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Posts posted by Sorrow

  1. 39 minutes ago, Gistradagis said:

    Pretty much, yes. If you're playing pure Hedonites (and usually even if you aren't), he's one of the only reasons your army will hold on long enough to properly get victory points and DPs. Keepers now pretty much suck unless summoned, and they offer little advantage/synergy, so they are a bad replacement (whether you manage to make them work as a beatstick is another matter entirely). Syl'Eske has some more synergy, but it's a bit odd and more circumstantial.

    Glutos is amazing because he supports you in every single way you need. Your low bravery is aided with his +1 to bravery within 6 (and later on no bs tests), his 2 casts 2 unbinds with natural +1 mean he's a reliable caster (even though the mortal lore kinda sucks), and his melee profile can easily crush entire units as long as you don't get too arrogant with him. Last but definitely not least, his -1 to hit within 12" is just plain busted. He's also not a monster, so Look Out Sir means he's not all that easy to kill, even from outside the 12".

    Put simply, Glutos is one of the very few units in our book who's pretty much appropriately pointed, and is great both in offence and defence.

    Glutos and Slickblades are the only two units from our mortal part of Hedonites that are spot on regarding their cost.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, AngryPanda said:

    That’s rough, I’m sorry to hear that lol. I like an army having some challenge and thought when playing, but to have such an up mountain struggle in list building against other armies makes it frustrating, at least from my perspective. 


    To be blunt, I think 6 wins and 11 loses with a new army is not necessarily all that terrible rate. 

    Also I do play in a extremely competitive local meta,  a lot of people are constantly prepping for tournaments across Europe.

    Suffice to say, I am not really a hardcore competitive player.  

    • Like 3
  3. I ran two lists, first is the courtesy of @Enoby.  This is the list that granted me all of my wins. 


    Invaders Lurid Haze

    Glutos (400pts)

    Syll'Esske (200pts) - general

    Lord of Pain

    11 Blissbarb Archers (160pts)

    11 Blissbarb Archers (160pts)

    11 Blissbarb Archers (160pts) 

    5 Slickglaive Seekers (200pts)

    5 Slickglaive Seekers (200pts)

    5 Slickglaive Seekers (200pts)

    Seeker Cavalcade (160pts) 

    The second list is not worth writing, to be frank. Nobles of Excess with Glutos, Sigvald and Lord of Pain. Its supposed chief power, melee, fails miserably. 

  4. 10 hours ago, AngryPanda said:

    Now that Goonhammer has given the re-evaluation, in addition to the general negative feedback that the book has received from other prominent figures and the community as a whole, I have a feeling GW will have to address the point costs. If the OBR are able to get a point reduction to their necropolis stalkers, we should definitely be getting some sort of reduction. Otherwise, it would be insane if we didn’t. 

    I had 17 games with new Hedonites. Lost 11, won 6. 

    I lost against armies that had actually strong melee and/or magic/shooting such as OBR, Seraphon, Lumineth and Tzeentch.  

    There are viable units and combinations, but overall the faction lacks direction and as @Gistradagis already said, there is little to no meaningful synergy.


    • Like 2
  5. 13 hours ago, Yoid said:

    I was just telling my personal opinion, i really like nudity as a design space. By the way, nudity is not equal to sex, otherwise we would say that Bloodletters are sexified too. Like the new Blissbarb Archers, some of them are bare chest and not in a sexual way. So the argument of "not too nude to not bee too much into sex" make no sense, specially when paired with the argument of "leaning also into other forms of excess" as nudity is more related to the self concept of body perfection and beauty (like Sigvald leg armor)

    Again, im not saying Slaanesh should go in the direction i like (but that would please me). People saying that the new KoS express other forms of excess. And why would she not show her body even more exposed as a way to share the perfection of her body? Would have been so bad to have the chestpiece be a separate bit that attach over the body to appeal everyone?

    It is also quite weird that Daemonettes usually dont cover the male side but do so with the female side. Maybe in the future they use more hair and tentacles to dinamically cover their nudity like they did with the Blissbarb Archers and allow for a more natural design not biased by our real world morality.

    If this release proves popular, maybe Games Workshop will further explore any of the myriad aspects to Slaanesh, whether in AoS or Emperor Children codex.


  6. 52 minutes ago, BaronBanana said:

    I stopped at the list building segment, but most of what they said on WW was pretty spot on.  After rereading the book, listening to them, a couple other youtubers, reading forum posts, it's kind of a bummer that almost nothing in the book is appropriately costed.  In the WW video,they stated and kept stating that it's a pain to build lists and it is.  Don't know if many others of you played WarmaHordes but HoS feels like the new Skornergy, but over pointed lol

    Legion of Everblight and Protectorate of Menoth player here. Played WMH since MK1.

    This is, hands down, the best description of new Hedonites.

    Skornergy, but overcosted.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Yoid said:

    If that is the case such meeting may not be that hard to coordinate. Or maybe they actually make an excuse in not having enough workers to loss a working day doing such a thing.

    Personally,  I think that the whole mortal Hedonite release was a lazy rush job. There are viable units and list combinations, but a lot of our army is simply not viable.

