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Everything posted by Draznak

  1. Rumour engine today : Hmmm... Idoneth vibe ?
  2. As expected with AoS/40k alternation. We can expect seraphon army set's announcement next Sunday evening.
  3. The nails remind me of krulboyz... Maybe to tie in with last week's rumor engine ?
  4. I also think they will alternate with 40k or related games. We may have a pre order for the seraphons on April 22 for a release on the 29th (with a pre order announcement on Sunday the 16th).
  5. Curious that they announce future pre-orders before the traditional Sunday evening article... Have they already done it ? I don't remember. In any case the pace of BT releases does not weaken !
  6. I didn't think there were people who still preferred the old SE. 😛 Personally, I prefer thunderstrike armour in every way : better proportioned, more details, more accurate armor... I don't miss the big boys at all.
  7. By next winter, at the latest I think, you can cross FEC off the list. It's just one of all those mentioned, but you have to go little by little. By the way, a very personal guess, but I would bet that the future opponent of Stormcast in the the 4th's launch box will be either Malerion aelfs (if GW wants to close all the Grand Alliances opposed to the SE) or Skaven ( if GW wants to restart a cycle with Chaos, then Death in 5th, etc)! The naughty little mice are an ideal profile : almost the entire range to be redone, not treated for a long time... I'm taking bets.
  8. I just realized something about COS release. Like Seraphons, we know they're going to have an army set (from Chapter Valrak, confirmed by @Whitefang) . And like the lizards (or any army that got this treatment), there should normally be 2 months between army set and full army release. But if COS comes out in fall (official), let's say november, we should therefore have the army set in... september ! With the official announcement at Nova Open reveals. Of course, GW will have already revealed some new minis in previous months. Reminds me of a brand new army release last year... hmm... repeat Leagues of Votann ? (First announcement at the beginning of april, next at WarFest, then gradually in june and july, army set revealed at Nova Open, released in september and final and complete release at the beginning of november) I may be getting too far ahead, but I bet we've got the COS roadmap : i can't wait for April 29 even more !
  9. Hmmm... On the one hand it's strange that they hide one of the two mystery books as a BT (they always showed Grand Alliance to which the upcoming BTs belonged) but on the other hand as it doesn't only one left to go... Still a few months before solving this mystery !
  10. There were two SE warbands in leaks: the one from Underworlds Harrowdeep and the unreleased one ("hidalgo almalidagos") which presumably comes from Nightmare's Quest.
  11. I also think @Whitefang is referring to the leaked Warcry warband.
  12. If Cities come out in October/November, WarFest seems to me as soon as possible to begin the progressive reveal of the army. Especially since once Death BTs are out, there won't be any AoS news to show until COS (except the probable Gallet War Season and his incarnate spider).
  13. What can I say... I think it's the first time that it took me a little time to settle all this after such an avalanche of startling revelations (especially when we've been waiting for a particular army for almost a year ! ) Trying to be synthetic for each game : 40k : What a blast ! I wasn't expecting much and I was blown away. The Lion : astonishing ! Charismatic, the perfect figure of knight. 10th edition reveal : I hated 9th and I want to try this one. They are strong... The trailer also rocks and the Tyranid redesign promises to be spectacular. More skeptical about the return of terminators but hey, why not. Kill Team : A little disappointing I must say. I would have liked inquisitorial stormtroopers so we are far from it... Horus Heresy : I have absolutely nothing to say about this reveal. AoS : The big one 😛. Séraphons: I'm not a fan of big lizards, but it's impressive nonetheless. Those kroxigors... woah. Ossiarchs/Soulblight: cool heroes, especially Ilya Volga. Can't wait for the SBGL range to be completely redone (hello grave guards). CITIES OF SIGMAR : aaaaahhhh... so much wait ! And... it was unexpected. In a way it means that the approach of making human soldiers "unique" is successful, but if I want to be completely honest, I didn't fall in love instantly. But that doesn't make it any less interesting. It's especially heads and helmets where I'm going to need some time to get used to them... the armor and amount of details are crazy: I'm still so eager to see the rest and I feel that the more I go looking at them, the more I will appreciate them ! What a time to be an AoS fan... Underworlds : To be objective, since there is no COS, my interest has dropped significantly for this reveal... Nice stormcasts and Tzeentch critters but nothing more. Now I will need a little more time to digest, like a good tyranid, and savor it all : what a day, thank you GW !
  14. Khorne and Slaanesh shared the same video : 4 videos... GW will have decided to torture me until the end !
  15. My favorite pre-preview game 😛 I try to keep expectations as reasonable as possible (very good reminder @HorticulusTGA : Adepticon 2022 was indeed not an avalanche of news) : AoS : Seraphon's final reveal with army set, spider incarnate and updated roadmap Underworlds : New season's starter with Cities of Sigmar vs. Tzeentch warbands 40k : Official introduction of 10th edition with maybe a teaser of AoO's final and Lion's return. Kill Team : Gallowdark box with Imperial beastmen vs. Hearthkyn warriors Horus Heresy : Tanks commanders and campaign supplement
  16. I ask myself the same question ! It would be curious if they did two teasers for just one of the five games presented tonight... Why so much hope ? Why Sigmar ?
  17. From Facebook : Hello Underworlds Tzeentch warband !
  18. I was going to post the exact same thing except for seconds ! 😅 Hope he won't forget...
  19. I think this new stuff is separate from the Nightmare's Quest box of which we have only just seen the ghouls.
  20. Hmmm... It screams ogor very loudly, but wouldn't that be a trap (GW has already done that in the past with rumor engines) ? Could it be kruleboy instead ? Sorry for this question @KingBrodd, I would be very happy for you too if it was indeed ogors.
  21. I also think for Underworlds... Hope rises to the surface !
  22. Necromunday and Blood Bowl seem safe bets to me today (even more so than usual). I also hope that they will publish a countdown image every day until Thursday as they usually do before a preview day... just to check our theories or not !
  23. An argument in favor of a freeguild warband reveal, would be that it fits perfectly with the Gnarlwood's theme (we saw it with the artwork of the current starter ^^) : a warband that explores jungles, focused on taking objectives would give a perfect adequacy between theme and gameplay.
  24. I refer to the words of Valrak whose source told him that COS would not be at the Adepticon after all. For Whitefang's hint to an Underworld COS warband, I wonder if he reacted by liking the idea or if that meant there would be something there. Underworlds remains my last "hope" as well as the AoS roadmap to have an indication of the release period for the army. If they update the roadmap just to say: "there you go, next two battletomes are ossiarch and SBGL", it doesn't make sense, we already know that. So if there is even the next BT after them, it will necessarily give an indication for COS since there are only them and FECs left for the 3rd edition.
  25. Your unwavering optimism already makes me smile 😉. Afterwards, I may be disappointed, but I know that I'm still going to be a little bit like a kid when I wake up on Thursday morning... The hard life of a GW fanboy ! 😅
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