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Grotbag Scuttlers When

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Everything posted by Grotbag Scuttlers When

  1. I will start with these if I like their enemies in the box (and I manage to get one) I was wondering about a scheme, I like the Knight Excelsior one but I hate their lore... so I might do something similar but different for "my guys". Or maybe full silver? I fear that might be too much.
  2. That kinda looks like a frog to me. A goblin would have a nose, and an orc bigger propotions. Frogs live into swamps...
  3. That's a beautiful model. Is that armor color from a known host?
  4. I want: Full reveal of AoS 3 with Goblins vs Cities of Sigmar. The ideal scenario I expect: Teaser of AoS 3 with Greenskins (goblins+orcs, or maybe just small orcs) vs Stormcast Eternals; some packing peanuts made of mobile games and recaps. I would be satisfied with this. I don't want: ...not seeing anything about AoS 3e. Stormcast that are not different enough from the ones we already have. It's already hard for a new player to see the difference between all these Doofenshmirtz-named golden guys.
  5. IMHO Cities should aim to full melting plot, and to do so they need to release multi race kits. At least for basic units. Oh, my soul 🥰. I need 20 of those!
  6. Mh, usually I don't really like insectoids in fiction. I hope that at least they have individual personalities, and goals that aren't just "eat all the food of the world". ...this is going to be unpopular, but I would like something that has features of both an insect and a mammalian. Like Stitch from Lilo and Stitch, but less cute.
  7. But I don't want to play Pontus Orruks! I mean... orcs are ok. But Gobbos are da best.
  8. I can't believe that GW started a new game in 1:2 scale. It's so fun painting models using a roller! Sadly Teclis is still weird to transport, now that he needs a forklift for himself.
  9. In D&d there are Barghests, Devils that can take the shape of a goblin, a wolf or something in between... (I don't think we are going to get Barghests, but it's fun to throw wild speculations)
  10. What does this mean? WHO IS ALMOST THERE?! There are dozens of speculations here!
  11. I really like the red scheme! Do you use the elves as Freeguild guard/greatswords?
  12. I feel it in my soul, there is at least a 50% chance that 1 out of 10 that is a Wolf-Pegaus SEE? What is not real world biology? Wolves-pegasi with bat wings!!!!1!!!1!! ...on a more serious note, I would say that this seems like a confirmation for wolves. Interesting, I wonder what it's doing on an arch, it's not like they are good climbers. Unless... bat wings, you know
  13. There is only one explanation: Wolves-pegasi with bat wings used by grots to screen their carrier-zeppelin-wolfden.
  14. I'm still hoping the leaker saw some bulky Cities of Sigmar knights with Sigmar symbols everywhere and though "Oh yes, they must be new SCE!" But I think it's gonna be SCE, sadly.
  15. Mh, that's not ideal... but I guess it's better than being clumped with the moon worshippers. (Also you can get a full 2000 points of Ironjaws for like 220-230 €, so I could get the "indomitus" box, a couple Start Collecting Ironjaws and getting an army with varied units for good value)
  16. Random 20-to-4-AM prediction: Goblin wolf rider archers are going to have a rule that allows them to both shoot and retreat on a charge reaction. Delightfully annoying. On a second thought, most skirmish cavalry could have that. But if goblins are mongolian inspired, it would make a lot of sense for them in particular.
  17. I was thinking about how to rework cities of sigmar, considering that many people want Duardin, Nomad and Coven units to go into their own factions. I think that a solution that most people would like could be giving the warscrolls away, but keeping the models officially playable as "freeguild", removing the Human keyword from those warscrolls. So let's say that you have 10 Dreadspears. Well, you could run them as Dreadspears in "Malerion Hypotetical Faction", OR mix them with a box of empire spearmen and one of high elf spearmen, and create a unit of 30 Freeguild Militia (/w spears). Of course this wouldn't apply to iconic/elite units such as Phoenix Guard or Irondrakes. Some considerations: To encourage race-mixing, GW should release some kits with several races in it. Let's say one of cheap infantry (swords or spears), one of medium infantry (Two handed weapons or halberds) and one of shooters (Bows&Crossbows or Rifles). This would have the advantage of making playable many old units from High Elves, Wood Elves, Dwarfs... and who knows what else. WFB players could take their Bretonnian peasant bowmen and mix them with Quarrelers and Darkshards. I dunno, it sounds fun to me.
  18. To be fair, you need capitalism for socialism to be born... And you know what? This started as a joke, but I could see a Port that it's a commune of dwarfs tired of Khardadron's ruthless capitalism. They could give them the "1 in 4 units can be Cities of Sigmar" rule, to signify that they take people from everywhere. And bonuses to kill heroes and guerrilla tactics, like Raven Guard in 40k... it could work.
  19. Are we talking boyz-sized (hob)goblins? With nimbler bodies, of course... It would be cool to have an elite grot infantry
  20. So, how you can see from my name here, I want gobbos skypirates. Since I heard about the rumors about wolves-hobgoblins, I thought they could do a nice faction together, kinda an opposite version of Gloomspite. If Gloomspites follow the moon, the new gobbos would be all about the sun. Gloomspites are dark, creepy goblins... sun goblins would be whacky and chaotic (but not less destructive). Gloomspite really like their magic and monsters, while new goblins would rely mostly on technology (welcome back Doomdiver catapult and Carts)
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