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Everything posted by DoctorPerils

  1. For 40k, chaos needs their reveals too, which are meant for spring (ie before the redacted codex). Perhaps the next campaign book? I think warcry also deserve their last box of the season to be revealed I wouldn't be surprised about the next LI campaign book too. Hopefully roadmaps this time? I really feel for you - combined arms Eldar are a thing again if you still have those models. I'm also personally hoping they expand the corsair part of the list. Joy Toy Grombrindal and mini Grombrindal co-release?
  2. This makes me sad for most of these factions, though on the other hand it might make a slaanesh warband more likely. If so, I'd imagine them in a box with idoneth or DoK?
  3. Maybe they'd fit more as a warcry warband? I'm pretty sure Whitefang mentioned Death **Pro**tagonists, not antagonists
  4. I think you mean "disappointment". And yes it would be
  5. Yeah that would be great 👍 perhaps have an intermediary "Cog-Keep" like: - steam tank (gun hauler size) - cog-keep (frigate size) - cog-fort (Ironclad size)
  6. I'm worried that might be too big to be made as a model in the game, but it looks awesome. Could perhaps be made as a dual-kit Cogfort/Steamtank, with mention of the cogfort being favoured by the Cult of the wheel or something?
  7. Got ninjad for the silent people clock reset
  8. Sounds really fun - Skryre/Gaskitt style Army of Renown inbound with a rokkit warlock, some bombardiers and that Dreadgnaw-t warlock perhaps? You just seemed adamant that it would be S2D, which I don't think it would be, I think it'll be GSG That would be cool yeah - or just as cool would be a sentient Arachnarok with some cool gubbins. Like shelob, but gitzy
  9. True, and I was also expecting to the see the morghast with the most recently revealed warcry boxset or dawnbringers 4, but that didn't happen, and we got another death faction instead. For the current season, it seems unlikely to me to get two death factions in a row, as we've had 3 order factions, I'd expect a 4th for the final box this season. There is indeed a Spider rumour engine, but considering how close that is to an arachnarok head, I'd be surprised if it turned up in S2D rather than GSG. Even given that data, it seems unlikely to happen in dawnbringers 6, as opposed to the characters already in that narrative. Certainly not impossible, but weird and disappointing
  10. 1. There have been no hints about Slaanesh or a Spider King in the previous dawnbringer books, I think you're allowing your wishlist into your predictions - and this is despite me wanting more Slaanesh stuff just as much as me. I don't think we've seem anything about Nurgle since book 1, but it would make sense following their harbinger But the Lady of Ruin and the Khorne character have been far more prominent throughout the story, so they will probably be released with Db6. 2. That'd be cool, but with Neave's crew and Callis and Toll, AoS has probably already seen its complement of BL characters for this year 3. Tzeentch had their warcry warband last season. Ossiarch remains possible, but that would be bucking the trend of an order faction against another GA of this season. 4. I still believe (and hope) the last dawnbringers book will have a skaven centrepiece character, but no more than one See, I actually think that Chaos Dwarves with their babylonian aesthetics, blunderbusses and big hats are fairly unique already, whereas Dispossessed could be mixed up with Tolkien dwarves, so the latter would be more likely to change imo
  11. 1. I agree some kind of gigantic bull based monster is necessary - if it could be a dual-build that would be even better, but I think the Lammasu would be the minimum weird-factor for AoS. In a comparison with Tahlia Vedra or Teclis, I think a great Taurus may be too tame. 2. Daemonsmith I think would work best with some kind of slave retinue - more of an engineer who directs his work in the midst of battle than one who does the hammering 3. Some kind of melee foot hero is probably a given. Whether a captain or berserker style remains to be seen. 4+5. I think the gunners with fireglaives/axe bayonets on blunder uses would be the basic infantry. Slow and steady, but well armoured and versatile (melee/shooting) would be a good contrast with the other duardin armies. This could perhaps be a dual-build with the big hat style and the Infernal Guard style? 6. I like Bull Centaurs conceptually, but I fear there'd be too much overlap with Kragnos, centigors + centaurian Marshal, potential Kurnothi, etc. Plus, if they're to lean into the slave/mercenary races (which they should imo), cavalry is the kind of role they could fill while setting them apart from the Duardin Zharr proper - so yeah, I actually hope for hob/grot cavalry of some kind 7. Some kind of daemon artillery seems a given, and fairly unique in the context of AoS. Prior to the CoS cannon I'd have liked it to be big enough to be a centrepiece in its own right, but now I'm not so sure? 8. K'daii, not sure they'd make the cut in their current form - perhaps if they were to become more mechanical, getting closer to the same aesthetics as the updated Hellcannon 9. For the elites, perhaps some kind of gunslingers?
