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Everything posted by shadowgra

  1. i too thought about a tentacle... at least i am not alone i think however that the photo is just weird. it lacks something
  2. But if i like the idea of rotbringers i just hit a Brick wall since is not even playable alone (on a good level i mean OFC). If i just hate daemons (ugly and old), skaven (rats ) and slave to darkness (old old models), i have barely nothing to play with. Instead khorne has bb and tzeentch has arcanites. This not to be an ****** but on my point of view the Nurgle mortals are incredibly lacking. I love daemons and such so the case i exposed is not of myself.
  3. Death has his problems but u cannot say that Nurgle does need nothing. They have allegiance abilities but not traits or artefacts. They have low sinergy, the command ability of the guo is a joke, they pack 5 named characters, their only option is blightkings for maintaing rotbringers allegiance, daemons cannot ally with rotbringers... The new allegiance imho is just completely unplayable without traits, i will continue to play with regular chaos. And btw Nurgle is the only chaos god stick in this situation. Death has his problems but you cannot say that other factions have their too. Death, gutbuster, Nurgle, verminus, aelfs... They are all in the same boat. Oh and btw the guo has 1 year less than me (21), one of the older miniatures still Alive in the sentire GW range. Just my 2 cents as a only Nurgle player.
  4. Lol they forgot rotbringers as allies for daemons of Nurgle... At least now the rules for mounts and such is clearer
  5. If this is what they have in mind as Nurgle release, i am ****** mad. No mortals, no battletome, no allegiance? Are u joking?
  6. Nurgle for me. In particular reminds me of some guo arts.
  7. Imho its a conversion. Guo never had tentacles nor maw arms and the model in picture has both. If they wanted to do a double kit i think this is not the way to do it. It shoud at least have a different arm to call it a guo
  8. The received a new battletome a few months ago. They being the protagonist is not an excuse (at least for me) to give them a third of all the releases every year.
  9. How will come out new deathguard? Can't wait more for some rumour on Nurgle for aos!!
  10. i see an anvil too but i hope that it wont be another stormcast cause it will be too much for me to handle. we don't need another space marine saga i think.
  11. kurnoth can reroll saves, coming with a 4+ that means that they half the wounds they take from a - rend weapon. 15*2*2= 60 or at least i assume that this is what he meanted. Anyway kurnoths are OP imho, just too much damage/tankiness and too cheap points
  12. really amazing job, from a nurgle hobbyst i am really stunned by these conversions u had the same idea of me in keeping the whity flesh color of the skin and doing the armours green. really like those helms tho! waiting for new pics!
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