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Everything posted by Sabush

  1. Interesting changes. Don't think it will be gamechanging, but some well deserved buffs at least. However, I wonder if the nerf to Arcane Tome Might end up hurting Kruleboyz more than those buffs help?
  2. Thats a fantastic conversion! What's the base model? Agree with your point regarding Mugruk.
  3. My goal this month is to finish 1 Murknob. Then either 1 Breakaboss or 5 Gutrippaz.
  4. Alright, that's fair enough. I thought it was longer between the releases, but you're right.
  5. I've considered all three options actually hehe. Mugruk is a bit too expensive, mainly because I can't find it in Sweden and the shipping and taxes from UK for a single tiny model simply isn't worth it. I have an old metal orc shaman model which I really like, but it doesn't have the same look as the kruleboyz-orruks. I'm interested in converting somehow. Staff swap and/or posion bowl swap is a good idea, just wondering if there are any good hands/staffs to replace them with. Head swap would be hard I think, due to how the swampcalla model is constructed. If anyone has any examples of conversions I'd be interested in hearing/seeing them.
  6. (Please let me know if this isn't a good thread for this) I'd like to play with two swampcalla shamans to get more access poisons, elixirs and spells. But I really don't like playing with two identical hero models on the table. Does anyone have any good tips for conversions or proxys?
  7. Finished my goal for this month: 1 Killbow 3 Boltboyz
  8. I'm really curious what will happen to the "Dark Elves" in AoS. Misthavn is still a city of Sigmar. But Har Kuron is a Morathi-city, for now... I wouldn't hate Darkling Covens, Order Serpentis, Scourge Privateers and Shadowblades getting transferred to DoK. My dream-scenario would be a release of Malerion, Malerion-Elves and a new Hero on Drakespawn (Did Malus survive?) all put into DoK or combined to make a new faction.
  9. Alright, that’s good to know. Thanks!
  10. I have a question regarding Kruleboyz Waaagh hopefully someone can answer or, if it has already been answered before, point me to the answer. When you pick the units within 18 inches to fight with the general, how do you take "strike last"-effects into account?
  11. With a new Khorne Vanguard box on its way, I’m wondering what will happen to the existing Start Collecting box? There are some amazing models there and I don’t want them to be discontinued.
  12. Thanks for the information, I was uninformed. Sorry for calling you out! This makes the move by GW even better than I thought then!
  13. You still could’ve recycled it. Don’t need gw for that. Or maybe the recycling possibilities are really bad where you live.
  14. My goal this month: 1 Beast skewer killbow 3 Boltboyz
  15. Guessing its the mandatory foot hero to go along with the new book.
  16. Finished my goal for this month. 10 gutrippaz, 10 hobgrots and 1 swampcalla shaman. Quite a lot of speed painting, as I was pressed for time to get it all done for a couple of games this weekend.
  17. Okay, my goal for this month is actually quite big. 10 gutrippaz, 1 swampcalla and 10 hobgrots. Lets go!
  18. Finished the three boltboyz that I set out to paint with time to spare. So painted up a gutrippa boss, stabgrot and killaboss on gnashtoof. Very happy with the progress this month!
  19. Finished up the birdboss. Decided to add the hippoboss and miniboss.
  20. Finished my boltboyz now. Pretty happy with them, but nothing special. With some time left this month I decided to add another orc to paint.
  21. My goal for Januari is to paint three bow-orcs for my kruleboyz warband for warcry.
  22. Finished the last two guys a week ago. And with that, the whole catacombs-box is finally complete! Overall pretty pleased with how it all came out. Will probably upload a bunch of pictures of it, for those interested.
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