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Everything posted by Fracas

  1. Given the evidence presented, I stand on the side that Orruks will not become a soup book again. Narratively Gordrakk is off on another quest doing Gordrakk things. The story is wide open for Gobsprakk, and unless I’m missing something their respective grand schemes have both fizzled. I expect at some point in the future Gordrakk will return with a higher power level and a new sculpt. With rumors of redesigned gen 1 AoS characters (Ionus being a recent example), I believe that Ironjawz and Kruleboyz are being left open for another wave. Big Waaagh was only necessary to retain the piles of intermingled orcs people started with, and while I hope it’s still possible by an army of renown or expanded ally system, it’s one hell of a drain on game design to have units you simply don’t play because they’re instantly less efficient in soup. A lot of people invested in Big Waaagh, so once again I hope it’s still possible, but I think it always had issues. Now that Orruks have received a bit of a split, I’m starting to look at my Snarlfangs and Spiderfang… The retiring of the spider boss has me thinking…
  2. I keep forgetting that they shoved ward in the keyword section. I’m gonna misplay so hard this edition.
  3. Most interesting thing for me is the spearhead rockguts. Looks like they got more potential damage on boulders but less accuracy and they’ve stripped out the ward. Curious to see how they’ve overhauled them in AoS proper.
  4. Warcry hero/arena fighter, taking some concepts from Chivalry, maybe some hero selection limits or balance based on a queue system. First or third person viewpoint. The natural elite/chaff balance could be based on priority roll along the lines of MOBA pick order with limited classes. This makes sure a team of 8 ogors doesn’t steamroll a balanced team. Basically a population limit like old Battlefront. I’ve got tons of mechanical ideas, but the last thing I’d want is a turn based game that just replicates the tabletop. I find myself more interested in the models when I’m able to put myself in their shoes rather than guide them around the map like the hand of god.
  5. My Gitmob wishlist: - Chariots - Chariots - More Chariots That’s it really, just chariots. With ballistas or catapults even. Oh and some snotlings. Gonna need a pump wagon to go with them.
  6. The green fill is just to attract the eye. Saves are something very often referenced or checked so an added background helps differentiate the stat from the rest of the profile. I’d be surprised if it meant anything beyond that. You’d expect the rest of the values to be colored if they had some sort of coding related to it.
  7. My dream for this army would include keyword allies like Kruleboyz and Gitmob with Hobgrots being a unit in the book. I’ve been assembling some snarlfangs, and their armor and weapons are rather refined for grots. It would make sense for the chorfs to make it for them. Otherwise very excited for any new miniatures and hopeful that bull centaurs return. Kragnos has gotten a little confusing with regards to how many factions have adopted the man-horse identity.
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