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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. This week's rumour engine. Could be a hundred things.
  2. Love both those minis. Two great sculpts though I much prefer the bare headed version of the Lumineth.
  3. I like the new shades a lot. The old shades darken the whole surface quite a bit often means that actual shadows and recesses are less defined. That meant that unless you were going for a Blanchitsu or Horus heresy style look, you had to reapply the base coat to have a nice shaded look. I'm pretty sure that's why quite a few pro painters recommend avoiding them. The new shades seem to avoid this problem which for me is great. The regular contrast are already pretty good for tinting or glazing. All that said it's disappointing to see a two week pre-order. That goes some way to explaining why we won't see the next AoS books until autumn. Are we really going to get two weeks of hype articles when the YouTubers have already done a much better job of explaining the pros and cons of the new paints?
  4. I went back and checked. Last year there was an AoS unboxing preview, a launch day preview, a dedicated 40k preview and and Warhammer+ preview all in June and July. That's 4 previews in 2 months. This year we've had one so far. I'd be surprised if we didn't get something in July. There's plenty gw could show off. We haven't seen the next Warhammer+ minis yet. We have 4 autumn battletomes that haven't been shown off yet. Warcry hasn't been fully unveiled and presumably there is going to be an autumn kill team box with some new imperial guard. I'd expect to see a full Leagues of Votann blowout at some point. They had weekly Eldar previews but still did a big thing for Adopticon. They haven't shown the last two warbands for Underworlds which must be coming soon as were due a new season before the end of the year. I'm sure they also have more stuff coming for necromunda, bloodbowl and Horus Heresy. That's at least two previews worth of stuff right there.
  5. I think flies will do very well but they are the number one target for a nerf in the autumn update. This season will be very interesting. It's a classic rock, paper scissors scenario. Shooting is good against bounty hunters who are good against gvs who are good against shooting. With Lumineth about to get a new book, I wouldn't be surprised to see them make a comeback.
  6. Lumineth are the next book to come out and the whole army is only two years old. Wind spirits come out 14 months ago. Given the new battalion, the Seraphon change is actually pretty big. The DoK thing is a little concerning, I'll admit and the nurgle fly spam is a fairly recent development so it's not surprising to see it escape attention this time.
  7. Stormcast has always been the beginner faction which influences the results quite a bit. I would be surprised if these changes drop them below 45%. If gallet vets turn out to be good, they have ways to take advantage. If they turn out to be bad, they have ways to avoid them. Dragons and longstrikes are still good. They just aren't auto include any more which is a good thing.
  8. A fair bit of hyperbole flying about. Stormcast will be a solid mid tier book after the changes which is what every book should be aiming for. The nerfing of the auto includes should increase list diversity a lot which is great. I'm very happy to see the Seraphon changes the damage reduction was about to become even better for them. I'm also very happy to see the app being updated so quickly. It's kind of amazing how much better it is than the 40k version. Overall I think this has been a very good set of changes for most factions. Hopefully the upcoming Gloomspite book will be help them out as they are really starting to stand out as the most troubled faction. Edit- just saw that the Gitz have actually gotten some pretty decent buffs so that's even better.
  9. I still think it will be Gitz and Sons in the autumn. Was the honest Wargamer the first to leak Lumineth in the autumn? He said we are getting Lumineth, Tzeentch, Gitz and Sons. The ghb proves the Lumineth part is correct. As for the future I think we'll see warcry 2.0 in the summer. The 40k Chaos release isn't that big. 5 new kits plus the 3 previously released killteams. The demon prince isn't in the book so it will come with slaves to Darkness. That release also isn't that big. 5 new kits plus 3 warcry kits. I'm really curious to see what comes this summer. Are Leagues of Votann or the imperial guard coming sooner than expected? I'm very confident we'll see warcry and hopefully the witch Hunter warband too, probably another killteam box with the imperial guard and a black library week with the two new heroes. It feels like we are due for a preview event in July.
  10. Interesting point to note. The great plagues don't manifest on an unmodified roll anymore. So if there are 3 priests within range of each other you can manifest a great plague on a 4+. 3 skyre heroes gives you d6 +3 spark tokens. Those are both pretty decent buffs.
  11. Tzeentch are getting a new book soon so any judgement about their points is pretty meaningless until we see the book.
  12. We've got the two remaining Underworlds warbands of this season which are probably witch Hunters and Khorne. If gw holds to their schedule we should see another starter set before the end of the year. I seem to remember Lumineth being rumoured.
