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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. It may be staying the obvious but we've seen a few of these already and two of them are coming on Thursday. However, there is one icon which stands out. Based on this evidence alone, I think it is highly likely that we see AoS3 on Saturday. Hoping for the full box reveal.
  2. Lots of cool minis in that preview. A touch disappointed they didn't show anything unexpected. The new dire wolves look fantastic as does the new Radukar model. The idea about him being changed from a cursed city expansion is nonsense though. They write the books a year ahead of schedule. It seems clear that Cursed city was intended to be a preview to the new range. The rumour engine hints that could be for Soulblight probably are cursed city expansions and not a lumineth style book 2. I'm still not sure what to make of the big hybrid vampires. Those are minis I will need to see in person. Kragnos himself is cool though I much prefer the open mouthed version. The grinning face is too small. As for the story I like the idea of a bit of animosity in the destruction grand alliance. A big dust up between Gordrakk and Kragnos has potential.
  3. I think the chances of getting a full Kragnos and Soulblight reveal tomorrow is about 95%. The big question is whether they tease 3.0 tomorrow or throw in a genuine curve ball or 2. As for Saturday I think there's about a 60% chance we see 3.0 but they could do Horus Heresy instead. I think it would be cool if they did both.
  4. Grand alliances will never go away simply because they are a very convenient way of organising things on the webstore. It also serves as an easy primer for newcomers. In terms of allies we have already broken the bounds of the grand alliances with sons of Behemat. I do find the obsession with grand alliances balance a bit tiresome though. If the designers discover a rich vein of creativity as they seem to have done with the Lumineth Gw shouldn't stop them just to balance the quota. Also there has been a fairly good balance of releases this edition. 8 armies got more than 10 new kits: gloomspite, nighthaunt, Stormcast, lumineth, obr, Slaanesh, slaves to darkness, and the forthcoming Soulblight. If we look at what's lacking it's regular humans, Orruk destruction and Duardin. Hopefully we will see that addressed soon. In first edition people complained about the lack of Aelves, now we have lots. Then people complained about the lack of Death, now we have lots. Recently there have been complaints about the lack of destruction. It looks highly likely that will be addressed in the new edition. Gw want to get around to everything but it takes time and this is a game they want to support for the next 30 years.
  5. Ok. Here goes. Monday: Soul light full reveal, Broken Realms Kragnos and Kragnos mini (Kragnos is related to the Silent people not Kurnothi), Broken Realms Grodrakk with new Orruk minis (I just want this to be true), Stormcast and grot tease. Tuesday: Full reveals for Sisters and Beast Snaggas, new campaign book. Wednesday: New dawn of fire book, next in Seige series, a new Warhammer crime novel, not much for AoS except a new edition tie in novel which will be announced on Saturday. Thursday: Idk underworlds warband and season 5 tease, Delaque for Necromunda, Aeronautica Eldar planes, new warcry expansion, first cursed city expansion Friday: New lictor, new genestealer unit, large scale Eldar revamp, Black Templar primaris. Saturday: AoS 3.0 and new Horus Heresy starter set
  6. Ok after looking at the new model, I now think it is a conversion of a Vampire transforming into a fell bat with Sigvald as the base. The pointing sword arm is very very similar.
  7. Enhance! Enhance! Monday can't come soon enough.
  8. My suspicion is that battalions will stay for narrative and open play and gw will continue to make new ones. The complaint is that in matched play they often have the effect of limiting match play rather than adding diversity. Rather than opening up list building options they dictate them. A lot of tzeentch or fyrselayer lists end up looking very similar due their very popular battalions. We also don't know how many generic battalions there are, what kind of abilities they offer, if they still affect drops, artefacts etc. I could imagine a world where we get 30 or 40 battalions for a variety of army compositions and buffs. Let's say there are 5 battalions that are 3 battleline and a hero. One buffs move, one buffs defense etc. It would let players double down on strengths or mitigate weaknesses. I don't think this would limit competitive army composition any more than battalions currently do.
  9. I'm genuinely curious what you'd like to see from a warscroll revamp. Aside from the perennial double turn problem, the most prevalent complaints I've seen about second edition is about over complication, npe and rules bloat. I'm not sure how a new statline would help with any of these problems.
