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Everything posted by Tittliewinks22

  1. Been toying with this list a bit: Barak-Zon - [101 wounds, 3 drops, 1 CP] Endrinmaster w/ Dirigible suit (220) [General, Zon relic/trait] Navigator (100) [Flare pistol] 10 Thunderers (240) [4 Rifle, 1 Fumigator, 2 Decksweeper, 2 Cannon, 1 Mortar] 6 Skywarden (200) [all spear/pistol] 6 Skywarden (200) [all spear/pistol] 6 Skywarden (200) [all spear/pistol] Gunhauler (150) [Drill Cannon, Collapsible Compartments] Gunhauler (150) [Drill Cannon] Gunhauler (150) [Drill Cannon] Frigate (250) [Sky Cannon, Skymines] Escort Wing (140)
  2. When you say lower drops, do you mean because its one boat vs 2?
  3. These arguments are always the same. Some people only value this game in a competitive capacity and cannot see the enjoyment of having sub optimal lists. While other's cannot see the value in a highly competitive setting. There is more than one way to play this game, as a member of a non-competitive playgroup, everyone seems to really enjoy these types of books. Both KO and Gloomspite books are rated as the top flavorful/fun to play. Yet neither are considered "top tier." People need to realize that not everyone agrees with their vision for the game, and the best thing you can do is join a group or club of players that share the vision, you will have a more enjoyable time with it. I would advise people to give up hope on trying to convince a competitive player that there are other aspects to the game, likewise, competitive players should probably give up hope on perfect "balance." /2c
  4. Could you give a tutorial on your bases? I've been working on water bases for another army and none of them look the way I want.
  5. I'm leaning on something like this: Endrinmaster w/ balloon Navigator Khemist 20 arkanauts with specials Ironclad 10 thunderers (1mortar/fume, 2deck/cannon) Gunhauler w/ 5 man transport 5 thunderers w/ rifles 6 skywardens 3 endrinriggers with guns 3 endrinriggers with guns If I mathed correctly that should be 2k It is an 11 drop list, but my group is generally pretty casual and not many people take batallions.
  6. It's not really doubling, it's +1a. Almost every army in the game has buffs to give units +1 attack to melee weapons. I think the shooty heavy army should have a comparable buff.
  7. Skaven received Warplighting/Plage Claw, Doomwheel, and Screaming bell/Censer all came out with release of the 8th edition army book in ~2011ish. Seraphon received Skink Starseer, Skink Priest, Carnasaur/Troglodon, the Terradactyls in 2012 with thier 8th edition release. Skaven got the Verminlord, Thanquol, and Stormfeinds with the End Times release in 2013.
  8. Basically a reimagining of the Ogre Kingdom Army Book. I want a hellheart equivalent.
  9. The ships don't have the firepower to justify their points. They don't have the survivability to justify their points. I think GW rules writers really overcosted the concept of a transport in AoS. Even then it's not great to leave guys embarked because they virtually don't exsist while onboard a ship...
  10. Without comparing units, how do you determine a baseline for what is acceptable or not?
  11. Four changes that would make the army have a unique playstyle and incorporate ships: 1- Embark and disembark both happen in the movement phase, you cannot disembark the same turn you embark. This would allow you to move the ship before disembarking in the same turn which removes reliance on a double turn to do this maneuver. 2- Up to half of the embarked models may fire from the deck of the ship. All hitchers can fire at -1 to hit. It's in every piece of Kharadron artwork... Only makes sense. 3- Hero abilities can be used while embarked drawing range and LoS from the hull. Would make the Navigator and Admiral way more useful having their abilities be mobile. 4- Airships can retreat from a non flying unit and still fire their guns. Don't understand how any pesky foot troops could hold an airship in combat.
  12. Could you explain how this was used tactically in more depth? I'm unable to really understand it, haven't played my KO in a while.
  13. I agree with your assessment, but I think tzeentch and KO are in the same boat as khorne demons post W&R. There are so many erratas in these two books, and the KO ones happened 3 months after it came out... And still msrp's full cost!
  14. Navigator Endless "spell" that sets up small tornadoes on the battlefield that half enemy flyer movement, and increase ships movement.
  15. 1) I don't think there is anything wrong with the arkanauts company. What really needs to happen is giving skyfarers the ability to shoot/melee while on the decks of the ships... If the ship makes a run or charge, the unit inside counts as run/charge as well. (Does not apply to hitched riders) Also allow ships to run from combat and still shoot. And allow hero abilities such as navigator to be used while embarked. These ship changes would make the faction feel more mobile which will greatly enhance the lackluster individual profiles on the arkanauts. 2) Agree, light skyhook should likely have a different name because it doesn't have the same "towing" ability that every other skyhook has. I would call it a harpoon.
  16. The only really relevant time I can think of is when playing vs the Nighthaunt. The sky mines are good vs blobs of flying guys.
  17. First thing first, go check out the FAQ on the GW website. There's tons of changes to the battletome and it doesn't work as written for a lot of the weapons/units/artefacts. For 1k. Khemist and 2x 10 arkanauts eat up 400 points and get you the mandatory 1 leader 2 battleline. With the 600 remaining, I recommend a squad of 6-9 endrinriggers. Also, if you aren't barok-nar, a Navigator is a decent option for unbinding (magic is big right now).
  18. Any reason to run skywardens now that they're the same points as endrinriggers?
  19. Just built mine. The arms are interchangable for the female prime to have a mace.
  20. If it's the last week of SCE, where's the Lord arcanum on foot???
  21. Chainrasp horde is $40 for the same 10 models that come in soul wars????? Splitting the smaller box is a better deal, same cost but more stuff...
  22. So, are morghast archai with swords completely useless in 2.0? For 60 less points varghesits have the same base attacks, but generate bonus attack for each model killed, and keeps generating over and over now in 2.0...
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