  13. Quite a week next week. Slyvaneth, Skaven and the ghb. They're even doing some more kharadron minis too.(squats) https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/06/12/sunday-preview-dig-for-victory-with-roots-rats-and-rock-drillers/
  14. Looks like that spiterider leak was nonsense. Here's the real info. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/06/08/quicker-than-a-flash-the-spiterider-lancers-strike-at-foes-before-they-can-react/ Still look pretty good though.
  15. Cursed city expansions with existing models?? I suppose that would work. I was really hoping for something similar to the Escalation expansion they did for Blackstone Fortress. I really am curious what the next major release after Slaves will be. There haven't really been any solid rumours and even Slaves were a surprise. I don't think anyone expected them to be next in line for a big update. Are we going to have to wait until Cities 2.0 for the next new faction or are we going to see Malerion or Chaos Duardin next year? It looks like this year we are getting 2 black library minis, 4 Underworlds warbands, 1 mini each for Sons, Gloomspite, Lumineth and Tzeentch, a new warcry starter and hopefully at least some of the new chaos minis. Time for them to start doing monthly Cities articles like they did for the sisters. That would be some solace at least .
  16. It could well be Shadow Aelves but soon is a relative term. There are currently 4 unsolved rumour engines that are over 2 years old.
  17. Given the rumoured book lineup, we should get a Mawtribes update next. They are the last army that doesn't already have a white dwarf update or a released or rumoured 3rd edition battletome.
  18. Flesh eater courts are getting their white dwarf update in issue 477. Looks like a new charnal throne warscroll is coming. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/white-dwarf-477-june-2022-eng
  19. A lot of this reads like "tell me you haven't read the lore without telling me you haven't read the lore." There is a lot of fantastic stuff in AoS. As someone said a lot of the foundational lore of Warhammer was developed in the RPG. Well AoS has its own RPG which is doing a lot of foundational work in developing the setting. I really recommend the two city guides. They offer a great look at what living in an AoS city is like. As for black library. Everyone should read City of Secrets, the Old Ways, The Silver shard, Heart of winter and Thieves paradise all by Nick Horth. These are three novellas, a short story and a novel all set in the the same part of the mortal realms with the same characters. I actually think City of Secrets is the weakest story of the set. It's still fun but Nick's work gets better with every story. I really hope he writes more black library fiction soo. He also wrote Broken Realms Morathi, which has the most enjoyable narrative of any campaign book gw has ever done, and I've read most of them. I'm listening to Blood of the Everchosen right now which is also surprisingly good, especially for a tie in book. I haven't read Hallowed Ground yet but I'm looking forward to it even more now. Richard Strachan is very good.
  20. I've never heard of most of those writers. This is something I'm very happy to see. There's only so much the likes of Guy Haley and Darius Hinks can do and there's always a chance we will uncover the next great Warhammer author. I'm still waiting for a full Evan Dicken novel. Everything I've read of his so far has been great.
  21. It's so hard to choose. There have been a lot of great kits. The first set to really knock my socks off was Warhammer Quest Silver tower. I particularly loved the Ogroid Thaumaturge. The Ironclad blew my mind. I think the KO reveal trailer is still my favourite Warhammer video. From the skies to under the sea, the Akhelion King was an exquisite sculpt. but almost anything from that range is exceptional. With second edition the Nighthaunt was another range that amazed me and the black coach is definitely my favourite reimagining of an old kit. This may be a controversial choice but I a absolutely love the stonemage and it's the massive helmet that balances the figure and makes it work. Warcry introduced a whole bunch of awesome kits but the Corvus Cabal were easily my favourite. If I have to choose one kit though, it must be these guys. There is so much character and imagination poured into these little grots, it boggles the eye. The most fun I've ever had painting a unit.
  22. Yes. The same rumour that predicted Lumineth, said Sons are coming. We also have the rumour engines which Whitefang confirmed were for the Sons. Sons were the first army to get a wd update and we already know that slaves are coming, who had an update later than Sons. There is always a chance that the rumours are wrong but I wouldn't get your hopes up for an Ogors book this year.
  23. Ogors aren't coming this autumn. It's Sons of Behemat with the little guys from the rumour engines.
  24. I'm 99% sure the next books are Lumineth, Gloomspite, Sons of Behemat, Tzeentch, slaves to Darkness and maybe one more. I think there is a high chance that we see a slaves battlebox this year and the battletome next year. Thinking about it, it would be nice to see a slaves Vs OBR box. It would be cool to continue the story of the Bone Reapers' invasion of the All points. OBR don't need much in terms of minis but a second infantry unit would help them a lot.
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