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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. @Joseph Mackay Just porting this over from the other thread. Removing melee ranges would necessitate rewriting every warscroll. It's much easier just to adapt the current rule. "In order to attack with a melee weapon, a model must be in range of the target unit or within half an inch of a another model from the same unit which is in range." I'm no rules writer but that would probably work. I guess we'll just have to wait and see until they show us the combat section of the rules.
  2. I don't think it's time to start panicking just yet. The coherency rule is an import from 40k. It wouldn't surprise me if this rule gets imported too. This would let a second rank of minis fight as well and might explain why the Soulblight lances are only range 1. As for the Stormcast there's no reason why Gavriel's warscroll won't change. Every other rule we've seen so far looks like it was quite carefully thought out. Hopefully that is maintained throughout the new core rules.
  3. Its not irrelevant. There's no way to get digital 40k lore at all. For me it's a case of space in my small Japanese house and the environmental impact but there are many people who suffer from disabilities for whom a physical book simply isn't an option. There's a guy on Twitter who paints (amazingly) with his mouth. Turning a page on a physical book for someone with that kind of disability is a genuine issue. It is also the fact that gw is taking away something that worked perfectly well before. They may be worried about piracy but that hasn't been curbed by this change at all.
  4. I'm deeply concerned about the digital books going away. It was a terrible decision when they changed it for 40k. As it it stands there is no way to get the art and lore from anything 40k in a digital format which is a baffling decision in 2021. One slight glimmer of hope is that the second edition announcement made no mention of digital either. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/06/16/pre-order-the-new-edition-today/ If GW want to make it only possible to buy the books through the AoS app, that's fine so long as they are the complete books but the 40k app has been a total failure. I really hope GW see sense on this.
  5. From a lore perspective there is no reason why the different styles of armour can't mix, it's just like the different marks of armour in the Horus Heresy. As for rules we have to wait until the battletome comes out. I hope we get another preview or leak before the box goes on pre order. I love the Stormcast minis and the majority of the Kruleboyz but I'm not sold on the Hobgrotz aesthetic. If it is only a couple of units in a bigger army that aren't vital, then I'll probably collect the army, but if more Hobgrotz in the current style end up being a large part of the army, I'll probably give it a miss.
  6. You give the community too little credit. The vast majority of players just want to see a better game. Also an attempt to rig the system would be pretty obvious to whoever was compiling the data. It's not something I think gw will ever do as they don't seem to trust the community either.
  7. I would love to see gw change how the approach points changes. If I was GW, I would do a monthly thread on Twitter or the community site. I would ask everyone to vote for their 3 most overpointed and underpointed warscrolls. After a week I would compile all the info. I would then increase the points of the 10 warscrolls most voted as underpointed by 5% and decrease the top 10 overpointed warscrolls. If a warscroll stays in the top 10 for six months it gets a rewrite. This would leave most warscrolls unchanged but gradually push the points towards the fat middle. If a gamer complained about a warscroll or some points, I (as gw) could just direct them to the thread.
  8. With the rumoured increase of points, more monsters, smaller tables meaning combats happen earlier and the removal of horde discounts, there's a good chance 3rd edition games will actually go faster.
  9. I do think GW is worthy of criticism, but the idea that big businesses don't work like this is nonsense. Look at Cyberpunk or Samsung's first attempt at a dual screen phone, or Toyota's break problems, on Sony's exploding laptop batteries, or Microsoft Windows game store or a hundred other examples of companies with revenue literally hundreds of times more than gw putting out rushed, poorly tested products. In a case like this I'm 90% sure that a lot of the errors we see are due to poor oversight and tight deadlines rather than the inability of any particular writer to produce goods rules.
  10. Listlab who has been 100% about everything so far said that command points are reset at the end of each battleround, so that scenario won't occur. It's been an interesting week so far. Tuesday-minor tidbit, Wednesday- minor tidbit, Thusrday- overwhelming flood of info. Lots of potentially cool abilities but it will take wiser heads than mine to parse out how this will end up effecting the game.