    I could point this from poorly written rules, fundamental lack in which direction to take mortal Hedonites to,  rush jobs on most new art pieces (some are excellent),  and a genuine lack of new Slaanesh lore. I meant, other factions often get a full novel dedicated to their faction upon release, some like Lumineth got several. We? Nothing, which is rather strange if we take into account that Newborn is around and Hedonite are rising across all Realms.


  8. 1 hour ago, Feii said:

    is it? Slaaneshi mortals didnt have a proper release and the whole avatar of Slaanesh spawning process is in the process. Wouldn't bee surprised for slaanesh to get a new release within 2 years time. 

    Hedonites had two waves, first being Daemons and now second wave, which are mortals.

    If we do get the Newborn model, I said it before, I would have to be a model in rules and aesthetics far above anything else in Hedonite range, after all, it is a avatar of Slaanesh or child of Slaanesh made manifest.

  9. 1 hour ago, azdimy said:

    I was thinking about this and if they had put the summoning tax into the cost of the fane instead of the hedonites units this would have opened the book to builds without summoning. The rules for summoning would just work if you have a fane on the battlefield that you paid points for. Plus the odd match up where you have to defend the fane from a mega gargant trying to destroy it would have been a fun secondary scenarios 

    I read the new battletome, it feels like a rushed and overall lazy job in everything, from rules to lore and art. 

    What saves the release is the fact that models are beautiful.


  10. 8 hours ago, Doko said:

    Hedonites are overcosted because they have added the cost of free sumon,new slanesh sumon is broken and they can sumon one keeper per turn.

    So if they have balanced units its imposible play against them as it would be 3000vs 2000 points.


    Which is a shame, since a lot of people want to play mortal Hedonite lists and summon mechanic makes playing purely mortal lists rather difficult.  Doable, but a lot of our new units are not viable.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Trav said:

    Cool! How did u find the seeker batallion? Did the archers help much with depravity? Also, what you think of glutos?

    I will copy-paste my previous post.


    I managed to get some test games with our new rules. Played against Tzeentch, OBR and Skaven. Lost against Tzeentch and OBR, won against Skaven. Stole a few list ideas from you guys, my thanks to @Enoby  @swarmofseals.  That being said,  I did made mistakes during deployment against OBR, things could have gone a bit differently if I did not mess that up.

    Overall, my concerns have been somewhat mitigated, we are solid mid-tier army.  The new Hedonites play very much into strategic trapping and pinning down targets and denying your opponents chance to engage you unless conditions favor us greatly.  Control of table is crucial.

    Glutos is excellent, no issues there.  Worth every point.

    Sigvald is better than Light of Eltharion, he is a amazing beatstick well worth his cost. He is slow and has no meaningful synergy with the rest of army.

    LoP, Shardspeaker and Syll'Esske are all worth their cost. More than pleased.

    Blissbarb Archers, Blissbarb Seekers and Slickblades Seekers are great. Position Seekers properly in Lurid Haze and they are great.

    Sadly, the units that appeal to me greatly, Myrmidesh and Symbaresh are really not that good.  Their overall stats are simply not worth the cost. 

    Slaangors are a joke.


  12. 16 minutes ago, umpac said:

    Yeah they new ones are all expensive. I don't see how you would "need" the characters anyway. 150 pts is very expensive for what they do, and I definitely don't see myself taking doubles of any of them if I don't have to. The Lord of Pain also has 0 synergy with the rest of the battalion. I could be wrong of course, but I rather take 40 extra archers (or 30+speaker) than the battalion with heroes if I was going for a shooty army.

    I want to try out Symbaresh and Myrmidesh in Nobles of Excess, but with fact that I will be going against Lumineth and Gloomspite, I think I should play the list I played against FEC and Sylvaneth.


  13. 38 minutes ago, Trav said:

    What was your list? What units were good/not great? I am going to build a nobles of excess batallion of painbringers as they look cool but it might suck.

    The list is courtesy of @Enoby It is excellent in my opinion. 

    Invaders Lurid Haze

    Glutos (400pts)

    Syll'Esske (200pts) - general

    Lord of Pain

    11 Blissbarb Archers (160pts)

    11 Blissbarb Archers (160pts)

    11 Blissbarb Archers (160pts) 

    5 Slickglaive Seekers (200pts)

    5 Slickglaive Seekers (200pts)

    5 Slickglaive Seekers (200pts)

    Seeker Cavalcade (160pts) 

    • Like 2
  14. Beautiful artwork and some quite interesting lore in our new battletome. Enjoy it, my fellow Hedonites!

    Managed to get two games yesterday.  Played against FEC and Sylvaneth.  Won both.  The combination around Glutos/Sigvald/KoS and Seekers and Blissbarbs is very good.

    I am supposed to play against LRL and Gloomspite today. I really wish to try Nobles of Excess list, any suggestions?

  15. 24 minutes ago, Feii said:

    I think we could expect Slaanesh to escape or at least fully manifest Their herald. Would expect it to have a model too. 

    Also that would be a nice way to get Malerion out of the mist of Ulgu. To be fair it doesnt need to be a battletome could be just a Broken realm 2.0 warscroll and rules type of  a supplement. 

    I would love to see the Newborn as a actual model.  From lore point of view, it would have to be far more powerful than anything else we currently have. Also, really fantastic model that would make even Sigvald/Glutos/KoS pale in comparison.

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