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Everything posted by RyantheFett

  1. The Denst and the Cursed City units have been mentioned in one of the early Cities of Sigmar articles. If you are looking for a sign that they will be carried over that one is pretty decent.
  2. My only fear is that GW takes the Tau route with the lore being full of different races and culture, but we get like 1 or 2 units being from other races and 90% will be just humans.
  3. The closest we got to what would be in the box was The Honest Wargamer joking that it would be only the two foot heroes and the rest being old stuff. He seemed to know, but I have not gone thought his other podcast to see if he went into more details.
  4. It sucks and if we are being honest it does feel like GW have been pushing Stormcast to become Space Marines. We just don't know how successful their attempts have been. GW will always follow the money first and if Stormcast are selling then expect a lot more of them.............
  5. Honestly Valrak seems to be the only big leaker when it comes to GW. Funny party is that he does the clickbait titles, large letters, and silly images, BUT he has been pretty much right for everything he says. The only real downside is that he cares nothing for Sigmar and does not try unless its the big event reveals. The Honest Wargamer is a weird one since he does seem to have some leaks, but he just throws them out their in a middle of a 2 hour stream (he is fun to listen to so its a win win) and says it like it is common knowledge. The recent example being The Old World where he knew the starter box and hinted that he knew what was coming in it, but being shocked that GW was going to use all the old resin and metal models lol.
  6. Would lean towards him having his own sources, but they could be an overlap. The stuff the Honest Wargamer leaked about Old World and 40k recently shows how a lot of the Youtubers share rumors and leaks. Valrak and Auspex Tactics come to mind.
  7. Sooooooooooooooo I feel like they wanted to say something positive, but it came out as "don't worry guys not everything is old resin! We got some metal models mixed in as well!!!!!"
  8. Once again I feel like them playing their cards too close to the chest does more harm then good, but it is pretty clear that is how GW rolls. We just don't really know what their goal of this game is (outside making more money) I got one friend who believes that Tomb Kings will be getting a range refresh, but then you see streamers thinking that they just want to clear out all of their warehouses. Personally I would love to play the game, but the idea of buying old resin and metal models at current prices seems like a hard pass.
  9. They are stamps. Two 40k, two AoS, and 2 Old World.
  10. So that is the old Dwarfs. Are those the old elves? Will be interesting to see how many kits they will try to sell across all the factions?
  11. The announcers said humans, but apparently they only know what GW told them to say. IIRC a few of the articles did mention other races, but we will have to just wait and see. We got a few rumors and with GW being pretty quite about the faction so far we have had a lot of different views pop up because of that. Also found that there has been a belief on the internet that Cities was never a real faction and just a placeholder for Cities rework or the return of the Old World. Right now the most current rumors are about half the units (humans, high elves, and wood elves) will be cut, but the rest stays and they may add ogres. Will the remaining get removed in the future (my guess is yes), but who knows lol!
  12. You are correct that the Imps try to wipe out any aliens they find, but they still have quite a few out there. GW just does not really care that much to represent them in either plastic and paper for reasons. Hell there is a good argument to be made that even the human factions take a backseat to the Space Marines. Best example is the Tau who are pretty much The Covenant from Halo. An empire that has dozen of races which include giant floating psychic bears, lots of bugs, and massive giants. On the table they have mostly just their own species........... and lots of robots lol. That is what I like about Sigmar is that at least it feels that they try and spread the love around. Not saying it could be better, but it could be a lot worse.
  13. Pretty sure they will not have any news until after 10ed drops. Gw is doing a faction a day for 40k and this will go on for the rest of the month and the release is late next month as well. Expect they will kickstart showing Cities a week or two after?
  14. Same here. I like the fact that Stormcast did not dominate AoS as Space Marines have done with 40k. Feels like the other factions get a lot more love and the game feels a lot more diverse. I jumped from Sigmar into a Xeno army for 40k and the difference is crazy. I really thought and the jokes, memes, and complaints were overblown, but nope its pretty bad lol.
  15. That is my attitude to the Cities remake as well. Everything that gets cut will get a lot of kit bashing and mixing in with the new stuff. Hopefully the new stuff with come out a lot of extra pieces to help out lol. Also think having mixed units with dwarfs, elfs, and humans will also be a lot cooler then just a generic human army. Just wish they would tell us if they did plan on pulling everything out over time. Last rumor/leak I saw it was around 50% getting removed (mostly humans tho).
  16. If we are talking about Star Wars Legion then I would say it suffers from the same issue as AoS (at least before I quit). A large part of the system is based of off getting crits which bypass armor, cover, and most other defenses. So while some weapons you want to pick targets a lot of the time it becomes of game of rerolls, lots of dice, and luck. Even the most tanky units often get one shot off the table. I like the 40k version weapons where the strength of the weapon really decides what you need to attack. Think that could work in the next version of Sigmar......... or at least better then what they are doing now?
  17. I'm guessing its another space marine with a spear. My guess for every one is space marine with something attached onto it. But you never know 40k took so many ideas from Sigmar maybe spreading the love will be on this list as well.
  18. That is the big question going around. Current rumors is most of the high/wood elves are gone, but the rest is safe for now. Throw in all the humans and that is about half the faction cut/replaced. At least will finally get the answer to if Cities was really just a place holder army until they were remade/Old World was brought back. Gw may feel safe enough to cut more or say that they will phase out all the old stuff finally and push those players back into Old World
  19. Ya it was brought up a little. Means the rumored brets v tomb kings is that all the leakers talked about will most likely happen. Just no rules book in it or whatever they consider an official GW starter set lol.
  20. Looks like they clarified the starter set mix up. Seems like they will be doing a vs. box, but they consider a starter set having a rule book and other stuff.
  21. Seems like they are keeping a lot of things close to the chest with most of the focus on 10ed. The only thing that seems strange is that the 10k road map goes for almost a year (woohoo my Tau) while Sigmar only got what two quarters?
  22. In theory the game could start out with a lot of factions and with several having a large roster? Humans, Orcs, Vampires, Chaos, dwarfs, and somewhat the elves all have models still being sold. If Tomb Kings and Bretonna are the starting factions and get a lot of love GW could have a pretty large game right out of the gate
  23. In theory they will be throwing a lot of the old models at players and they should have rules for several factions at the start? Could see them having several starter sets being sold in pretty quick succession. Throw in the rumors of all the Cities units being cut on top of that.
  24. This is from a stream today. Valrak still claims that it is Bretonna vs. Tomb Kings and has been saying this for a while now. And so far his track record has been pretty good (too bad he cares nothing for SIgmar lol). Personally I would find it really weird that they been throwing those two factions at us and then would randomly reveal two other factions as the starter lol.
  25. As it has been pointed out by a lot of different people GW also has a bad habit of not believing that stuff outside of Space Marines will sell so they do not even try. Which gets us in that feedback loop you can see now. Glad AoS spreads the love out a lot more.
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