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Darth Alec

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Everything posted by Darth Alec

  1. I'm well aware of GW's production cycle. Duncan said we'd see it in about two months. They haven't dropped any really huge releases straight before christmas since forever. Everchosen is the first substantial christmas-season release I can remember. Strategically, it's probably the biggest sort of release the end of the year will support. Doesn't mean it won't be the Lord of Change/Tzeench Arcanites. I just figure that we'll get that in October/Early November by the latest.
  2. Could be anything, really. 2 months would be November. Didn't we get Everchosen around then? Might be we get a smaller release as a year-ender.
  3. Definitely. Model is done now (been ill a week). So check back in a bit for the finished thing!
  4. Featuring basecoat and advanced WIP! Finally started this model. When I started back in the day , she was one of the real beauties of the Tomb Kings faction. The sort of model you didn't buy, but wish you were good enough to justify doing so. I feel like I'm there now. Trying a new marble technique on the face and body, so that's exciting. It's the marble guide from Duncan over at Warhammer TV, but it should be really good. The basecoat shows the major elements; bandages, marble, metal, cape and skull. It's not a complex model, but the pose is excellent and very evocative. I made the base very simple, as I didn't want it to detract from the elegance of the model. So this is a fairly advanced WIP. Spent a few hours on it. Cape is largely done, as is the bandages. The bandages look very plain right now, but there's a brilliant detail that will help with that. Along the arms and one leg, there's snakes crawling. I intend to paint them as various Asps, which will break up the monotonous colours of the bandaging. The metal I think is done, might add another highlight though. The marbling is only 40% done, so a bit of work left there. The staff I will need to do some research on. I am hoping to get a reasonably accurate egyptian staff look, transitioning smoothly into an asp at the top. Will also add a green sheen to the left hand, as it's described as filled with snake venom in the fluff.
  5. Finally finished my first part of the project. It's been a long time, unfortunately. For almost the entire month of August, I've been too ill to really paint anything. That left these three sitting around not getting finished. But now they're done! They are the first of 4 identical units. Due to a brilliant deal, I now have more than enough chariots to build a full Royal Legion of Chariots. This is the long term plan (think years). In the shorter term, I plan on adding another unit of chariots. This would give me three battleline units. Two chariots which are fast and tanky, and a unit of skeleton warriors. Nothing exceptional, but flexible and great objective sitters. Each unit is of course built out of a mix of TK and other bits. Black knight horses are the big change. Then there's regular VC skeletons, which have a much better scale, poseability and overall look. Add in a thing from the Sphinx set as the banner, bows from the TK skeleton set, a trumpet from the High Elf spearmen and you've got a something going. It's not a great photo, and obviously the bases aren't done. I'm going to make a six-base set with a unified pattern, I just need to plan it out a bit. Should look great once done though. The chariots can both shoot and use spears, so I wanted an archer in the unit. You can see his quiver over the shoulder of the hornblower. The hornblower is using a horn from the high elf spearmen kit. The long ornate horns in the skeleton kits are too much, and would never have been used by a charioteer. I figured a simple horn that could be placed away before combat would be the best. He's holding onto the chariot for stability. I feel that it's important to use the "props" on a model to convey a sense of place. He could be posed a little better, but he belongs in that chariot! This is the champion. He isn't here to be cautious. He's here to chew gum and charge fools, and he's all out of gum. Or something. You can see the bow resting in the quiver on the left there. Since both crewmembers are wielding spears, I wanted to make it clear that they could grab a bow if they wanted to. The symbol on the front is a lot worse that I remember it being. Oops. Might go back to that eventually. Last up is the banner. I couldn't find a cloth banner I was digging, so I found this tail piece instead. I figure that nobody will protest it. I needed to give one of these guys a whip, so it ended up here. He's leaning forward whipping the hide off the bones of his horses, to little effect. Habits are hard to break, I guess. The archer in the back is just holding on, trying not to fall out. Used the GW gem paints on the banner, which gives a decent enough effect. Nothing spectacular. When you're tired of the model and just want to finish though, it's a godsend! That's it for phase 1! I'll write up a new post when I decide on phase 2. Trying to make these blog posts more interesting, so please shout out if there's anything you'd like to see more of, hear more about, or any praise or critiscism (of writing or painting!).
  6. Most likely we'll see a "proper" White Dwarf model. But these things have lead times of years. It's likely that the change to the magazine happened much faster than they could get someone to sculpt a new model. And it's possible that they aren't interested in making a plastic model anyways, since there's little chance of it selling very well. So repacking the next best model was their best option. Though I feel a repackaged Belegar modeled without the backbanner would have been nicer.
  7. Lovely to see this plog making the leap. The Prince looks great. You could check out the Slaanesh Everchosen formation, if gaming is of any interest. 6 units of 6 (or multiples of 6) Mortal Slaanesh gains some nice bonuses.
