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Everything posted by Asbestress

  1. BY SIGMAR THAT CRANE IS EXACTLY HOW I IMAGINED THE CANNON. Kinda dissapointed by the crew only being 2 models, but still a great mini. Yes!
  2. Ok, why did this have to be the one leak I sleep through? Everything looks so good!!! I just hope that the Pontifex has a generic build option, and that we get a elite infantry unit either now or a later wave. Also, I'm thinking those minis on top of the image (Arch-Knight, Surgeon, etc.) could be one kit like 40k Command Squads. Would be an insta-buy for me.
  3. I don't know if we've had any regular REs for the game, but the armguard has me thinking something for Blood Bowl.
  4. Imho only old units that would fit a CoS Vanguard box would be Steam Tank or Dispossessed, although the duardin are a bit of stretch. Steam Tank with 10 Steelhelms, Freeguild Marshal and some other small unit (elite infantry/ogors/Cavaliers) would be really good.
  5. I know it's unlikely, but come on unrevealed unit warscroll/gallery pics...
  6. Could you send me the pic please? And that's a hefty BT my god. Minus like 20 units, + 32 pages. Really excited to see how many pages each of the 11(?) featured cities get each. And if we have focus pages for individual units (probably 100% for new/staying Freeguild/Human stuff, maybe 1-3 pages for other subfactions?)
  7. Wait a sec, influencers are getting the Cities box already? But surely it can't be going up on pre-order next Saturday with 4-6 kits/units left to reveal? I'd guess we'll see the rest revealed in an article(s) in the next (2) week(s), with pre-orders just before HH Epic OR we are getting a Cities heavy Gen Con show (unlikely, although GW does have a presence like always, schedule is a bit vague), but I'm not holding my breath and still expecting an early September release. Also interested in the photo, although imho it seems unlikely (but not unbelievable) both the article and reveal show script would have gotten the number wrong. Either that, or we are getting some Battlemage on Hurricanum and Steam Tank Commander warscroll condensation like for the 2.0 BT. Edit: Also, just had the chance to take a better look at the Wildercorps Hunters, and wow. They really bridge the gap between Hexbane's/ven Densts and the rest of the range, especially the doggos who look like they would fit in perfectly with the ones from the WHU Warband. Definitely one of the first things I'm getting after launch (after the Fusiliers and Ogor, of course 😛).
  8. I can see your point, but then why keep Dispossessed and the dark aelves around, especially with Old World using the dwarfs? Depending on how they update the lore (hints at Dispossessed exodus/Darkling Covens leaving OR still keeping the city integration around) I can fully see them getting CoS specific kits. Maybe in a wave 2, maybe for AoS 6th Edition, or Dispossessed get spun off into Grungni duardin and the daelves get removed when we get Malekith's faction and we get coalition rules. And hey, maybe we will get a single surprise duardin/aelf character out of nowhere a few weeks from now 😛
  9. Blind hope or not, I hope we see some duardin for the artillery tomorrow...
  10. Seems like we are having biweekly articles now. Curious to see if we get reveals at Gen Con or keep up the articles until Nova.
  11. I'd generally agree with your points in terms of aesthetics and style, however, I will not accept anyone besmirching my beloved Ironbreakers/Irondrakes/Gyrocopter/Runelord/Longbeards/Hammerers etc. 😛 And on the topic of ghouls, I personally really like the current minis. Having had a look at the old ones, I feel they looked a bit too much like just naked zombies, while the new ones have an aesthetic all their own (even more disgusting looking Gollum). Imho I'd really like to see some actual rusted armour/weapons/frayed cloth on them to give them a bit of that "noble knight/squire" look they imagine themselves as. Seeing a ghoul with rusted armour with their spine cutting through the chestplate and jaw sticking out of the helmet, riding a deformed "used to be human" ghoul horse with fraying leather reins and stitched skin saddle/armour would immediately have me considering starting a FEC army to go against my "actually knights/squires in armour" CoS army.
  12. Imho that'd be a more 40k Imperium move than AoS Cities.
  13. Sans the weird choice of art (probably didn't want to use unrevealed art more suitable for article decor from the BT), I'm genuinely really enjoying this shudderblight string we are getting in Dawnbringers. Now that I (finally) received book 1 yesterday I'm really interested in how the story evolves over the next (at least) 3 books. And of course how the Callis and Toll minis will look like! Also, now I really want to convert some Hammerhalian CIA agents whenever the new minis come out. Thinking trench-coat legs + bodies from the Fusiliers with some more elite melee weapons from whatever elite unit we get/pistols from Witch Hunters and some masks (wonder how much 5-10 Quiet Pock heads from Hexbane's would cost 😛) topped with Steelhelm helmets.
  14. Hey, last one had that cool banner. This one has, uh... a crane on the right! Yes! BATTLE CRANE STANDARD BEARER!
  15. Just noticed this banner looking thing in the background of the new Cities art Woodwork on the top around the skull looks similar to the throne on the new Manticore and probably War Altar 3d render bits My guess would be that it's for the new Greatsword equivalent elite infantry/Lumineth style banner hero.
  16. Gen Con reveals have been pretty all over the place in terms of happening or not. Last one (as you said) was 2 years ago, then one in 2019. They have also been primarily specialist games focused (with the exception of the Black Templars Army Set in 2021). If we are getting a preview event there, I'd expect the announcement either this or next Sunday, although imho I expect the next show to be for Nova. If it happens, I think the chances of a big Cities reveal are pretty high though!
  17. Yeah, I'm still expecting a chorf faction before the end of 3rd, maybe released alongside/around the Dawnbringers series finale (if we get a 5th/more books next year. Would fit with one of the crusades being destroyed by something). Hobgrots, Horns of Hashut and what we have been told in the Warclans BT imho make them much more of a "when" than an "if".
  18. I know GW can be pretty random in terms of social media posts, but this without a miniature reveal is kinda lame (even though the art is amazing and is immediately getting used as some kind of wallpaper)
  19. It's the cover art for the Army Set (and probably also the regular Battletome) Wouldn't put much on us getting a metalith themed unit, but it'd be cool! Also, where's the image from? Edit: nevermind, it's from Instagram
  20. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Still, it would be nice to see some artillery...
  21. Imho they wouldn't have teased the artillery this week if it was still 2 weeks out, although I'm still in the "Army Set in early-mid August" camp, so I might have a bit of a bias.
  22. I think it's just the usual ambiguous wording. Tomorrow we're having an online preview for 40k, so I think we'll just have weekly(?) articles for Cities until everything's revealed and the Army Set goes up on pre-order. If we're getting 1 kit per article or more, we'll have to wait and see.
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