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Everything posted by Maogrim

  1. There are no mentions whatsoever of Malerion's aelves having any connection to spiders. This guy on the other hand has no visual clues on him that would tie him to the things we know are Malerion-like: shadows, reptilian wings, milltary aelves.
  2. Dear Mods, there seems to be something wrong with the ranking system. I was just quoted by @Whitefang. Shouldn't that immediately raise me up to Lord-Commander/High Oracle/Archmage level?! PS: That hint ought to make a lot of people happy!
  3. Oh, look, the spider thing has nothing to do with Chaos Dwarves! Who would have thought?!
  4. Looking at the Warhammer Community feat is really depressing these days. Just an endless barren wasteland inhabited by nothing but rumour engines and 'Neverchosen' comic strips..
  5. Well, I'm sorry you've had these experiences and such opinions like you describe them are worrying and stupid. But, with all due respect, I don't think that I'm the one who needs to chill here. M8.
  6. Are you alright? The way you're lashing out against rather civil remarks makes me think that you might have had some bad experiences in regards to toxic communities. Would you like to share?
  7. Really? That's terrifying... care to elaborate (even if slightly off topic)?
  8. Hatred towards Aelven factions and their assumed over-supportedness is pretty unreasonable when, in contrast, everybody seems fine with former Vampire Counts branching out into three distinct factions with their own tomes, characters and supported model lines, or Chaos becoming a whopping five factions instead of one.
  9. Even though I like many factions and their models and backgrounds, Lumineth Realm-Lords are the thing that actually pulled me in. Haters will continue hating, but I think everything in the faction is awesome, even if there are things I prefer over others (e.g. Mountain over Wind).
  10. I don't know if anyone cares enough to deem this unpopular, but Alarith Stoneguard hammers should do 2 points of damage. They are elite Aelven warrior monks with two-handed weapons. They should do more damage than your standard Vanari with a spear, not less (taking Sunmrtal weapons and Power of Hysh into account). And I think Morathi is probably the most awesome and interesting character in AOS. I hope she continues winning for the time being and isn't completely overshadowed by her edgelord son once he appears.
  11. Says the person with Moathi as their avatar?! Shame!
  12. Sincerely hope that the Aelf warband turns out to be Daughters. They certainly are in Ulgu, and Daughters need some more characters with names and lore.
  13. There's also Uther Lightbringer from Blizzard's Warcraft franchise. Though he was killed off in Warcraft 3. And he even looked like a Stormcast Eternal, Hammers of Sigmar color scheme included.
  14. I guess it all depends on what these potential new players want to do with their army. Do they want to get a general feel for what the army can bring to the table in more than one aspect? Then you might want to suggest a mix of Vanari and add one of the tables, either Mountain or Wind. At least to me the Aelementiri represent a large part of what makes Lumineth their own thing and not just High Elves. If the assumed new players wants to win a list and is fine with spamming the best unit, then @jjb070707's list is a good way to start. But if 60% of your points are made up of just one type of unit - that is pretty spammy to me.
  15. I don't know. After all the comic books I've read and anime movies I've seen.. the prospect of a dark, shadowy dragon elf king (who sl*tshames his mother) doesn't sound particularly creative or weird to me. I'm very certain the models, should they ever see the light of day, will be gorgeous, but the coolness/creativity factor seems to be catered to the tastes of edgy thirteen year-olds.
  16. The wings are not as delicately curved as with the original, I give you that. But on the other hand these don't have the thick globs of blood that the original has and that always bothered me.
  17. You guys are really hard to please. All the talk about Chaos Dwarves, Tomb Kings and Bretonia but no one is feeling warm and nostalgic about the return of classic GW female faces?!?
  18. Supposedly there are Lumineth armies playing four Wind Spirits and doing quite well. It all depends on what kind of environment you're looking to play in. Your list is legal, and if you are just looking for some friendly games with your mates the rule of cool is always fine. The most typical competitive Lumineth armies are built around a core of multiple units of Wardens and Sentinels and often feature Teclis and virtually always a Scinari Cathallar. In these cases Syar or Zaitrec would be the Nations of choice. Sometimes Iliatha or Alumnia. But there are also Ymetrica or Helon armies that are doing well. Teclis plus the Twins, a Loreseeker and a Wind Spirit means that you don't have a lot of points left for bodies that can capture and hold objectives.
  19. The list is a little strange in that it contains leaders from Nations that don't match yours, which is Helon I assume, since you list Windchargers as battleline. So the twins are from Iliatha and Myari and his bands are from Ymetrica. You can still use them of course, but they won't benefit from the Helon allegiance ability. Additionally it appears a little fragile, with just 3 MSUs as battleline.
  20. So, mabye you guys have already seen her, but Raging Heroes brought a new Dark Elf Queen who is quite obviously supposed to be Morathi (-Khaine): I think she's pretty awesome and superior to the regular High Oracle sculpt. I suppose she's a little cheesecakey, even for DOK standards, but her pose is just far more regal and majestic, fitting her new role as goddess.
  21. Sounds reasonable and pretty cool! Though I personally would assume that GW will dial down on the bull theme since that is also present in Beasts of Chaos (should they remain) and Lumineth. Maybe more machinery and golem stuff?!
  22. It all depends on what kind of potential GW sees in Chaos Dwarves. I think that demand and sales for regular Slaves to Darkness are sure to surpass anything that the dark Duardin could incite. But then again I would have thought that the new Chaos Warrriors and Knighs would sell great, but they never released them outside of the Start Collecting. Still I can hardly imagine a new Slaves to Darkness tome where Chaos Dwarves were the only subfaction to receive new models.
  23. Wow, this is about the strangest discussion on these forums, but definitely an interesting one! As some of you might have noticed I got into AOS because of the Lumineth Realm-Lords and their absolutely stunningly beautiful product line. I do get that they are an incredible amount of work and I'd say that I need a week's work for doing a single Dawnrider, provided I have the free time and motivation to do it. I got the launch box in March and I'm still not done (albeit I got distracted by the Archmage). And I don't even do the pupils of the eyes. But I love the fact that the models are as detailed and beautiful as they are because, while I might not be fully able to do them complete justice, they always offer the opportunity to challenge myself a little more and become a little better. I don't really believe that there is substantial demand for models that look less cool and I sincerely hope that GW won't ever settle for less. Accessability is an issue, of course, but there's always the option to find someone that paints your models for you.
  24. Welcome, and happy to see that you are intrigued by the scions of the Mountain Realm, the honorable sons and daughters of Ymetrica! Well, if you want to get the most from Mountain Spirits, you'd maybe want to include a Stone Mage instead of the Lord Regent. Per 'Stone Mage Symbiosis' Mountain Spirits, including Avalenor, in 12' around the Mage may ignore wound penalties. Edit: But just one additional point to (re-)consider: Wardens are an integral part of most Lumineth lists. Not only can they pack quite the punch with Strength of Hysh, but they also make other Vanari units battleline. Ymetrica without Wardens limits itself to Movement 4 Stoneguard as only battleline, and the only modes of teleportation are Teclis or a Huracan Windmage.
  25. There has to be something in 40K that fits this. It can't be AOS, right? I love named characters as well. I think it makes the army surrounding them more relatable and more narrative. I wish Daughters of Khaine had more than just Morathi and Morghwaeth.
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