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Everything posted by Maogrim

  1. Now, what even was the last new AOS miniature previewed before the Maggotkin Sorcerer? Was it Gobsprakk? Or the Dragons? If so, I think the Warhammer community articles that previewed them are from the end of July..
  2. Interesting observation. Kruleboyz or Orruk Warclans as a whole didn't get any, nor did Soulblight Gravelords at the end of 2nd. Stormcast already had theirs and Maggotkin are left with nothing but rules and their slightly underwhelming Sorcerer. Looks like the last to receive faction-specific terrain were Lumimeth with the amazing Shrine, and as for Endless Spells.. I'm not sure. Daughters or Lumineth, I think?
  3. You should be very careful about disrespecting @WhitefangAnon! It's not just about rumours, it's about truth! We are a movement, an army of of digital soldiers, bakers and citizen wargaming journalists! And if you are suggesting this is all just nonsense...well, maybe you are actually shilling for the deepworkshop and when the storm comes it will be coming for you as well! #WhitefangAnon #WhereWeGameOneWeGameAll #Truth #ChaosDwarves #SilentPeople #Storm(cast Eternals)IsComing
  4. No worries, I was just trying to repay the dozens of times you guys trolled me and/or Aelves. 😅 Though I'd like to see an AOS version of Tyrion or what they came up with for the River and Zenith temples I do agree: Lumineth are fine for the foreseeable future.
  5. I'm down for a third Lumineth tome, my skitterish friend. I will love and cherish it and I will take in the salty tears of @MitGas and yourself for delight and sustenance. 😊
  6. The so called horseshoe theory of far right and far left being equally bad and dangerous has lost its merit in Western societies of the 21st century if you ask me. Sure, radical leftists cause lots of property damage and that's not an okay thing to do... But they don't plant bombs or storm buildings with the intent of killing people. Historically speaking this has been different, as with the RAF ('Rote Armee Fraktion' in Germany in the 70s. But today right wing extremists are far, far worse. And I don't think that GW should drastically change their narrative, but I personally love that they took the time to contextualise the lore in regards to fascism, and especially that they took a stand and spoke out instead of trying to quietly sweep it under the rug. So let's give them credit where credit is due.
  7. Yeah, what's wrong with Space ****** Übermensch Supersoldiers as the elite of a literally fascist regime being the good guys and justified in their hate crimes against their own people and 'alien races'? I really don't get why this might be problematic and inspire right-wing real world Fascists to identity with their said Ubermensch super fascist faction and recnnect those to more familiar fascist ideologies.. Oh. Wait. I do.
  8. Tons of new kits for Disposessed, KO and Fyreslayers? That sounds very much like wishfil thinking. Also saying that Dawrf soup is illogical although Orruk Warclans, Ogor Mawtribes and arguably Skaven are all soup tomes and contain very different factions doesn't make much sense to me. And also there's no mention of the Tyrionic expansion for Lunineth, which is fine, but most importantly no mention of Malerion's 'Umbraneth'. And the latter I'd highly expect to make an appearance in the next 1-2 years. GW would probably sell more of those than of some weird undead insect people army that no one but the most faithful AOS followers know about.
  9. The only thing about the Frostlord that I find problematic is the very particular and unique head and head pose for the Stonehorn. It looks really cool, but having multiple Stonehorns on the battlefield or display next to each other needs some conversion skills to not have it look weird and samey. And I love the big and epic models in AOS, and pretty much all of them! Maybe not the weird top-heavy greater Khorne demon that looks like it's tripping over..
  10. Easy! The Ironscale from Shadow & Pain or the Bloodwrack Medusa open up Melusai as battleline. Then assemble 15 Bloodstalkers, get Morathi, add another 5 Melusai as your second battleline and become the most hated person in your gaming group. * For context: Morathi can command your Bloodstalkers to shoot in the hero phase, in addition to your regular shooting phase. * Disclaimer: You might actually become just the second most hated person in your gaming group if another person is playing Lumineth Realm-Lords with Teclis and 30 Sentinels. This person will then be more hated than you by default, regardless of actual win-loss record.
  11. It's the same with Malifaux. Free rules, free cards via free app, and official forum (also free) with rules section. There are printed books fpr factions and expansions that contain the rules for the models as well, but you don't need them to play and can completely rely on the digital support. And what makes it a litlle better: has nothing to do with Star Wars. I do like battletomes, though I wouldn't mind if they were focussing on lore, artwork and painting only. But as it stands right now batgletomes are an important source of income because every player has to get them, even for army projects that are finished hobby-wise in order to keep them playable. That reliable income is probably also what is used to commission the artists etc.
