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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Everything posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. The old metal Shamans are also shown in that pic (they're models that I love, but that's irrelevant...) No idea what that means.
  2. Daemons, too... who are already doing double-duty with 40k!
  3. If I ruled the world... I'd have all the rules-based content as digital things. If money-making is required, charge a monthly subscription fee or something. All rules accessible via an app, but also available as printable files for those who like it like that. Hell, if there's still demand for rules in old-fashioned book format, publish simple, short pamphlet-style books that contain the rules and nothing else. All this gets updated regularly, as rules changes are required. Then there's the lore. I'd have beautiful, big coffee-table-style books for each faction. No rules. Just in-universe stuff, and lots of art. Galleries of miniatures too, if you like. Charge a fortune for these, but they're worth it. Surely that keeps everyone happy, doesn't it? If it doesn't... tough, cos I'm ruling the world.
  4. I have a vague notion of re-basing my many Slaves to Darkness units (currently seeing very little use as Hedonites coalition troops) and starting an Old World army. Was flicking through a friend's Ravening Hordes book.... is there no Warshrine in the list? Nor Hellstriders? That's dispiriting. Do we assume they're going to find a place in the Arcane thingy book when it comes along?
  5. Azazel! Come on, they did him dirty with an absolute dud of a model first time around... he's owed a new lease of life!
  6. This would be ideal. It's such a pity that GW has absolutely no grasp of moving-with-the-times, and will probably be still doing the same old thing when we're all tucked up in our graves.
  7. Slaanesh devotees all saying "scuse me, can we have our god back yet?"
  8. Please, no more Chaos Sorcerer models... I've already got about ten, of various vintages!
  9. I'm totally picking up a box of them when The Old World gets around to it. It's something I felt when the new Darkoaths surfaced... Chaos is becoming increasingly un-chaotic. I don't approve. I want dark, baroque madness with tentacles!
  10. Roughly speaking, yeah. I don't have a fraction of the skill and patience required for real NMM.
  11. I took @Neil Arthur Hotep's advice to heart, and painted this overnight.... it does feel good to have accomplished something! It's not the best paint job I've ever done. But it ain't the best model ever sculpted, so that's fair! I do like the beastie he's using as a hat, though.
  12. One would assume so. That thing is damn tasty... probably my favourite model from the previews!
  13. Lovely work! Quite radiant... which is just as it should be.
  14. I fear I'm going to let myself down this month. I've had precious little time to paint, and have only made a few tiny inroads into the Glutos model. Note to self: smaller, and more focused, goals are probably the way to go for these monthly Painting Contracts.
  15. Yesss! I've got every shade of gold and purple sitting here, awaiting such a model.
  16. I'd much prefer a quick and easy-to-learn game to a perfectly balanced one. People are always going to view things as imbalanced anyway.
  17. If Mister Rat gets a Warcry gang before Slaanesh does, there will be... consequences.
  18. So, let me get this right... Archaon has said that the Great Horned Rat is officially the fifth official Chaos God? Slaanesh is so going to bite Archaon's head off... when He's free.
  19. Yes! This! I'm hoping the sort of streamlining they've got in mind will result in this. I spend far too long flipping back and forth to different points of reference, it's somewhat embarrassing (I'm 40... a lot of my opponents are considerably younger than me, and as much have far better memories for the details!)
  20. I have to confess, they're all beginning to blur somewhat to me. All the Doodicators and Whatsiticators and Othericators...
  21. Broadly speaking, I'm in favour of the little that they've revealed thus far. I'm ambivalent about the Priority Roll... I don't hate it like many players do. Wouldn't be fussed either way. The only thing I'm hesitant to be too enthusiastic about is the mention of cards. I don't like cards. I object to having to pay for them when I could be spending my money on more miniatures. And I always end up losing them somehow. Bah. I'm allergic to Magic the Gathering.
  22. I actually watched the trailer since everyone's going on about it (I don't usually watch videos. Well, Warhammer-related videos, that is...) My gods. Impressive stuff!
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