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Everything posted by RyantheFett

  1. Once again i mostly play against death factions and have lost count the number of times I have went against 120 zombies. Their extra long pile in, how easy it is to control objectives, bringing back zombies, and how hard they are to fully kill are fine and thematic. On the other hand, the mortal wounds I still find too much and just allows a tar pit unit to punch way over its pay grade. Just feels that it removes some tactical elements from the game and it is not like the game is not deadly enough already.
  2. Find it funny that they come out with new dwarf stuff and odds are still even that it means they will soon be cut and GW are clearing out stock or they are staying lol. Shame since I could really use this box to fill out my army.
  3. I have come to accept the lack of updates for Dawnbringers, but I guess it makes some sense now that we know it won't be until much later in the year. The thing that annoys me is that outside of the rumors we still do not know what Dawnbringers does to the City faction. What gets removed? What is staying? It is only humans from now on lol?!?!?! Without any real hints from GW its a pretty risky bet to buy anything from the faction.................. and they just announced a new dwarf box lol
  4. My friend loves his death factions and going against 100 zombies that are just hunting for those mortal wounds is...................... something. Watching a 500 point Stardrake lose over half of its heath with nothing to counter it is not the best experience. Of course meta has a lot to do with it I guess and where I play mortal wound and ward saves are mandatory.
  5. It does feel like GW thought that they had way too much mortal wounds options and their solution was to just give a ****** ton of stuff ward saves. Then they realized that they had to many ward saves and then just gave more stuff mortal wounds lol. I have gotten use to the fact that everything in this game more or less one shots everything else. Sort of wish they had a rock/paper/scissors combat, but i guess that what 40k is there for?
  6. Still been playing less then a year, but I do think mortal wounds really need to be less common. Just feels off and takes away a lot of tactics. Reminds of Star Wars Legion where the only real goal was just to get as many crit rolls as possible. Did not matter what you were attacking with what, all that mattered were the crits.
  7. Man they update prices more then certain factions!
  8. All three leaks for cities more or less lined up with each with few variations (all had different dates iirc). Two here and one in the discord. So they are all a bit of a blur now lol. Some non-humans staying, some non-humans being removed, ogres, all humans replaced, etc. Had more faith in the big leakers here and in the discord, but have not been keeping up with rumors...... except for Farsight in 40k. Woooooo!!!! Also figure with 10ed we won't here much about cities for while. Better to not drive myself crazy thinking of it lol.
  9. Well on the bright side I get to try and finish painting my Cities, but I get to suffer longer without knowing about the non human parts getting removed lol. Waiting for that giant spider or any other proof that are leaks are true are just killing me lol........................
  10. Still the small chance that it could be the spring one lol......... At least my wallet will be happy, still not looking forward to waiting most of a year to see if any non human things will still remain. At least one of the rumors was that it was spring so there is still some hope.
  11. Wonder how long they will keep the units staying or being removed a secret? Enjoy the fact that they are using old artwork with units that are rumored being cut lol.
  12. I just want the Cities part to be real. I need my non humans still in the faction!! Everything else can be wrong lol.
  13. This is the first half stuff: "Heard these from a friend, take with an ocean of salt. Releases 2023 January S2D full release Beast of Chaos: New Beastlord No other new models Some resin kits may get range rotated (not 100%) General's Handbook with big (bone?) Spider February Gloomspite Gitz: Snarlfang Riders Gitmob hero Snarlfang Chariot with shaman option Sylvaneth-size release Completely reworked Bad Moon: constant passive effect with chance to wane/wax depending on amount of friendly losses March Seraphon: New "big dino" with magic structure on top Kroxigors Razordon/Salamander Pack dual kit (2 bigger lizards) Saurus Guard with leader options More Azyr looking Saurus Sunblood/Eternity Warden? April Blades of Khorne vs Hedonites box (again) New single Hedonite foot hero New single Khorne foot hero (named?)" So some of that??? I am awful at figuring out units, but the last two seem to be the two chaos things in April, so that looks like a match? The Seraphon ones as well........... even thought I only see a blob for one lol. Also not sure what that first thing is so it could be the spider......... I mean I see legs maybe??????
