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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Those new little terrain pyramids for shadespire are looking good. ?
  2. You lil Knight of Shrouds you! ????????
  3. It would be amazing if they changed the shrieker host to include The Briar Queen or tomb banshee, similar to how Shroudguard can use KoS or Reikor.
  4. If Grims lost the gravesite ability in Nagash but stayed the same, I think they'd be fine. Agreed @Tropical Ghost General Anything else done to them and Nighthaunt pure just suffers. ?
  5. @Cursed @Tropical Ghost General Still a WIP but coming along. Not the best pics either. Trying to add a bit more texture to the robes so they come off as heavy wool or cotton cloth.
  6. It was really funny to me because I'm doing the shrouds of mine in an off white/grayish theme. ? Happy haunting!
  7. @Tropical Ghost General "Bedsheets"!!?? Bahahaha ???
  8. @Neck-Romantic Ha! Its just something stumbled across wilst reading. Wondered how it sounded to others. Heh.
  9. @relic456 I thought about the set up part but it does state it counts as that units move. When HW move (which it counts as) Spectral hunters is triggered. Meh... I'll email them and maybe get a reply. Maybe I'm just overly optimistic on this one.
  10. My points of reasoning: 1: Spectral Summons happens in movement phase. Spectral Hunters requires it. ✔ 2: Spectral Hunters requires this to be a result of movement; Spectral Summons counts as the units move. ✔ 3: Its not free and requires a CP cost 4: You still need the 5+ to get so you're not just decimating entire units. Yes its potentially powerful but i dont feel it to be op. Anyone else think this could be a thing?...
  11. Not exactly dishing them out though as you still need the 5+. I don't see this as any more nasty then dropping two stormcast ballistas in your face though either.
  12. Concerning Hexwraiths spectral hunters ability and spectral summons command ability shenanigans.... Example: If i were to use the spectral summons on a unit of Hexs and "move" them across multiple enemies across the board, would I then roll for spectral hunters as it states this is their "move" and spectral summons states whatever units this unit "passed" across? Does this seem legit? RAW and all that jazz. ?
  13. I for one hope we do not get a soup tome for all greenskins. I find this idea very lazy and to be honest a bit of a slap in the face when I look over at Order or Chaos. These two Alliances have a plethora of options and fleshed out factions. There's no reason, lets say Ironjawz, should not get the same level of attention. I'd much rather prefer something unique to the alliance in the form of limitless allies amongst race or something along those lines. On the other hand, If a soup tome does drop, i hope its in the form of a bandaid/supplement and not the only way going forward with Greenskins. This is not the cheapest nor just a pick up and play hobby like a video game so as a Destro and Death fan I'm hoping we don't fall too far behind or not get the same kind of attention Order and Chaos do. Its a bit of a slap to face as a paying customer/fan. I've stated before that not every release needs a shiny new tome or a campaign. There's no reason a new unit, hero, monster or just updated sculpt cant just drop on its own from time to time. GW is doing a great job with AoS! Just want them to know we dont all follow or collect Order and Chaos. Rant over. ? Waaagghh on and keep raising the dead!!!
  14. I like her. I'll buy her. I'll paint her. She'll slaughter my enemies. Its a fantastic sculpt.
  15. If your asking me, @Ragnar Alpaca, they're the Dreadblade Harrow spooky steeds.
  16. Shmexxxy! Wonder if itll be a hero or just a normal Bladegheist....
  17. Here are mine so far. They're almost ready for paint. Just a bit more cleaning up. I picked up a couple Lord Executioner cheap on the bay of E and used the spirit heads to help retain the fiery theme. Im really pleased and look forward to the end result.
  18. I think this is in part because most, if not all, of the chaos designs and themes are set in stone for the most part. Everything in Destro is for, lack of a better term, pretty generic fantasy themes. I believe we are coming in last due to GW needing to find a way to bring new and exciting ideas to Destro. I mean the fact that Troggs seem to be getting their own Shadespire warband is very interesting... not a single warband has come from a non-existing army. ? Do NOT stay calm and waaaghh on! The other allegiances will feel the power of Destro at some point!!
  19. Manny moons ago, ( about the same time ironjawz were being rumored before they were ironjawz) I recall reading about a duel Ork kit in the form of tankbustaz & kammandos. It makes sense seeing as how theyre both resin still. Perhaps this is a bit. ? Also at the same time was a copter that dropped Grots.... maybe 40k, maybe Grotbag Scuttlers...
  20. I'm not even the biggest chaos fan but just wanted to give a shout out to GW for not being afraid to still put exposed b r e a s t s on sculpts. I know that's not everything She's/he's about but it was kinda part of the aesthetics and theme. I was wondering if Slaanesh was going to go all PG-13 on us and I'm glad GWs embraced the fact that their setting is still grim and not all fans are child. Props GW.
  21. While the Ork line has and is great, it could definitely use an upgrade to most of it.
  22. @Rob Hawkins This is the pitch profile from instructions. It the same as nightmare lantern And here's the warscroll for reference to anyone. This model really needs to end up in the Start Collecting eventually. Edit: also, which weapon are people building? Haven't decided yet.
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