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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Badstabbaz: I can see a two handed great weapon unit being added but hope it's more than just three. It's pretty ridiculous that boltboyz are three to a box as is, imo, and too expensive for a single sprue kit with zero load out options. Maybe I missed it but were does it say that "only" killaboss ride gnashtoof? I definitely want a three man murknob gnashtoof kit. Also I'd be pleasantly surprised by a stand-alone multi kit with different options but this is orruks we're discussing and not stormies. I wouldn't hold your breath. An idea I had was for a small band or even a single hero of trap grots that could be hidden away like fanatics or used as "go-fer" elixir/potion carriers from a far off swampcalla. Deffspikerz: A murknob ranged veteran hero and whilst continuing with the theme it would have a plink grot companion with a little bolter of its own. More siege equipment. I'd prefer the cogfort stay out my swamp but it's a cool bit of lore. Gitsnatchaz: A big gnarly swamp Buffalo used as a transport and support piece. A sloggoth lurker. A single sloggoth and grot handler that you set up in ambush. Beast Breakaz: I really like the howlaz and I'd love to see a hunting pack of them over gnashtoof actually. Fast attack like new kroot hounds. A midrange scouting / hunting unit of bow weilding kruleboyz. Slightly smaller two model unit of mirebrute troggs with or without riders to accompany the breaka boss. If with rider put two orruks on there like how the stonehorn kit works. Extra: I'd love to see an updated fellwater kit that's cross faction able or some equivalent. 🖤 Mirebrute Hag generic or character model.🖤 The gits have their king so we'll take the queen. 😍 Hobgrot expansion. This is just a few off the top of my head. Keep em krule and keep em comin, geedubs. 🤘💚🤘
  2. I do, I really do! 🖤🤘 My ideal unit would be 3 man unit with an alternate build option with single handler and rider- less toofs. Throw in a third ranged build option and what's the expression all the lil devil kids are saying these days? "TAKE MY $$$$!" 😅
  3. I think sometimes players forget that a unit type or soldier is just that. It doesn't have to be grand and burdened down with unnecessary details. In this instance of kroot hounds they are, well, just hounds. The unit function is simple and the models represent this. They could of been a bit more dynamic imo but overall I really like them for what they are and their funcion, a war pup. Great job, sculptor(s). Can't wait to start a full kroot collection and I don't even play 40k. It's all subjective in the end.
  4. I really like the new look as well. I'm hoping for a deathrattle update too. Update the black knights as their own kit with build options for ranged and melee and a new grave guard kit or equivalent in the same vein. Maybe the wispered about mummies are what the new GG kit will become. 🖤💀
  5. @Fellman Fantastic color scheme! What colors were used?
  6. Does this mean you can have 3x triple reinforced vamp lord units? It's 1350 points but could be fun. 🤘
  7. That new Kruleboyz swampcalla ability is nice but what an absolutely boring way to get it. 😒 If true its pretty fraking lame our troggs didn't get the same healing that glooms do. Why is consistency such a foreign theme with Geedubs. Bah!!
  8. @zilberfrid Where are the boats from? I've always had an idea to do a ship graveyard cove board but finding suitable boats has proven difficult.
  9. @Gutsu17 I'm of the complete opposite. I didn't care for the new beastlord at all but that kill team nailed it imo. If they updated to that I'd be hard pressed not to start them.
  10. Just became my new fav member!!😅 Off topic but I got to finally see them late last year and it was amazing!!🤘
  11. -Not mod hat on- Try to be respectful, forum friends. I know feelings are tense with this latest round of rumors but this is where the cool kids hang. Be cool.
  12. One small thing that stands out to me is when the trailer for that last new beastlord was released it really was presented as kind of a joke. Like even Geedubs didnt take it seriously either. I did kinda feel bad fo BoC fans after watching that. I felt it was kinda disrespectful to them. Eh? Whatcha goin do...
  13. Well at least we're not getting squatted. Ouch! Too soon?... Annnnd we'll take some of your tasty ambush rules while we're at it. 🤘😜😁
  14. Or fly. Such a badass vamp to contain a God and be Nefs right hand but none of the basic traits of a vamp. 🤣😒 Oi....
  15. An influencer with a source. 😉 Also just seems like a good dude.
  16. I'm sure there's a reason. They know a group of fans will not be happy with this and I dont think they're intentionally trying to ****** fans off. Same as when bonesplitterz do the same. If true, you BoC fans have my sympathy and I truly hope you can find something else in this setting to latch onto. I wonder if they plan on giving Kruleboyz some of those tasty army rules that BoC have. They have somewhat of an overlapping theme imo.
  17. Hopefully you mean a new mirebrute. 🤞😁
  18. @Nezgor Thanks. Good news. I'm only using the new cryptguard ghouls. Swords are my basic and halberds as cryptguard and wanted to further differentiate them by having all cryptguard with helms if possible.
  19. How many heads come in the Morbheg knights kit?
  20. @Chikout Do you know who sclpted the Kruleboyz? Ive been trying to find out for awhile.
  21. @Ejecutor I'm sure they are different sculptors. The heads and especially the mouth designs are a clear indication imo.
  22. One huge attraction for me in their design in the real world functionality. Armor has actual straps, weapons have mechanisms, weapons are not two ton axes, etc. This is just one design element that I absolutely love on top of soo much more. Anatomy is spot on for me as well. Hell, the mirebrute is hands down THE BEST troll ever done by geedubs imo. I really think it's been underrated just how much of a brave and innovative desicion it was for them to deviate from their tried and true orcsh design history. And I'm absolutely here for it. Don't get me wrong here. I'm a huge fan of classic design that has made it's way into the fantastic ironjawz line. But I'll never look at them the same. This is a big reason behind why I absolutely adore the snarlfang riders kit and hope there's more of them and they stick with it as well. As always, salute to the unsung heros we know as the artists behind these. ✊️ Keep em krule and keep em coming.
  23. Concerning basic moon grots I think we'll see a new kit similar to that last underworlds band. I think it would be cool to see that little mushroom blow dart fella replace the shootas and with a melee option as well. Then send that old kit over to TOW.
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