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Boingrot Bouncer

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Everything posted by Boingrot Bouncer

  1. Yeah, it's one thing to loose a hero to spell with limited range so you can at least have a chance to position the hero out of range or to normal wounds which you have a chance to defend against. But unlimited range MW is bad design no matter if it's comets call or this prayer since you as a player can not do anything to try to mitigate the effects, and this is to all your mage/priests on the board.
  2. Is it just me that feels like the Pontifex Zenestra ability to do D3 mortal wounds to every enemy wizard and priest feels a bit to much. Sure, it's a prayer that goes of on 3+ and then 2+ but a lot of mages are 5-6 wounds meaning it could really give a lot of NPE when you can do absolutely nothing to prevent it except heroically recover one hero. With a double turn it would not be that unlikely to go off twice and kill of a lot of the 5-6 wounds hero wizards...
  3. There was a leak of a new Warcry starter set with underworlds bands earlier this year (Stormcast+another that I don't remember), and it needs some terrain if it should be Warcry. Of course they could just put some old terrain spruce in it and call it a day, but there is a chance of new terrain at least.
  4. Seems very Gnarlwood terrain to me, so probably Warcry terrain.
  5. To be honest that 40k set with a lot of different models feels tempting as a hobby painter rather than player. Of course depends on the price point...
  6. Is it not possible that one or two of the "new" kits is an update of an existing unit? I was thinking of flaggelants for example, or does the math don't add up then?
  7. To bad that Stormbringer magazine cost so much to get from UK to Sweden that it makes it cheaper to buy the kits. Since I love to paint a model or two from different factions now and then it would be a instabuy if I could get it at something that looks like the UK price.
  8. For me what is lacking in the new kits so far is some kind of priest since there seem to be so much religious symbols etc.
  9. However, since there is new units that mean more then 8 units must be taken away from CoS.
  10. The problem with summoning in smaller games is that the summoning rules are usually not balanced for that. Ju might get a little less CPP in a smaller game (since you have fewer mages) but with a slann and a astrolith banner and the pyramid you will have little problem to get 8 points a turn with some unbinds. Which means you could summon a unit of skinks or similar from turn 2 and onwards leading to you basically having a 1000 point army in total. With 4 skinkunits it is an increase by 56 % in total points. In a 2000 point game you might get a bit more points (especially if you go the Kroak+slann build) but your summoning will be much less impactful, with between 12 and 16 points per round you would get about a 25 % increase in total points if you only summon stuff. Now, personally I have a feeling the summoning might need a little tweek to be more costly but there need to be more data on it from gamesbefore GW should do anything.
  11. I hope that AOS gets something similar to the coherency rules that new 40k have. If between 2-6 in a unit you should be within 2" of one other and with 7+ in a unit you should be within 2" of two other. All those elite units with 5-6 individuals and big bases will be much easier to use with that rule.
  12. Now I was not playing the Gitz Forgeworld monsters due to bad rules for the point cost for them but sad that they are gone for more casual games.
  13. To be honest this preview was not that interesting, few models where most was locked in FOMO-boxes. The positive thing is that it will mean that less money will be spent this autumn/winter.
  14. That Gitz-hero that was a sure sale to me will not be a sale if I have to but 27 other minis...
  15. Wow, a single fyreslayer hero, just what the faction needed
  16. Good for my wallet cause none of the AOS-related things got me interested except maybe for the terrain to warcry. Another six Stormcast that looks pretty much the same, and bot FEC and Nighthaunt was not something for me (although I am not saying that people that like them are wrong). For Stormcast it feels like they are starting to get the Space Marines problem that everything looks almost the same, sure they have another face mask and another weapon but at least for warcry and other side games it feels like they could try something new.
  17. I agree, you may not deal a massive amount of damage all the time but taking out a foot hero or a unit will be done quite easy and unless you play against another mage dom Kroak or even slanns will do a lot with their spells. My problem with what I read is more about the NPE. As a non-competitive player I see a lot of risk of having a lot of feel bad-moments playing against the Seraphon.
  18. You can also not just look at damage done, since this game is about more then that. It's about movement, screening and controlling objectives and considering all the teleports and the fact that you could redeploy three times with certain builds you could really mess up your opponents plans. You can win games without destroying a single unit of your opponents and if you are able to destroy a couple of units you probably have a chance to go 5 for 5 on battle tactics with this book.
  19. Interestingly they didn't change that you can take multiple gobbapalozza, although you can not stack their "know-wotz" on one unit
  20. Well, suffering is your thing isn't it? But I doubt we se chaos duardin yet, but it might be chaos +death that is revealed.
  21. I have bought 4 warbands (and also was given one as a present) and have never had any interest in the game.
  22. To be honest FOMO-boxea are only FOMO if you can't wait 6 months or so. The 6 month season on the other side is a bigger problem, with my busy year outside of playing I only managed a handful of games before needing to change all my army lists and the only upside to that is that last season was boring for me due to how the game was forming the game.
  23. To be honest they could have pieces of the crashed space ship as the bigger terrain-pieces in a box. They have some small ruin-pieces in the box so should be no problem to make som bigger ones. After the first box i choose to not buy the next boxes since the terrain was so similar to the first box. So far I have likes the warbands enough that I would have bought the boxes if they would have some different terrain compared to the first box. Of course, by now the terrain is already produced so we will just have to wait and see how the terrain is in the 4th box.
  24. It's much improved, you could have a good chance to keep it all game since it's only 1 dice and only if you have taken a wound that turn. But sure, you might lose it round 1 if you are unlucky.
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