  12. Esteemed brethren, let's try to keep the brilliant realm's peace here. It's hard enough on these forums as it is with all these fanatical Chaos Dwarf lovers, Skaven fans and worshippers of Nagash who are all united by only one common goal: Hating us Lumineth players. I very much think you both have fair points. I personally think (or hope) that the army is broad and diverse enough that it should not fall off a cliff as soon as Sentinels become more expensive. But it is a finely tuned machine with considerably less raw power options than other armies. It does sound to me that @whispersofblood comes from a more competitive background and generally plays in an environment where taking 'weaker' options is punished swiftly and brutally. At the same time @Athrawes 's games seem to focus a little more on the hobby side with a lot of emphasis on the 'rule of cool'. So anyone taking quicker and less elaborated advise (like the one on more expansive Sentinels) would be best served to know where their advisor's emphasis lies.
  13. As far as I'm aware there are no rumours whatsoever concerning a second wave of Kruleboyz. The talk about Gnashtoof cavalry or a Hobgrot hero seemed to have been based on wishful thinking. I don't know what's up with the Gutrippa-looking boy with the vulture. I think he is still not clearly identified, but I might be wrong.
  14. No Cathay - no buy! My wallet and my soon to be wife will be thankful. 😂
  15. Oh, I certainly feel that last part. When I noticed that there were still Lizardmen in AOS I was initially interested.. than quickly realized they were still basically the same models that were already starting to show their age before the Old World ended... I really wish they would give the whole community something exciting, half a year after the first glimpses at Kruleboyz. Alas, let's try not to lose faith. And I also miss Tomb Kings, even though I never played them...
  16. What exactly are those legions of Nehekhara you are talking about? Because I don' t see those anywhere around in the mortal realms... And I guess if I did, the honorable and radiant armies of Hysh would kick their bony behinds, just like they did with the Bonereapers. 🌞 And how the hell did this turn into Aelf bashing once again?! 😅
  17. Your provocation is nothing but thinly veiled jealousy. And it's arrogant Aelf if you please.
  18. Surely we'll be whipped back in line by the mods in a matter of seconds ('Back to rumours you disgusting, filthy vermin!!!') but how do you fall to Chaos and Nagash?! At least if my intuitive assumption of reading 'fell to' as 'being corrupted by' is correct..
  19. I'd assume that the regular Spirit of the Mountain can't give out any commands except the one on his warscroll since he is not one of the model types that can give out orders: unit champion, hero, totem. Avalenor on the other hand can; in addition to being a monster he's also a hero.
  20. On a slightly different note...is it usual that a new, incoming battletome has such a low amount of hype going for it? I'm talking about Maggotkin, of course, but seemingly noone else does. I got into the game shortly after Lumineth wave 1 were out, and every army that was released or renewed after them (Lumineth wave 2, Soulblight Gravelords, Thunderstrike Stormcast, Kruleboyz..) had a lot more talk going on for them. And then I realized that GW also didn't do a whole lot to get the hype going: there was exactly one community article for Maggotkin which featured the slightly underwhelming sorcerer and nothing substantial on rules. Nurgle is one of the most unique and interesting concepts when it comes to 'evil' and 'evil armies' that GW ever came up with, and I'm slightly baffled they themselves seem so uninterested in Maggotkin that they can't come up with anything that feels fresh. Are these types of low-key half-assed releases with just one generic hero and slightly updated rules a common thing in AOS? I guess the second Daughters of Khaine tome might fall into that category, though I think it's an amazing book..
  21. As it has always been. But at least there's a harlequin on one of the covers. That counts as Xenos content I reckon...
  22. Wow, amazing battle report with amazing-looking armies on an amazing-looking table! Tgsnks so much for sharing! ❤ Though a draw against the most disgusting enemy in Slaanesh is a little painful... Have you heard of the Archmage, by chance? I suppose he might have been able to give that Demon lady (think their pronoun is actually 'they', so Demon person?!) quite a hard time. 😉
  23. Well, all the Chaos gods obviously kept their names, and so did Sigmar, Grimnir, the Horned Rat and a few others... So I'm not suprised in the slightest. But then again I'm one of the 'bad' TGA members anyway, with liking Aelves and not thirsting for any tidbit on Chaos Dwarves.. 😅 But I'm happy for anyone who gets something out of this. 😊
  24. Also: acronyms. I imagine especially new players will find it hard to sort through BoC, DoT, DoK, BoK, IDK, OBR, SBGL and MBMKs and so on and so forth..
  25. It really is a pretty good deal, isn't it? GW throwing a curveball right after we've accused them of bring greedy corporate blood suckers again.
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