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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Everything posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. Those concepts are freaking brilliant. They remind me somewhat of Quentin Blake's illustrations for Roald Dahl books!
  2. "Enough"? What a strange concept. I have over 7000 points worth of models for my army, and feel no urge to stop yet. Highly appropriate, I guess, for a force dedicated to the God of Excess!
  3. In my book, anyone who has painted up multiple units of Blissbarb Archers is perfectly entitled to use as many of them as they desire, because the damn things are fiddly as hell to paint! Plus there's no justification, from a background point of view, to limit the number of Blissbarbs; they're meant to be the lowest rank of Sybarite, not particularly experienced in battle, and largely used as arrow fodder.
  4. I'd have called an army composed exclusively of Gargants to be pretty 'wacky'. Players who compose ultra-competitive army lists are always going to be a bit tiresome. I like that Age of Sigmar can have madness like an army that's entirely Steam Tanks or whatever.
  5. A slice of truth, right there. My army features 9 Seekers, because one got trodden on (don't ask). I just know that one day I'll buy another 5... but then I'll have 14, so where to then? Oh, the drama.
  6. Hah... down here in Australia it's oftentimes more of a case of waiting while for the weather to get cool enough to use spray primer!
  7. I've formed the habit of doing a little bit every day. Sometimes it's only 20 minutes worth, sometimes it might be a few hours. Over the last 5 years I've managed to paint (at an estimate) over 120 models for my army, just from doing my daily session.
  8. Why were the standardised unit sizes needed? I just asking out of curiosity.
  9. Nice to know that Skaven players never change.
  10. That's what I thought too when I first saw it. But in the accompanying tweet that said something about a 'stylish item of clothing'. Oh, and it probably ain't anything Slaaneshi. Too much vanity to wear a distressed cloak!
  11. Yeah, I had a feeling that there might not be a lot of crossover between the Core armies and the Legacy ones. But then I noticed that the Vampire Counts can ally with Tomb Kings, so obviously it's not a strict rule. Whatever. My group won't mind if I twizzle around with the rules. Like you say, House Rules.
  12. I ruddy well hope that rumour is long gone! Everything points towards Slaanesh being around for the foreseeable future, surely. Us Sybarites have never had it so good!
  13. Had a good read of the Daemons list. Very surprised to see the Infernal Enrapturess make an appearance, since that didn't show up until Age of Sigmar. Very pleased that Slaanesh Daemons now have proper Hatred for Khorne. Or was that a pre-existing thing in Fantasy Battles? Not in my era, it wasn't. Anyway.... Khorne is a big red Benny... Oh... no allies for Daemons? Disappointing. I'm hoping the Chaos Warriors have do have the option for Daemon allies, as my black heart is set on a blend of Slaaneshi Warriors and Daemons (and maybe even some Beasts too sometimes, if that's a valid option).
  14. Oooooh, I hope so! Give me something juicy to engage with.
  15. Oh my god. I've just had a massive epiphany. I've already got a Old World army! Well, the core of one, at least. I've got a sizeable number of coalition Slaves to Darkness units in my Age of Sigmar Hedonites collection. They're of very little use, tactically speaking. Why the hell aren't I re-basing them and using them in The Old World straight away!? This has never occured to me before. I'm seriously thick.
  16. "Personally, I leave all the rules and the gameplay stuff to the guys who understand that kind of thing - I just get them to point me in the right direction and tell me what to roll on the dice. I may not know all the rules, but I immerse myself so deeply in the story and I love seeing everyone's characters interacting on the table. It inspires me to paint more models!" That's a quote from His Holiness John Blanche. I dug it up because it's pretty much how I play Age of Sigmar lately. I wouldn't mind being more knowledgeable at the rules, and would like it if The Powers That Be made the rules less cluttered. But I'll keep playing regardless, because I love the world and the models.
  17. Something that I couldn't stop myself thinking about at 4am when I couldn't sleep: what was the Orc Shaman on Wyvern's name in the scenario that came in the Fourth Edition box? I keep thinking Sharptooth... but I think I'm getting mixed up with The Land Before Time! Any fellow old farts remember?
  18. Wholehearted agreement. Not sure why that whole thing didn't survive very long. Pandering to the 'competitive' players, I suspect.
  19. They said somewhere in the article that plastic Night Goblin mobs would be re-released, didn't they? I assumed that they'd be the older ones.
  20. The old Squigs and Fanatics are conspicuous by their absence.
  21. Do you think I could find a single website that said that? Hah! OK, I think I understand the concept now. Cheers, all.
  22. I've got a question to ask that might be incredibly stupid.... What do people mean when they talk about the Age of Sigmar "meta"? I see the term bandied around a lot, but don't really understand what they're talking about. My (admittedly very small) group of players don't use the term. Googling has confused me further. Any attempt to elucidate will be much appreciated!
  23. This is the kind of immersion in the spirit of your allegiance that I love, and thoroughly approve of!
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