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Everything posted by Flippy

  1. That is what Hulk does and you cannot blame him for it 😄
  2. Desing and the concept behind the design. To me, Warhammer Orcs are the force of nature, neither good nor evil or cruel, never corrupted by Chaos. The Kruleboyz are different; they are very clearly vile creatures. I like simple gym bros who boast their deadlift PRs and are overjoyed whenever they see a worthy opponent; a Stormcast, a Chaos Chosen, a vampire - who cares, it’s beating time! I like crazed hunters, driven by spirits, who will throw themselves at the biggest beast possible. And I can see these two coexisting as natural expressions of orcish nature. And then you have evil, mean creatures, who take apparent pleasure in enslaving and mutilating others - that’s quite a difference.
  3. Bonesplitterz are currently an army made of two outdated boxes. Anything they get will be considered a massive release. And I really hope that they will get it soon; the Kruleboyz have been such a disappointment for me (I know, we have fans of Mordor slaves here) and I would love to see the proper Savage Orcs modernised.
  4. The variations will likely stay; as for the subfactions - my only hope is that we can play the whole range in the same army. I would hate the forced choice between skink and saurus force.
  5. On the contrary, he deserves that we keep his profile low.
  6. The Primaris Lieutenants have finally found their match.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if we get these as waterslide decals. They would fit perfectly on the new shields.
  8. A bit, yes. But this means that you can use them interchangeably - which is really nice if you would like to field two Boneshapers or two Ossifectors.
  9. With the recent “death” of Nagash it may well turn out in the new battletomes that neither OBR nor Vampires are particularly loyal to him.
  10. And the crawler is done. I hope that one will be enough under the new battletome.
  11. The text allows for both interpretations; I think we should not choose the one that is clearly unintended as it would lead to absurd results.
  12. And you based this assumption on the picture of the middle ages infantry Burgundian foot soldier?
  13. That is, unless he's an oversized bone-spider wizard. Then I'm ok with this.
  14. Yeah, it's just weird - is he floating? Is he moving in any specific direction? Taking off? Landing? No idea 😕
  15. Is that for real? Neither the attachment nor his position looks natural. What is he doing with his right leg? Maybe it's just the angle... but I don't think so. Weak model, baloon Kaharadrons or Gossamid Archers do the "flying" part much better.
  16. Yes, they look similar to some OBR runes, but these "spears" also have bolts (?), and that would be strange in OBR.
  17. I admire the mere fact that you decided to paint these guys.
  18. Anything can happen, sure - but with Thunderers we're talking about Stormcast-level resilience. It doesn't get much better in AoS. And they can apply -1 to hit debuff by themselves.
  19. Thunderers with 2W each and 3+ save will die from the charge? Just to confess - I always found the run & shoot approach pitiful and tried (as much as possible) to play the melee game with Zon or Thryng and Endrinriggers & Endrinmaster as combat units. The new book seems to really support this style with: - Frigates; this does not need explanation; - stronger melee units; - more durable objective holders (Thunderers); - movement control (did anyone try the Navigator with Stormcaller? it looks super good on paper). All in all I guess we should treat shooting as a major element of the army, used to: (i) remove screens and support; (ii) soften the tough targets before combat. At the same time, we're not supposed to clear the table with shooting, while avoiding combat - and that is a very healthy change.
  20. It looks really good, but you have to paint bracken & vines - and highlighting these leafs (as you did) is not something I would call a “low effort base” 😄
  21. It probably says a lot that I find bastiladon the best of three - and that is exactly because of how restrained the design is. I would not like him to become bigger.
  22. To offer a different perspective on this... I'm personally against the influx of big centrepiece models and I find the following ideas ludicrous: army of dinosaurs, army of gargants, army of giant sea turtles & whales, steam tanks, mammoths, dragons, magma-lizards etc. Big models were supposed to spice up the armies, but bigger is not always better (and beyond certain threshold it is almost always worse), and too much spice can leave some bad taste. Current Kroak is spot-on - big, but acceptable; now I would be very happy if GW can focus on infantry & cavalry (aka the actual army) and not another monstrosity to match Nagash (fail), Archaon (fail), Kragnos (epic fail) or Teclis (fail).
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