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Everything posted by greg19190

  1. you can only do it once as the kragnose book says "if a Skaventide army includes any fighting beasts units, 1 of those fighting beasts units can have a clan molder mutation" so you can do it to 1 rat oger unit as they have the rat ogre chart still, as they are still key word "rat ogers" the bit we lost was the prize creations from the new book meeting you can only do it to one so as I read it yes we can...
  2. Did you run the rat ogers at the healing d3 and move 8 ones or the 6 attacks and re-role charge ones?
  3. Yer that's how they have a 4 inch reach when there is 30 or more of them...
  4. I think the main question is what army(s) you play and what effects it has on the points that work for you. Like it has been said before on the group that the top meta carnt do as well at the lower point scale compared to the bottom. be interesting to see if that is the case with a poll on armys played and prefered points level (fun and competitive)
  5. Yer lots of shooting... The -2 most of the time is -1 so not the most useful (as the most negative to hit you can have is -1) but it did help against the iron drakes, my general had the no shooting unless in 6 ability so that realy helped and made it difficult to kill in a one go, and he had the shadow magnet for when things got hairy in combat when he just wanted to leave... But even then dracoth fulminators hit like trucks and killed him in one go...
  6. did not go well... lost against morathy and bow snakes +more snakes, lerned verminlord decivers dont do as much as you want (and think) next up was living citys with fulminators and irondrakes and runelord off the table, screening went very well but was not enough, deciver still dident do as much as i wanted to and 2 of them killed him on the charge.... lessons learnt all eshin builds are very high skill level, reroling wounds on hero's is realy usefull but not worth the rest of the things you carnt take, i realy like the mobility and how the army works. having a deciver that carnt be shot off is realy good if there was more that one threat. will try adding things and keeping deciver and maybe the gutter runner. love to hear feed back of other skaven players who have played with the deciver and other eshin units thanks for the read
  7. I have got 2000 points of eshin to move arround (and off) the table at a local tornement today, going to be fun
  8. Not the first time they have done it and probably not the last... At least it wasn't large hollowed out dead Sea creatures this time...
  9. If they do little changes every 3 months like they are saying they are going to do that should work out, but good little changes so far... Saved 80 points on some obscure eshin builds
  10. I heard thanquol had a warplighting vortex arround him for a bit so slowed him down a bit... That or nurgle rats on computer eating the cad designs up...
  11. Did that with stormvermin and against gotrec... Only took 3 Wounds... Realy sucked when that happened dident eaven role bad, thankwell survived 1 round of combat against the angry ginger dwarf though (with 1 wound remaining) and won the game in the end with a warbringer, only 2 models left on from my army... Prize sourcer payed off, fireslayers don't like rats...
  12. (Malerion) deathmaster snikch on stilts and a larger black Cape than normal...
  13. Like you said hopefully the wrighting staff have been payed many many warpstone tokens and have crushed it up and snorted up the glowing green stuffs (and not rolled a 13 on a 3d6) or maybe we want them to? Jokes aside I hope the wrighting goes more this way and the faq/winter balance eavens things out a bit for everyone
  14. What!?! What is it called and is it any good?
  15. Always wanted to do a wacky racers themed skaven Doomwheel army... Dastardly and muttly being the main focus... Ork vehicle to start with with some skaven flair... One of the lines in the skaven tome talks about them just raceing eachother arround the battle field seeing who could go the quickest
  16. It's probably happend to everyone here, main thing is to learn what you can and get playing another game when you feel less salty hope the beer helped, going to a local tornement on Sunday with a molder list with a megga gargent helper... Fun list and going to play (won the last one)
  17. Nar Doomwheels battleline in scryer and able to be reinforsed... And a warscroll for Warlock engineer (no arch warlock would be stupid enough to get in one) in a doomwheel with some cool effects simular to the ratogres/hellpit mutations charts in kragnose... Dragon's v Doomwheels... New metta...
  18. As long as it was a fun game, glad the Doomwheel did it's bit
  19. The dream... How many Doomwheels can you field?
  20. That and/or loose the behemoth key word in the update... Rat wacky racers accept all the racers are dastardly and muttly...
  21. Doomwheels... Lots of doomwheels run them over... That or body's, the stormcast carnt kill 60 clan rats in a turn... Or 2...
  22. New giant rat moddle that stole the forge key and stops fireslayers from using there forge for d6 turns... Unless you kill the unit... (extra vp)
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