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Everything posted by LordSolarMach

  1. I know I'm a little late to the Beastmen discussion, but I do recall that when Ogroid Theridons were shown my first thought was "oh cool, new Minotaurs" followed by "wait, StD?" So I've had a paranoia about BoC being reduced and folded into StD for awhile now. // As to a "big Beast" that some people mentioned wanting, the 7th edition WHFB Army Book mentioned Ramhorns in a couple places. It was said that Beastmen would attach the skull of a Ramhorn onto the gate of a keep, and when the (rather stupid) Ramhorn noticed it, it would charge and shatter said gate. There was also a piece of art which may have been intended to represent them, or just been the fancy of the artist:
  2. TOW is set around ~2276, so 286. It seems that the Duke of Lyonesse during this time is Gaulthiere LeGrand. As King Louis the Young gave Repanse the Dukedom in the early 2000's, it's probable that she's passed, though she could be written to have become a hermit or something. I'd not object - after all, Total War has successfully fudged her into being around in the ~2500s (with the justification that drinking from the Grail can extend your lifespan - though she seems to have gotten really lucky and be forever seventeen).
  3. Got an email from my local (in Canada) that due to weather issues at the Memphis warehouse there's delays across North America, and they're not expecting TOW stuff in until later this week.
  4. If we get Dwarfs-who-worship-Chaos, with none of the stylings of the old Dawi Zharr, I'd be disappointed (as someone who really likes the stylings of the old Chaos Dwarfs). And I don't mean I want them to pull an Old World, and release thirty-year-old miniatures. But I'd want: Babylonian-ish stylings (ringlet beards, tall hats) Bull Monsters (Bull Centaurs, Bale Taurus, Lamassu) Daemonic industry Comical cruelty The Horns of Hashut have a good bit of the latter three, so I'm hopeful. The Iron Golems' Dwarf has the industrial cruelty going for him, but lacks any of that Hashut flavour (pseudo-Babylonian, bull, fire). I'd... make due, if that was the main look, but be a little disappointed. The Spire Tyrants' Dwarf looks like a Chaos-Marauder-who-happens-to-be-a-Dwarf. If that was the main look, I'd be incredibly disappointed.
  5. Heh. I hadn't heard before that Hashut is onomatopoeia for a sneeze. (I wonder if that means the "Ha-" should be pronounced with an intake of breath.)
  6. They've previously noted that they'll be showing off the next ToW faction for re-release at the ToW launch event (at Warhammer World, on Saturday).
  7. Ghorros Warhoof, aye. It does make sense that they could re-release him as a generic Centigor Chieftain, if they're not planning to give him special character status. Edit: though I feel like Ghorros, as a character who wears the skull of Arsil, the Prince of Unicorns, would make for a good character if the Beastmen are paired with the Wood Elves. He also claims to be the primogenitor of all Centigors (and the sire of a number of other monstrous beasts besides), so he's potentially old enough to have been around during ToW's time period.
  8. I don't want to come across as picking on them, as I agree that their posts are often very good, and provide a lot of useful information and great speculation. But I should note that they posted about six further factions getting Dawnbringers models (Khorne, StD, OBR, CoS, DoK and Skaven) and we've since had a SBG character previewed. So... don't read too much into all of their posts. They do just speculate sometimes.
  9. It's very unlikely that GW re-boxes sprues. (ie. if a bunch of kit 'A' isn't selling, they don't open them up and put the sprues from 'A' into boxset 'B'.) It is possible that boxset 'B' has a lot of the same sprues as kit 'A', in order to help justify the initial expense of making the moulds for those sprues. (ie they probably have internal data on how many times they've used every mould, and failing to hit a certain number of uses is seen as having been a waste of money. If kit 'A' doesn't sell, the moulds for its sprues have low use, due to never needing to be run for restocking purposes. And so they run them for boxset 'B', to up their usage.)
  10. If it's specifically the fact that it's an axe that's the problem, the kit does also come with a sword option (the rules are for "...and Gilded Weapon"). Alternatively, if you don't like the Slake-horn having a normal hand, I'm sure if you just painted their claws a different colour that'd be fine. IIRC the pair for the Slake-horn also have a bit of armour strapped to them, so they should stand out. Maybe find a spare weapon and attach it in a way so that it looks strapped to their belt/back strap? (As I agree that the pincer wielding anything will look strange.) That way it's on the model if anyone is being pedantic.
  11. Aside: while I've generally seen a fair amount of speculation about Hashut being an aspect of Khorne, in the World of Warhammer lore book (1998) it speculates that Hashut is Tzeentch. (This was back in 5th, when Khaine was nod-nod-wink-wink the Elven name for Khorne. Edit: maybe not so nod-nod-wink-wink; in the 5th edition rulebook it says "...Witch Elves - a warrior sisterhood devoted to the Chaos God Khorne who they call Khaine Lord of Murder.")
  12. Well... I'd assume Marvel/Disney haven't actually been litigious. GW changing the name to Malerion is probably a case of trying to get ahead of any future problems, and not to deal with an existing one. When Jervis Johnson (or whomever) decided to give the Witch King the name Malekith, maybe he did it as a cheeky Marvel reference, or maybe it was coincidence. IP/copyright infringement cases can be pretty weird. Like in 1951 National Comics sued Fawcett over Captain Marvel (not Marvel's Captain Marvel), which they alleged infringed on Superman. That resulted in Fawcett shuttering all of its superhero comics. Ironically, National Comics would go on to become the modern DC Comics, who later bought the rights to all of the Fawcett characters (including Captain Marvel). But in the meantime, Marvel Comics had created and been publishing a different Captain Marvel, meaning that DC couldn't publish their (original) Captain Marvel under that trademark. They did so as SHAZAM! instead, eventually fully changing the name of Captain Marvel to SHAZAM!.
