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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Everything posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. I've never really paid much attention to ' the merch' side of things, but opened the link because of a vague interest in the display cases. Good grief. People really do love this Warhammer thing, don't they? And I say that as someone who has considered getting a Mark of Slaanesh tattoo.
  2. You're speaking my language eloquently there!
  3. Squeeee! That could be glorious. All in Venetian-style carnival masks, perhaps, and flamboyant outfits. Love it. It'd get me into Warcry instantly!
  4. Since the Marauders are at long last getting replaced, I thought I'd show off what I've done with the existing models to make them more palatable. I found that the biggest drawback with them was the goofy heads, so I simply replaced them with stripped-down Chaos Warrior helmets. Some of them I kept the one horn, as the assymatrical look of them is a recurring visual element in my collection. I quite like how they've turned out. They remind me of the (superior) old metal Marauder models, who mostly had all-enclosing helmets.
  5. I'm probably alone in finding these new Darkoath models a trifle underwhelming. Kind of generic and... realistic, I suppose. I like my Chaos to be a bit more extravagant and baroque. Doesn't matter, anyway, because it sounds like they're really pushing the 'unaffiliated with the gods' vibe, and I'm not interested in troops that I can't have devoted to Slaanesh!
  6. I wonder how long it'll take for them to spot the misspelling...
  7. I'm starting the month with this.... all being well, you'll see some changes by March's end!
  8. My reaction was more "why's that geezer hiding under a blanket?"
  9. Pfft. Darkoaths... prancing about, not worshipping the Chaos Gods, wearing boring outfits.... Slaanesh will have you for entree, you little clowns.
  10. That's a lot of models to just flat-out abandon in one fell swoop, isn't it? I can't see it happening, myself. Or maybe I'm just thinking wishfully, cos I've only just finished painting my Fane...
  11. I don't like to admit it, but I think you're probably right. As much as I wishlist about new Slaanesh things (give me my avarice hero!!) I think that we're in a pretty good state right now. As far as I can see, the other Chaos gods' lots are in a similar good place (someone will probably rip me in two for saying that...)
  12. An admirable undertaking. It sounds like a do-able number of models. Will be watching with great interest!
  13. This month I'm going to start painting Glutos. There's no way that I'll complete the model in one month... hell, I'll be pleased if I finish it this year! But I'll make a concentrated effort to get the foundations of it done this month.
  14. Agreed with aplomb. They'd do well to carry across a lot of the features of the Ikit kit (ha ha... ) when they do a new model. Same as how they did the Tzeentch Curseling model, to choose a random example.
  15. Lovely stuff! A smorgasbord of classic models there.
  16. I spent most of today (I'm in Australia) industriously finishing off my Contract models, thinking it was the last day of the month... only to be informed that there's a 29th this year. Oh well, I got them done! Will post pictures once the varnish has dried.
  17. Emperors Children are the Slaanesh ones, aren't they? I should keep an eye out for them... fresh bits and bobs that can be ransacked for my Hedonites. Speaking of... is there a reason that there's no Daemon Primarch for Slaanesh? Excuse my ignorance, 40k is something of a closed book for me.
  18. 60 euros for those rubbishy old Skeletons? And they'll probably sell. You have to credit GW for the strategy... discontinue a product that wasn't doing too flash, abandon it for a decade or so, then resurrect it at double the price, and watch it get lapped up.
  19. Rubbish so far. I'm still hoping their time will come and something epic and awesome will happen. Something to make their daddy proud. Hoping....
  20. Urgh. I'd say tabletop gaming ability and power in the lore are very different creatures. Otherwise the Talon and Voice of Slaanesh are really very rubbish, and will be utterly ineffectual in the fiction.
  21. Yes! They really nailed that. And I love the Twinsouls too, with all their esoteric weapons. In fact, the Egopomp (with that classic 'villain hand' pose) might be my favourite model in the current range!
  22. Oh yeah, that's something I forgot to mention... artwork. I've got a folder of illustrations that I find particularly influential, and often go and browse through it when I need an injection of inspiration.
  23. I should have added that after I've done the matt varnish, I use GW'S 'ardcoat on anything I want to glisten (Fiend and Steed tongues, gemstones, bits that I've painted up to look like black latex fetish gear, etc).
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