  12. Have we seen spinecrawler webs and/or great stinkhorn? I can't remember all the different warcry warbands that have come out during 2e, but don't think there were any Gitz ones?
  13. That definitely would make sense (and might _force_ me to get it) - however, I think Eshin fits better with the warcry skirmish format, and the leak from a couple of days ago excluded Eshin from the main Skaven release, and I want to believe the monkey-rats will be replaced sooner than later
  14. Apparently not, considering Whitefang's sad face. I think she's just Daughters of Khaine, but in opposition to Morathi - where she could be entering the story seems confusing though
  15. Honestly, there's a pretty decent chance imo - if the season's pattern is followed, the next box will be Order vs Chaos. Of the main chaos factions, all but 3 have had their warcry bands already. And of those three, Slaanesh and BoC don't seem to be in the spotlight ATM. Now of course, the previous season's last boxset bucked the train of a god-chosen chaos warband vs X, so you'd be right to keep your hopes in check. Personally, I'm going to hope for Eshin Skaven vs Kurnothi Sylvaneth - though I couldn't for the life of me predict the theme. Poison and Venom perhaps?
  16. Hey there I don't know how much effort it would be, but could there be a filter for RE resolved during an event (or specific dates specifically)?
  17. I get your negativity towards Underworlds for these stated reasons, I really do. However, I think you should see the skaven underworlds releases just like the developers do apparently: these are prototypes for the main release, the effort was always going to be spent creating them anyway, but by releasing them before the main release, it allows you to get a cool couple of models to tide you over and practice your new painting recipes on, and for them to test out the design and molding process for different details, and potentially to get feedback on what works or doesn't. For instance, Slaanesh daemonettes never really grabbed my fancy, but as soon as I saw the first slaanesh underworlds warband I was hooked. You can see they were still experimenting with those models, and you can see how the full release is better for it. I think it'll be a quiet preview for the mainline games, it'll be the Skirmish and HH games that get the big stuff imo I'd rather they don't release any big armybook updates in that timeslot, a lot of Astra Militarum and World Eater players felt really burnt by having to buy a new expensive codex which was then invalidated barely 4 months later
  18. I'm preferring to err on the side of caution. Someone mentioned Armies of Renown though, which I could definitely see coming too.
  19. OK, trying to think of my predictions for this: - 40k: Ork and Custodes characters - AoS: Morghast character, teaser trailer for Dawnbringers 5 with some silhouettes for the models to come. New roadmap - HH: Solar Auxilia army box, plus a centrepiece model to be released alongside it. New Roadmap - Warcry: Lumineth river temple vs Nighthaunt poisoners. The nighthaunt poisoners will be pulling double duty in dawnbringers 4, like the fyreslayers and gorgers warbands appeared in the AoR. New roadmap - WHU: not sure we've seen much in terms of rumours? I'm going to guess Death as there haven't been any so far in DEATHgorge - if that would be the case, OBR or FEC, as those both only have 1 whu warband, whereas SBGL and NH both have 3+. New roadmap Kill team: Mandrakes, perhaps a teaser for the next box (the current Kill Team season seems to have been delayed, and I'm expecting them to release a new edition towards August or September). Names for the following boxsets in the (shortened) roadmap.
  20. Thanks for the recap - iirc Whitefang liked a post describing the chaos Spear Rumour Engine as the Lady of Ruin's?
  21. Working great now, nice and dynamic, even on mobile
  22. They're still not appearing on my side, despite a hard refresh On firefox, android, samsung
  23. Hi, this is great, thanks - I will say, filtering isn't immediately obvious on mobile (android, using firefox), am I missing something ? Could you perhaps open a new thread to centralise any feedback you get? Thanks 🤙
  24. Well, they aren't the same armour sculpt over and over, they have quite a few details that differ, between unit types and chapters, and also between eras (40k and 30k). And the creation of the Primaris waves are exactly what you've been arguing for, what you are asking for is something that GW has been doing for the last 7 years. Whole new scale, whole new armour variants (all mkX: tacticus, gravis, phobos, omnis), whole new philosophy in how the codex is organised (from 5 or 6 basic unit types with many options, to ... lots of very specialised units with very few options). You seem to be under the impression space marines are still the same old faction they were 10 years ago, but the Primaris have actually had profound effects already, and they still haven't fully replaced the old range. And they are also, still, profoundly divisive - many space marine players still refuse to acknowledge them so many years later.
  25. Looks to me like it's on [spoiler]the banner bearer's back[/spoiler] Edit: I don't know what went wrong with the spoiler tags, sorry
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