  11. I genuinely believe shooting isn't a problem. The lack of line of sight blocking terrain is the problem. The way to fix shooting is to force those units to move to find a better angle. If you want to protect your buffing heroes hide then behind a piece of terrain. Almost everyone I've heard talk about playing on tables with good scenery said it massively improved the game. The changes that were made to 40k significantly changed that game to the point that Tau are currently the worst faction. I'd love to see some aspect of those rules come over into AoS. This will also have the nice side benefit of toning down magic too, as a lot of spells need line of sight.
  12. Unfortunately none of that means anything because we don't know how many kits GW produces. If you look at the Soulblight range, the wight king, arguably the worst warscroll in the book is out of stock, but the deadwalker zombies arguably the best warscroll in the book which competitive players are buying in bulk, are still on stock. Scenery rarely sells well and the desthshroud terminators are very nice models. In a year when hardly anyone was able to play competitively gw had by far their best results ever. All the supposedly broken Lumineth minis never sold out.
  13. The single most effective way to deal with shooting is with improved scenery rules. I think it's important to wait until we see those before we panick. Also it's probably a full month until the box comes out. There is plenty of time to give us the info we need.
  14. If they do a new human book it will probably be Devoted of Sigmar. In the RPG the order of Azyr are described as a subfaction of the Devoted of Sigmar. There are a couple of references to armies of Devoted marching out from the cities to purify the landscape with their blood. The Dawnbreaker crusades feel like an expansion of that.
  15. This art is staggeringly good. Excitement for 3rd edition is rising!
  16. Slaves to darkness got 19 (3 in the start collecting) new kits in second edition not counting the god specific stuff that can be used. I’d love a season 2 of Warcry to do something similar for Cities of Sigmar.
  17. I've said this a few times but unfortunately, based on past and current practices, it is impossible for gw to do proper waves of releases for every faction within one edition. We will get at most 12 full sized waves of minis this edition, with one off heroes or underworlds warbands for the rest.
  18. I was just comparing to 2nd edition. I think we can expect to see multipart kits for all the infantry units, 1 more new hero, 1 cavalry kit and maybe a new centrepiece model, though Yndrasta kind of fills that role. Another thing I noticed is that if you swapped the Kruleboyz for another set of Stormcast and added the two extra kits you would have a 2,000 point army with a few spare hero kits and the rulebook for well under £200. That's really not bad especially by gw standards.
  19. I think it's highly likely that we see the Chaos Dwarves or whatever they end up being called within the first year. I wonder if the hobgrots will end up being useable in that book too. It would be a good way to tempt players into the army.
  20. The Broken Realms Alarielle rumour is something I don't believe. It's possible that when they were first planning the books a couple of years ago, they considered doing 5 books including Alarielle but they eventually settled on 4. That's not cutting though as they would never have written the book. Taking 2 books, rewriting the story to fit in half the number of pages, re-editing everything, redoing the page layouts, cutting a bunch of art etc, etc. This is a lot of work, almost as much as doing a book from scratch. The short story subscriptions are always done in runs of 5 because there are 5 week days. It's as simple as that. Commissioning one extra piece of art is trivial compared to what the conspiracy theorists are suggesting. This is definitely an Occam's razor situation. To get back to actual rumours. With the Sisters book this weekend and the range being a two week release, it seems highly likely that Dominion will go on pre-order on June 19th and release on July 3rd. It's annoying but when gw talks out dates it's always pre-order and not release. I'm hoping for a long run of daily articles running up to launch and was slightly surprised to see nothing yesterday.
  21. To give some context, the Nighthaunt were in a very similar position. They got their own battletome but they could also be used in legions of Nagash. They received 8 kits that were not represented in the core box. I expect the Kruleboyz to receive a similar number of kits. There a pretty high chance we will see some kind of cavalry option.
  22. I'm pretty sure that's a new scenery piece in the background. There's a lot of fine detail there.
  23. Except the wolf riders. I hope we see cavalry for both sides later.
  24. That was a very cool video. It was surprising to end it the way they did.
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