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Everything posted by Asbestress

  1. I mean, we've had a "slimmer" ogor in the Drekki Flynt novels (with table manners no less), and as far as we know these city ogors have "just" enought restraint to not have the need to eat mid battle (honed over at least 500 years in Azyr 😛). Even then Fusil-Majors still sometimes need to feed them so they follow orders.
  2. Now, a Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk stands at each corner of every Castelite formation, serving multiple roles – lookout, sniper, and formidable flank defence. Also, any ideas on what a "Castelite" formation is? New keyword for gunpowder units? The name of the new handgunners/artillery (Freeguild Castelites/Castelite Bombard)? A literal formation of troops (warscroll battalion)?
  3. There was that one female Freeguild Guard (on the right) Sigmarite Battlenuns? Big named female General? 50/50 male/female head options in all kits? Now I'm even more intrigued for the next reveal...
  4. Compilation Image 3: Now with 100% more Galen ven Denst! Damn the ogor is huge! Still need at least 2 of them 😛
  5. Out of reacts for the day, but yeah we are definitely getting a full on ogor unit 😛 And for getting multiples, I can already imagine a Greywater gunline of 20 handgunners (or whatever gunpowder unit we get) flanked by two of these, with 2 of the new big bombards behind them bringing down the sky upon the enemy!
  6. Also nice to see alternate build options in the trailer (guy up top aiming, ogor with different shield and mace and head). Really customisable kit it seems! And we finally get a good look at more technologically advanced gunpowder weaponry. Really excited to see the handgunners to go along this engineer!
  7. OH MY SIGMAR YESSSSSSS I LOVE IT AND NEED TO SEE ARTILLERY MENTIONED!!!! I WILL get at least 2 of them (a first for a character for me 😛) Also, the lore is just amazing! I hope we get to see a full squad of Cities Ogors sometime. Kinda sad for KingBrodd though...
  8. Not quite today's article, but I just noticed how well the ven Densts' paintjobs fit into the new Hammerhal colours (almost certainly having been painted with knowledge of the range refresh). Really makes you appreciate the development process of a new range.
  9. I really want to see something big, but I'm keeping expectations to a Warpriest or maaaybe a handgunner. And yeah, I just like AoS and 40k for just having a fun game once in a while (I don't even really keep up with points/rule changes. If it's not game breaking, I'm sticking with what's the book/what sources I have 😛). Heck, I'm still using 8th Edition 40k rules. Also, does anyone else see the "Asbestress, and -1 others" in Lost Sigmarite's post's reactions?
  10. I'd say us getting any clues on it depends on the size of the initial release (e.g.: smallish with 8-9 kits or larger with 10-12) and how "expandable" the army seems to be in the Battletome, like the temples for Lumineth, mentions/descriptions of subfactions/units in the lore section but not available in miniature form (e.g.: large attention given to Ironweld/Dispossessed/etc. with Ironweld Engineers/Border Walkers/Dispossessed Runegolems etc. without any new releases for them). Of course, mentions in BTs don't guarantee a second wave, but imo it makes it more like. I imagine that if we are getting a second wave it would either be at the end of the Dawnbringers book series or for the 4th Edition BT release.
  11. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/07/10/warhammer-preview-online-summer-skirmish-find-all-of-the-reveals-right-here/ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/10/warhammer-preview-online-octarius-mission-briefing/ We've had them the last 2 years. One skirmish game focused and the other narratively 40k. Maybe now we are getting one themed around the Dawnbringers books?
  12. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/04/22/saturday-pre-orders-the-seraphon-army-box-arrives-just-as-planned/ Cards not coming sadly Please note that the warscroll cards won’t be sold separately later – this boxed set will be the only place to get them.
  13. I'm betting on a leader (Warpriest?), a mini from a larger unit (Greatswords equivalent?), or ogor (KingBrodd deserves it 😛). Or it's just their wording and we are getting a full unit. War Altar/Artillery seems too "early" (not in time, but in the scheme of the other revealed minis), although a centerpiece mini being shown would be awesome.
  14. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/06/17/saturday-pre-orders-brace-yourself-for-one-more-week-before-leviathan-lands/ And that’s not to forget Warhammer Age of Sigmar. We’re previewing a fantastic new miniature for the Cities of Sigmar, and there’s more fiction from the Dawnbringer Chronicles, alongside loads of other articles to get you excited about all things Warhammer.
  15. We'll probably get our "regular guys surviving" fix with the new Fyreslayer hero themed story (with some glassware stealing shenanigans from the Gitz), although a story about a heroic (perhaps mounted/named) Freeguild Marshal would be cool.
  16. Still holding some hope for Friday, since we don't usually get reveals on Thursdays, but sometimes they decide to throw some random new mini or book in at the end of the week for some reason 😛
  17. Dawnbringer Tuesdays? City Wednesdays? Mortal Mondays? Free City Fridays?
  18. I really hope this is just a bonus Instagram milestone thing and we still get another reveal...
  19. Seems like I was not paying enough attention to her design 😛 I still hope we get a Dawnbringer Preview still, although a new Neave/Blacktalons character pack would also be better than a Necromunday...
  20. Seems to be only in certain regions. Maybe just some internal machinations with stock codes? Or they are taking the kit down when a certain region's stock runs out in anticipation of a new one? Although I don't really know why they'd need to update her, as I think the kit still looks just fine and pretty clearly represents how she appears on WH+.
  21. Why does this look so good??? I'm just hoping the beta is relatively open and not limited to like 100 people or whatever.
  22. I may be getting my hopes up, but could we see some NPC Freeguild units in campaign? Maybe like OG Dawn of War where you had basic Imperial Guardsman, a Leman Russ and a special character in campaign with the full faction coming later as DLC. Could have this Battlemage, Freeguild Guard and maybe something else show up. Also, any chance that this is how a potential new Cities Battlemage may look like?
  23. And some (probably) soon-to-be-non-existant Demigryph Knights... Also, nice to see Dispossessed in the background being represented as members of Dawnbringer armies, with what appears to be the new Hammerhal paint scheme (metal with red shields).
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