  8. Already in talks with a guy about filling the last holes in my collection. Don't tempt me any further!
  9. Hey guys! Time for my next major project; Operation Clear the Backlog. Anyone who's been following me on twitter knows that I've been buying a ludicrous amounts of models. It's silly. But when you're offered Tomb Kings models for half of retail, you take the offer. Normally TK stuff runs for more than retail on Ebay, and the supply isn't going to grow anytime soon. So I've picked up a lot of stuff. I feel bad letting it lie around though. These are toys, after all. So I decided to start finished stuff, rather than just buying new. I'll be splitting the project into chunks that are more manageble and motivating. There's a few WIP already, so some things might go really fast and others may take forever. And here's phase 1: One Tomb Herald, one Wight Kings with Infernal Banner, 10 skeleton spearmen and two chariots. As I mentioned, there's a few WIP's here already. The Tomb Herald was one of them. So I've finished him up pretty fast. Not a great job, but I'm aiming to finish things here. Love this model though. It's got a lot of character. Next up is the "Wight King" with Infernal standard. It's a really old Vampire model. I've been looking for it for a long time, and finally bought it a year ago. It wasn't quite what I expected though. I struggled a lot with how to paint it according to my colour scheme. Pleased with the result. The banner is probably my best one so far, which isn't saying much. Trying to get better though. Until next time, adios!
  10. Nothing new, as far as my FLGS has heard. They're just reorganizing the paint/hobby supplies stuff. New sales rack is coming to retailers that can hold tons more paint (including all the air and other new stuff). Direct only paints are going back into stores. Could be wrong though, but that's what I heard.
  11. So I picked these beauties up from the printer today. 8 months of work, bound and covered. It's strange, but very satisfying. Hope you guys check out the battletome. It's got everything you could want from the world that was. Except ogres. Because they got nothing
  12. Both yes and no. It was a fair bit of reposing on the feet. Nothing really complex, but it required a bit of cutting off toes and such. And the front legs needed to be lengthened quite a bit. Hence the leg armour. I've done a lot of stuff like this though, so it wasn't so hard. Just had to be careful and have a reasonable idea of what the final result was going to be.
  13. I'm skipping the introduction for now. Many of you may know me already. If not, I'm a Norwegian guy, I wrote the Battletome: The End Times and I'm a mod right here on TGA! First up on the block are my 10 skeletons. Nothing impressive, really. It's the start of a 40-bone unit, so I wanted it to be quick and efficient. Bases aren't done, but otherwise I'm calling them finished for now. Next up is a WIP. Neferata, the Mortarch of Blood! I'm going to add all three to my army eventually, so I needed them to have unique poses. I've tried to capture a regal cat-like pose. She used to have a cat back before the world blew up, so I thought it fitting. Quite pleased with this one. Going to paint each monster differently as well. She'll get a pale marble monster, which I hope will make her feel even more aristocratic. That's it for my first post. Nothing much, but I've got so much in the works. Can't be sitting around writing blog posts all day!
  14. They've never done that, have they? It's not like any terrain has been reboxed. So making terrain rules payed would be very un-AoS-like. I hope they don't, even if I intend to buy the book.
  15. Can confirm that it is in fact on page 87 of All Gates. So it's most likely fake.
  16. The real question is, is the art new? If it is, it may very well be legit. If the art is old, it's possibly fake.
  17. On the 1, no doubt. All the GW dice are that way.
  18. I assume formations will ignore the "core" tax. So if you use a Thunderbeast Warhost or similar, you can go all-monster.
  19. Nice to hear from someone who has some experience with it. Do your opponents focus fire on it? I feel like it could slip under the radar for the most part, next to our Mortarchs, Dragons or Blood Knights.
  20. I love the model, and I'm going to build one. But I keep hearing how useless it is. Is that just in comparison to the Coven Throne? I see casting support, screech support and a possible damage bomb rolled into one package. Has anyone tried it? Fought it? I'd love to hear some opinions.
  21. Steamhead Duardin are still on for end of summer/early fall? Awesome! Can't wait for that.
  22. That list looks mighty suspicious shane. I don't think this much salt is healthy for me. It's already missed a few beats.
  23. Either way, we'll see soon enough. I feel like this is 100% Sylvaneth, rather than Wood Elves sneaking in through the back door.
  24. I don't think these sets are meant specifically for guys like you or me @hobgoblinclub It's more for the newbies/kiddies who want and need cheaper boxes that they can start playing right away. Even the Start Collecting! boxes are fairly pricey and difficult to put together. Something even cheaper, or same price + stuff, would go over really well I think.
  25. Steamheads for late this year? Wooo! Still think that's a terrible faction name. But the quality of all the recent releases has me hopeful!
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