  13. Just want to highlight this, because it's a pretty common misconception. (That Malekith is from Norse mythology.) As stated: he's not. Arguably it's a fairly generic sounding name ("~bad ~relation"), though Marvel's Malekith being a King of Dark Elves probably made GW a little worried about being sued over the name of their Malekith, a King of Dark Elves.
  14. So, we know: Kingdom of Bretonnia: Bretonnian Exiles + Errantry Crusades Tomb Kings of Khemri: Nehekharan Royal Hosts + the Mortuary Cult Random thoughts on the others: Dwarfen Mountain Holds: Slayer Hosts of Karak Kadrin + Zhufbar Engineers Guild Orc & Goblin Tribes: Night Goblin Underdwellers + Savage Orc WAAAGH! Empire of Man: Armies of the Westerland/Reikland/Talabec/Österlund. High Elf Realms: Cothique Sea Patrol + Saphery Enclave Warriors of Chaos: Norscan Raiders + Favoured of the Gods Wood Elf Realms: Wild Hunt + Spirits of the Forest Beastmen Brayherds: Spawn of Morghur + Minotaur Tribes Of course, these ideas will change as we get a look at the Army Lists and their mechanics.
  15. This is just speculation, right? I want to make clear, because the way that @The Brotherhood of Necros asked you it seemed like they consider you to have a source. And I remember the last time I asked if something you said was speculation or a tease, you replied "both, always both." (That was that Dawnbringers faction releases would be rounded out to thirteen via: Khorne, StD, OBR, CoS, DoK and Skaven.)
  16. I wonder why they included "yellow cloth" when that only appears on the Bastonne-schemed Baron.
  17. A five-and-a-half week pre-order period, leading to a Wednesday release?
  18. He has a cloth cape over his left shoulder - no fur. I'm with @Ejecutor: either the bird wing, or the weird thing from the tenth, as a part of the Kroot-riding-Krootodile kit.
  19. Yeah... I guess their format is: At game's launch: Rulebook. At game's launch: Forces of Fantasy + Ravening Hordes Shortly after game's launch: "Legacy Army" pdf Army Lists At each army's launch: Arcane Journal Whereas I think I would have preferred the Army Lists to be in the Rulebook (or free pdf Army Lists for everybody, like the 40k Indexes) and then full Army Books coinciding with an army's launch.
  20. It appears that some Dark Angels have leaked; rumour engines from them include: 2, 9, 14, 24
  21. Tomb Guard are Mummies, as are the (non-liche) characters. (It's why they're Flammable.) Where do Mummies fit, rules wise, around Tomb Guard? Bigger and tougher... isn't that Ushabti? And why would a unit of Mummies (as, presumably humans) be physically bigger than Tomb Guard? (Who were "the best of the best", and honoured with mummification.) Were these Mummies more important, or better preserved... isn't that what the characters are? (I was going to mention Blood Bowl style Mummies, but upon double checking the rules I was reminded that while the "Mummy" is a big guy for Undead, in the Khemri roster they have "Tomb Guardians" instead. Heh.) Which is not to say that such a thing won't happen. But they're not a lock.
  22. The rumours about Mummies came with other now debunked stuff (plastic Chariot with Tomb King, instead of the dragon). The speculation about Mummies was (in part) because of the Flail previewed, similar to the one old Mummy model, which we now know is an option in the Bone Dragon kit. There could still be a plastic Mummies unit (even though that's kind of what Tomb Guard are supposed to be). The general desire I see for Mummies is that they would be bigger than Tomb Guard, but I think I'd prefer plastic Ushabti in that case. (I don't think there will be plastic Ushabti, I'm just saying that I'd prefer them.) // The weapons preview does still have some mystery to it. Mostly all the bugs (which don't seem to be a part of the Bone Dragon kit), but also the Khopesh and... Halberd. I had previously pointed out that they share a wrist connection (in the same way that the Spear and Flail share one, which turned out to be for the same Tomb King arm). I guess the Tomb King could have a second right arm (in a more natural pose) that these are for, but that still leaves all the bugs unaccounted for.
  23. As said, we can't know the sales numbers. As said, some people play around the release without buying. But release bumps happen because people are buying the releases, and their relative sizes are suggestive. The bump for Chaos Dwarfs was larger than for Tomb Kings or Vampire Coast, and it cost 50% more. If Chaos Dwarfs was a failure, how has any of the DLC been successful?
  24. That makes no sense. If the Chaos Dwarfs DLC underperformed, then every DLC they've ever done has underperformed. That release had a concurrent player bump up to ~73k (from ~45k). Comparatively, Tomb Kings had a peak of ~44k (from ~18k), and Vampire Coast a peak of ~43k (from ~23k). So Chaos Dwarfs had a bigger bump while costing 50% more than those previous Campaign Packs. The main controversy was around the most recent Lord Pack (Shadows of Change), which had a price increase of 180% (ie from $12 CAD to $33.50 CAD), while offering only a touch more content (with the drop in FLC taken into account). That saw only a player bump to ~33k (from ~27k), whereas the last three Lord Packs of game two had bumps to: ~84k (from ~48k), ~67k (from ~36k), and ~75k (from ~38k). Those aren't sales numbers, but they are indicative of sales numbers. Chaos Dwarfs did well, and cost a lot. Shadows of Change did not do well, and cost a lot.
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