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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. With the wispers coming from many winds I really don't think Bonesplittez are going to make it. I mean just look at these fellas. Unless each orruk faction recieved their own tome I just don't see them staying. This really does open design space for krulez and jawz if they stay in one tome. I could see a mid range archer / great weapon option kit in this Kruleboyz beast breaka theme coming along and them exploring the beast breaka aesthetic more in future releases. Sucks if you're a huge Bonesplittez fan however I am not and I'm not sad to see them go. The fans do have my sympathy though.
  2. Interesting. I'd be down with Kruleboyz and gitmob fusing to become a sussesor to orcs & goblins of old. Hobz is one thing I hope gets expanded upon in one way or another for both forces. Its like their whole identity. And that each force is allowed to take them. And still hoping their history with Kruleboyz is opened up to us more.
  3. I'm not overly 40k /30k fluent but there's been wispers of "prime-orks" even from the likes of Valrak and wasn't there some big war with them where initially orks were massive compared to current standards, like the one that damn near slayed the emperor? Perhaps this is were 30k goes?... Idk.
  4. Whilst I agree whole heartedly about the big pony for better or worse he is tied to the swamp boyz and seeing as destro in general never has much story impact to begin with I'll take what I can get. I do feel like there's more than meets the eye going on there. Maybe even tied into the chorfs somehow. Probably typical nothing burger destro lore though.
  5. I'm excited to see how the chaos stunties interact lore wise with Kruleboyz. I want to know more about "The war of the Broken promise" betwixt the two. Hopefully it's more than just a lore blurb. I stil think Kragnos will play more into things then is currently apparent.
  6. The model was probably designed and casted before the decision to restore them to TOW was made. Plus they had to throw them something if they were getting a new tome at the time. Everyone else received something.
  7. I do sympathize for the rat fans. You guys waited till 4th for new models and now you'll have to wait till 5th for rules that don't suck being a starter box army and all. πŸ˜„ I actually think they'll do pretty well as it's not a new army but a very much pre-established one.
  8. πŸ€” Sacrifice a new forum member?...
  9. Easy... easy... Choose your next words carefully... 😜 Regardless if snarlfang were or not it's an absolutely fantastic kit with its own identity from the silliness of the moon glooms and I have much desire to see them expanded upon. I could see BoC current getting sent to TOW and a complete reimagining of the faction for AoS into its own unique thing.
  10. @KingBrodd Googles hugh grant.... i dont get it.
  11. -Not mod hat on- @KingBrodd Please refrain from putting that orange pimple of a traitor all up in our happy place. ✊️ carry on. 😁 Hope you get your ogors and they're everything you could want.
  12. There are close others and some BIG disappointments but going with these dubious lil guys. It's just such a fun kit and such a glow up!! I absolutely love that it leans more on the serious leg like Kruleboyz where as glooms and jawz retain more of that classic orcs and goblins silliness. Please don't let this be a one off, Geedubs!! And keep this aesthetic rolling with them!! Was a shame their stats were dwarfed when compared to the, imo, OP stats of their squig hopping cousins. Wish they had felt a little more elite with even an 18" 1,3,3, 0, 2 ranged stat line and a 2" 1, 4, 3, 0 (-1 on charge), 2 spear stat line.
  13. Whilst I can see both sides here and both are valid I believe the artists get just s much satisfaction seeing all those wonderful pieces across Instagram, etc. Also I'm sure the artists know that "hey I sculpted the new snarlfang riders" so pretty sure I'm not going to win this very biased and inconsequential contest. I believe the lead sculptor was responsible for Angron for whatever that's worth. It's a fun little thing but I don't think it's worth too much attention is all m saying here. PS, the snarlfang riders are one of my absolute fav kits of the year so big props to whoever sculpted them!! 🀘🐺🀘
  14. Seeing as Gitmob received the update best chance spiderfang have is in warcry I'd wager.
  15. It's just an official contest slash popularity vote. It holds no barring on anything so doesn't really matter if there's ever two categories or not. I don't particularly care for Angron as I don't think it's an all that great sculpt but I knew it was going to place. Derp, derp. That last bloodthirster that forgeworld did blew agron out of the park imo in terms of design and execution. It's not that deep.
  16. Main plans are more Kruleboyz and FEC. Kroot will definitely be in there as well. Can't wait. And SBGL should they get some more or updated skellies. Best wishes at the new gig @Gaz Taylor And much inspiration and motivation to @everyone else!!! 🀘
  17. I'm going with a "think it is" as I think the head of the beast is actually turned to it's left so it's hard to make out the kroot-ness in its biology. We'll see eventually.
  18. Oh yeah, baby!!! 🀘 Now we're getting somewhere!!! I do hope they keep with tradition and this new beasty is a kroot subspecies. It's definitely hard to tell at this point. And damn do I hope the new krootox is like dankhold size. βœŠοΈπŸ”
  19. He's pretty fantastic. Been a patreon for a min now. Highly recommend checking him out as well. 🀘
  20. Kruleboyz = πŸ’š Gitmob = πŸ’šπŸΊ Ironjawz = πŸ’šπŸ’ͺ🏻 Gloomies = πŸ’šπŸ„πŸ€ͺ
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