  14. Current rumor has it being the early summer one right before 40k 10th edition.
  15. So with the updated rumors we got a clearer picture of what is staying and what is going: Being cut: Wanderer- 6 units Shadow Warriors Darkling Coven basic Infantry- 3 units All Freeguild- 9 units Pirates and Order Serpentis Chariots- 2 units Helblaster Volley Gun & Helstorm Rocket Battery- 2 units Collegiate Arcane- 6 units Staying: Most of Ironweld Arsenal- 5 units Assassin and Dark Riders combined with around half of Darling Coven- 6 units Dispossessed- 6 units Phoneix Temple- 6 units Remaining Order Serpenits combined with remaining Pirates- 6 units So wow them combining and cutting gave us 4 non human races with 6 units in each. Also very proxy/kit bash friendly with only the Chariots and Mage Cart being the units I don't see having a good replacement?
  16. I recently bought Cities and the repetition across the faction was close to a joke. Would be glad if they gave the races stronger identities and less redundant units. Figure can just use the units they remove as proxies anyway? But ya I agree that the fear of Cities losing the other races is now over......................... now the non human races being trash that nobody uses is a new question apparently lol. Personally think Darlings will take a massive hit. The Start Collecting for pirates comes with all the pirate units and half of the Order Serpentis. Figure at that point just keep the raptor riders and dragon.
  17. I have been convinced by the Sigmar community that Cities was never a real faction and that GW was keeping it part of the game until they released Old World and/or the human faction they really wanted. Will be paranoid about this until I see those warscrolls lol. The leaks from both people have overall been a mixed bag. Seems like Cities will remain the muti race faction with at least some Dwarfs, Elves, and Ogres so that is great! On the other hand, the non human units being trash and the hint that the Start Collecting boxes saved most of them is sort of ominous....
  18. So I am a bit confused by this. So does that mean no more AoS books or just older events that happened already?
  19. If we don't count the new stuff (Curse City, Hex Hunters, and ven Denst) then they are cutting out around 50% (most of it human) according to the other leaker. I still think dark elves are taking a hit. So the number could be much higher when all things are said and done. I think as long as they keep some elves, dwarfs, and dark elves everything should be fine? That would allow players to proxy everything else they remove in some way or form. And everything that both leakers as well as GW said so far indicates that non human races would still be in the faction in some form......................... Of course that could just be the cope talking lol.
  20. Most likely Cities is the summer release or later? Only the option is about the dark elves and what is staying/getting cut. Either way will be interesting to see how the community will respond to so much being removed from the faction. See a lot more talk about the non human stuff for this human rework lol.
  21. Pretty good list. Only two things I personally would change/warn about: The Freeguild stuff should be in the high chance of getting removed. Every leak we got so far has been pretty clear on that. Of course common consensus is that almost everything will be easy to kitbash or just proxy. So your freeguild stuff should still be fine. My personal theory is that a lot of the dark elf stuff will be cut. Guy said a big part they were safe was the Start Collecting boxes. That covers the pirates, but not sure about the Order Serpenits or Coven. I think it would be strange if they decided to keep so many while gutting the other races?
  22. This would really be a cool idea and I would be 100% for it. Would fix a lot of problems with Cities and allow people to run their normal Dwarf, Human, Elf, or Dark Elf armies solo or mixed. ................. I can also see GW not telling anybody this and when the Human stuff comes out and 3/4 of the other races get removed the reaction will not be good lol.
  23. The line about the SC boxes saving dwarfs and pirates I think is the most troubling. Makes me really think they will just use the crusades as way way to keep the lore untouched, but still remove all the non human elements. And I would be 100% fine with proxing my removed units with what remains or the new human stuff. That was my original plan when I got into Cities, but now I am not sure and think i rather invest in my other factions????
  24. Think the issue a lot of people are trying to come to terms with is the signs that the faction is turning from a muti race faction into a mostly human army. The new models will be amazing, but a lot of people got into the faction for the diversity. And a human refresh was needed, but the way they been doing this has not really been fun lol. The line about the SC boxes being the only thing saving dwarfs and some dark elves is also a bit worrying.
  25. I also like the idea of them just condensing the other races to 2 or 3 units sort of LRL and their subfactions. That would of got rid of the bloat, kept the diversity, and would allow for a lot easy of proxies. If the rumors are true then the big red flag is still the removal of the wood elves. That raises a lot of questions. Also not sure why the SC would be the sole thing saving so many units????
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