  10. I will be very very surprised if this is true. Not only does the double turn thing directly contradict the listlab video, the warscroll change would upset a great many players for little benefit. For those players who want a return to strength and toughness there will be the old world game eventually. It is in GW's interest to keep those games distinct.
  11. Great to see Warhammer fest confirmed. What is that dragon looking icon? Soulblight? The 8th could be a reveal of the new Horus Heresy starter or even the first look at old world minis.
  12. That Warsong revenant is a very cool model. I hope they use broken realms to update a few Slyvaneth warscrolls especially Alarielle herself. It's interesting that they didn't mention broken realms Kragnos. Still holding out hope for a broken realms 5.
  13. Are you sure Necromunda is first up? We also have AdMech which was supposed to arrive in April. On top of that we are due to get 2 Underworlds warbands on May. We will probably see either Kragnos or the Soulblight slip into June. Or they could surprise everyone and announce a Broken Realms Gordrakk book.
  14. It's kind of wild that we're getting yet another model for Broken Realms Kragnos. We know for sure that Kragnos is going to get a model thanks to the shield rumour engine. So that 7 models for 5 different factions confirmed so far. That's very exciting but I still wish we could get a book 5. If the minis represent the factions that we get in the book, it leaves Khorne, BoC, Skaven, legions of Nagash/Soulblight and potentially most of destruction with nothing.
  15. The rumour is that gw are doing a stock take of their warehouse until May 5th. The next pre-order will probably be Admech on May 8th. Hopefully we will see the Kragnos model tomorrow though. It occurs to me that early May is traditionally Warhammer fest season. I think it's highly likely that we will get an official AoS 3 announcement sometime in May.
  16. I really hope this is true. I think the horde discount was probably the worst change in 2nd edition. As for the new models, I think the "big" meant important. We did get three separate reveals this week. Next week we will hopefully see Kragnos and we will probably get a new sisters reveal. The 40k side of things seems to be alternating. We might get another bit of Soulblight info as well.
  17. There's a certain amount of logic to it. It's +1 to save not -1 to hit. You can brace yourself to face a charge. That's a lot harder to do in the thick of a melee. It feels like this is a change to make the turn sequence more interactive without giving up the priority role that AoS is known for. With the -1 to hit on stand and shoot it looks like it could be an interesting rule.
  18. I doubt it. They showed the alt build of the Blood Knights today and they just put up an article about the bonesplitta warband. Since they aren’t talking about Cursed city, there isn’t much else to show.
  19. Tau kits don't have any oval bumps on them. It's definitely Eldar, hopefully a sign of a substantial release for them. Going back to AoS. There's something about the blood knights that isn't doing it for me. It might just be the colour scheme but they don't look as savage as I would like. Also the horses look slightly short though that might the camera angle. It's disappointing that we still haven't seen a full profile shot.
  20. Be careful what you wish for. Gw did this for 40k but as a result they stopped doing digital codexes completely and introduced an app that charged a high price for limited functionality. There is now no way to have the lore and art of the 40k codexes in a digital format. A more sensible solution is for gw to offer digital battletomes which are updated with every faq, points change and updated/new warscrolls.
  21. Also Excelsis is the home of the Knights Excelsior who are the stormcast fighting Slaanesh in the pictures of the new models.
  22. Broken realms Kragnos is going to be packed. That does suggest it might be the last book though. What about destruction??The little tease of Kragnos's face is very interesting. There's a pretty high chance we will see their model next week.
  23. Rumours point to the delay being due to problems at the warehouse as well as a move to the new facilities they have been building in Nottingham for a while. This is a big part of the reason why I don't believe the rumours about 3rd edition. I don't think even gw knows exactly what their release schedule for the next few months looks like. I still expect the first two weeks after they start up again to be admech and Necromunda/ Underworlds. Then we'll probably get Kragnos or Soulblight. It's a bummer for anyone waiting for Admech but on the AoS side a bit of a pause is probably a good idea.
  24. I don't think we'll get another preview. Next week will almost definitely be admech followed by Necromunda. If we have another preview we will probably get it then. Warhammer community is doing weekly AoS reveals and regular articles for sisters, the new Orks and Horus Heresy. Aside from the rest of the soulblight and third edition, I'm not sure what they would put in a preview at this point.
  25. Not sure what happened but it looks fine on mobile now.
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