of time. Sharing the books is a good idea though 👍
  11. Might be the case. But that’s not how it looks from the outside to me. so I do get that way of thinking. But I’m looking at a skirmish game in which I can use the models from my armies. So friends come over, don’t have time for a full game, grab a skirmish game. That’s how it looks from the outside. Then I look into what I need. So I need a core Rulebook, terrain set, card pack per army. If I want the full experience with challenge battles, campaign rules for those factions, monster and mercenary rules if I want to play together vs a big beast. etc I need a lot more. now the GA books replacing the card packs going to depend on price. Because it saves me the tome of champions and the card packs, I hope. So that can be a good change if you have a lot of armies and are just now jumping in like me. On the other hand, it’s hard to imagine it’s going to be cheaper. I have armies I’d like to play across three different GA’s. But that’s super situational, I agree with that. so from my perspective, and I’m usually the person hosting so I want to offer the full experience, I need quite a bit. you can tell me that, for example, I don’t need terrain cards/sets and just set up a table and skip that step. And you’re probably right, if you say so. But I don’t know that until I play it. Same for mercenaries, champions and anything else you argue that you don’t need. I don’t know that until I try it. so to me, and I realise that I’m the kind of guy that wants the full experience, The rules I want feel fragmented and DLC like. Buy super smash bros, but you get that greyed out character that you actually wanted to play as a kid, so you need to pay an extra 20% of the full price per extra character. But a lot is down to communication. Monsters and mercenaries is clearly an expansion to me. So I don’t mind getting that later. The other things feel like I need them for the full experience. same with necromunda. The one 40k game that tempted me into getting into a 40k game.
  12. Let’s hope so. And I understand that it takes time to complete the quests. but it does limit, depending on the price, easy acces to a variety of war that I can have at home for friends to play. if the books are about the price of two or three card packs it’s fine for me. but even if they replace the time of champions you’re still 2 to 6 books deep when you start the game and that allows you acces to 1/4 of the roster. but it is the next chapter in a constantly expanding book of GW making it more and more expensive to get the full experience of their games. and when it is models that get more expensive it’s one thing. When it’s the rules it starts to feel like a videogame with DLC on release day. A bit of a money grab. and as a final note, to me it seems weird to make the ‘get into the hobby’ game that initial investment heavy.
  13. Couldn’t help myself. Added one more detail... playing skaven soon
  14. Pictures or it didn’t happen of course. yeah the mawtribes book is 100% the best book GW did. Of course very subjective. hmm it’s a good question between speed or better save.
  15. Surprisingly you cans play the game pretty well when you take one of everything And then start adding the things that work well just for the game. Because it’s sadly a game which rewards the player going all in on one theme and not spreading it around.
  16. What are people’s thoughts on the Warcry books? seems a bit harsh to charge a book per GA. Although it would be a nice pick up for new players like me. although it also would mean 3 GA books, time of champions, and core book if I want to be able to play my aos armies. That’s a bit much.
  17. Congrats! Now pull your pants back up, unstick those pages and start sniffing glue while building!
  18. Sons of Mallus. I bought a cheap bundle of stormcast because I wanted to try painting black armour and their backstory fitted the best. The Birds and Gryph-houds are quite bright just to have some contrast in the army. Now building towards a Vanguard wing army as I like those models the most, and it's a nice tricky 2k list now. Thanks! it was a great experiment to paint that bright. Won't be doing it soon again 😅
  19. I want to give them a once over for clean up, basing and eyes. But otherwise I finally finished my September goal. with more anti COVID rules being put in place I’m likely to get some more time to paint next month. so my goal for this month is convert and prepare everything to get to 2K. So I can paint them in November. that’s: 3 longstrikes, 3 aether wings, 3 palladors and the lord aquilor.
  20. Congratulations they look amazing and 1K is quite a milestone! Well done. how are they to build. They look quite fiddley
  21. I build up multiple 1K armies. And if I like them for playing too. I build them to first 1,5K. And if ever, then to 2K. I prefer 1,5 anyway. And it’s usually a nice spot for one of every cool unit in a faction. And not many 30+ model units with my stormcast in past 2k, unpainted though, as it’s a big range with lot of cool models and cheap ways to collect them
  22. Im personally the biggest fan of units of 10 leadbelchers do I would choose the 6 extra leadbelchers and make it a unit of 10. Lowers your drop a bit as well. Although even with 4 drops you won’t get to decide most of the time. im curious to see if you would get the tyrant to do work. I haven’t been able to. So I would drop him and up the gluttons. but again I would rather hear how you have made him work 😅 what mission and opponent will you be playing? It’s a nice experiment. Love that a year later players are still experimenting with this book. Such a good book 💪
  23. Having pre-ordered from GW anything from a day earlier to a week late 😅 but I’m from the Netherlands, so Shipping would be different.
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