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Everything posted by Vaporlocke

  1. I keep forgetting they came in a squad of 10 in the SC box. I always associate Ungor with a box of 20.
  2. Anyone else notice they didn't increase our minimum unit sizes? I always ran raiders as MSU speedbumps anyway, but now there's no way for them to get their warscroll bonus.
  3. They couldve just wrote "nobody in the studio plays beasts" because theres no way anyone with a passing knowledge of the army didnt realize they invalidated every god marked army and then didnt even allow them to ally. Sure maybe the book will fix it. Eventually. But in the meantime I just can't play the army they sold me. Cool. I mean, just a quick browsing of our book could have told you that. "If you roll an unmodified 7 on one die on the third tuesday of the 5th month after a leap year add +1 bravery to a random unit of Ungor."
  4. We came out a lot better than I expected overall. I was sure the Shaggoth was going to go way up after gaining monster and hero actions.
  5. It's not a direct nerf, but we are going to lose it more often as MSU gets pushed more. Even chip damage from our Ungor Raiders knocking a unit of 10 down to 9 before combat is going to remove it, and while it's not huge its still one more thing stacked against us. The one I don't think people have noticed yet is that the smaller board size is going to reduce our speed advantage we have over slower armies. There have been many games I've won because I was able to get to objectives faster than my opponent could reinforce them. The addition of secondary scoring is going to hurt too. Most of them seem to revolve around killing, something we tend to struggle with. All in all I think the changes have been an overall negative to us, and it's pretty much just kicking us when we're already down. I hope someone does find something that will work for us, even if it is Dragon Ogres or Bullgors(both of which I've avoided collecting over the years because I find the models to be terrible) but I will happily drop some ugly units on the table if it means not being completely embarrassed by the final score.
  6. Started at the bottom... And we haven't moved since 6th ed fantasy.
  7. Do you need to touch every fire you see to know that it's hot or can you lean on past experiences to predict future outcomes? Barring everyone else getting massive point increases but our units staying the same we're in for a rough time, and even that may not be enough.
  8. I'm really digging through trying to find a bright side to any of this but I'm not seeing anything. Oh well, my goats have always been bad, so being absolutely terrible isn't all that much worse.
  9. All CA are limited to 1 per phase per unit, so the days of dumping all your cp to give a bunch of extra attacks are gone. Reinforcement limits the unit sizes in matched play.
  10. As opposed to being super chipper while dismissing legitimate concerns of people?
  11. Well boys, just when I think we can't possibly get any worse... Here we are. Cohesion, melee, and even our speed advantage all took hits. Running as a horde gone. Marked battalions gone. Desolating Beastherd gone. I'm sure there's more. Edit: Gavespawn CA nerfed, bestigor took an indirect nerf with the lowering of unit sizes. But hey, at least now our table perforce completely matches our lore performance. We wouldn't want to accidentally win and confuse people, would we?
  12. Let me guess, you play armies that got boosted by the changes. I'll give you a quick overview of what its like from one of the bottom of the barrel armies that just got demolished even further, Beasts of Chaos. The changes to coherency means that not only is one of our few viable strategies, speed bump screens as board control, got harder to pull off but now our already lackluster melee took a huge hit since all of our actual combat units (bestigor, bullgor, and the one dude in the universe that actually runs dragon ogres) are all on 32mm+ bases with 1" reach. We actually had good battalions that gave us one of our few advantages in controlling the first turn, and our ability to be marked and souped into other chaos armies is gone now too. Keep in mind this is a faction that has to fight tooth and nail for any little edge we can get just to not get blown out. Smaller board sizes reduces our movement advantage, another kick while we're down. I'm still waiting to see how bad we get nailed in the GHB before even trying to come up with a new list, the loss of max discounts and the reinforcement rules aren't going to do me any favors. So yeah, as a horde-based melee army general pardon me if I'm not all sunshine and roses about watching the rich get richer while I get a sewer tank dumped on my head. I'm sure we'll get an early army book written by the bin guy again guaranteeing we stay at the absolute bottom.
  13. Ahhhhh, the good old John Madden approach to BoC. NGL, I half expected us to be left off the list somehow.
  14. There's a good chance they change the min sizes, which helps the horde runners but hurts the msu raider runners. It's also completely possible they forget about us entirely like usual.
  15. I love these two ideas, although the ambush should probably be 5 or 6 + 1d6. As far as Warherd and/or monsters go I think bringing back an overrun rule would be very fitting. Perhaps something like "If you wipe out a unit on the turn you charge you can immediately make another charge move". Would probably be OP to allow a second combat but they can count as having charged in the next combat phase. This represents them stampeding through chaff in a bloodlust and keeps them from being stopped by typical speed bump tactics.
  16. Nah, I'll complain now, thank you. Everything we've seen have been buffs to problematic areas for the game and nerfs to struggling areas. The more they release the worse its gotten, and having been playing GW games since the 90's I'm fully aware that there isn't some magic fix they've been hiding.
  17. Haven't seen a reason not to be upset, GW's history doesn't earn them the benefit of the doubt either.
  18. Come on, we all know the answer to fixing a shooting/magic heavy meta is to absolutely cripple melee.
  19. And just when I got excited about Wildfire Taurus getting better too. Our only hope is they take the 2nd rank fights rule from 40k too.
  20. "These dudes are whacking me in the face with a sword, I better fire arrows at some other dudes far away instead of fighting them off in hand to hand combat" is peak immersion.
  21. Uh, no, you wouldn't have to buff them. Even with the inability to shoot into melee or shoot while tied up in combat ranged attacks would still be powerful- you do damage without taking any back, unlike in melee. You would, however, be forced to actually think and make choices, like having to take units to screen your ranged units so that they can keep doing what they do best. Taking away then ability to delete support heroes with no effort means other armies now have new playstyles and options open up in their list building. These are good things. All these proposed changes would do would be to level the playing field rather than having lolarcherspam being a no-brainer for certain armies.
  22. It doesn't. Our Ambush (you know, the original one we've had from back in WHFB) is worse than the version they've handed out to other armies, even in the subfaction that specializes in it, so right off the bat you rarely use it. With the upcoming reduction in board size it will get nerfed even harder. So basically they took a unit that doesn't have a role and buffed an ability that doesn't get used to get them into combat more reliably where they still won't do any damage to speak of. We have Ungor for that for cheaper. The fix to the Gor problem is going to require a complete book rewrite, preferably by someone who actually plays the army of at least has seen it in person once. I'd like to see them become the anti-horde unit and Bestigors changed to anti-elite, it gives each a reason to be added without the overlap.
  23. Describing the entire BoC battletome in one sentence. I think the biggest problem is still relying on printed material for rules and warscrolls. If that side was app based, with regular updates and adjustments, a lot of issues would absolutely disappear and the game (and sales of miniatures) would benefit.
  24. Correct, it won't stop inspiring presence.
  25. So crush the unit then crush them. As it stands in the current gunline meta there is no point in taking support heroes in competitive games, which hurts some armies a lot more than others. Shooting needs to be toned way down, there are literally no drawbacks to it for some factions and from just the brief glance we've seen GW isn't going to acknowledge this or do anything meaningful about it.
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