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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. I actually like a more cartoony style to my painting. I think cel shaded games look great. Dont know of this can be applied to painting minis easily as they arent really flat images. Does anyone know of a painter who does this kind of style?
  2. The rank and file poses of the models in WHFB looked great in that system. In AoS they do not look good at all imo. The models now need to feel like the are moving and not the static blocks they used to be. This also gives the designers a much bigger canvas.
  3. This makes sense, i want try painting brighter than i normally do and see if it looks any better.
  4. I am wondering what techniques made u a better painter. I am trying to up my painting skills and i thought it might be helpful for more people. The first thing that made me paint better was realizing that minis have a focal point. Painting part brighter and some darker makes it more realistic. The thing that made me paint better recently is trying different colours instead of using 1 colour in different shades. I am so used to the GW way of painting i didnt think of using yellow for highlighting green and using blue for shades. It makes painting a bit less dull when trying blending different colours.
  5. I also agree. It just looks so much better having 2 painted armies on the table. I dont like painting that much but i love it when a model is finished and i have something awesome to add to my collection. Recently i started looking into colour theory and the logic behind some techniques and it made painting a bit more fun for me. It made me stop just slapping some paint on a mini using techniques everyone tells me to use and wondering why it doesnt look the way i want to. It made me paint faster as i am getting better at what i need to do to get the result i want.
  6. I'm hoping todays rumour engine will be a good one for AoS. We are starting to get a bit low on anything really.
  7. My Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider has lead many battles with a horde of all types of greenskinz behind him. I recently build a Dankhold Troggboss to lead the Troggoths. Lady Olynder will keep leading my Nighthaunt. My Sylvaneth are still in boxes so i dont know yet to be honest. Could be Alarielle, Warsong Revenant or Qulathis the exile. Leaning towards Qulathis for now.
  8. I guess we still have the rematch between Kroak and Kragnos to look forward to. Still hoping Gordrakk does something awesome, his ego must be seriously damaged. Maybe Kragnos will find a new faction somewhere. Gitz could be cooking up some nasty schemes under some mountain somewhere.
  9. Hoping for the Maugan Ra model. Still want that one for my army.
  10. Also having a slow month so far. And cant seem to make any half decent pictures. I am almost finished with these. I still need to finish up the bases and i keep forgetting to paint the bloody part on the centipede thing. I am also thinking about repainting the spider, i am not happy about the colour. What colour would u pick? 5
  11. FOMO has never been an issue to me. All the limited models i wanted out of boxes or any thing like blackstone fortress/cursed city i have bought on the secondhand market. And to make things even better, most of the time i've bought them cheaper than the average GW hero model.
  12. Because i am having fun. Edit: This is my answer to all your questions. If it starts getting to the point that its not worth it for me because i stop having fun i need to find something else to spend my time on.
  13. Cool looking models is always first for me. I noticed that if i dont really like a model i dont feel motivated to work on it and it will stay in the box or grey plastic for a long time. I will always go back to greenskinz. Lately the Underworlds model line is really awesome imho. Having elite/ easy to paint options this is maybe a bit of a weird one. I just dont have as much time as i used to have. I just started a Sylvaneth army that is all dryads for battleline. Dryads are easy to paint up fast. rest of the army are cool looking centerpieces like Alarielle and the Warsong Revenant. Also want to keep the dream alive of having a Wood Elves army some day. Also started buying into some Ironjawz (Gordrakk) and Kruleboyz (Mirebrute Trogg). I also like to paint single models. Its more fun to me than painting big hordes of anything, its starting to feel like a chore if i paint 20+ the same model. Wishlisting is also a thing. I they do new Gitmob Grots i'll sell another army instantly. Same with wood elves style Kurnothi like Qulathis. I am also waiting to be blindsided by GW with a completely new army out of nowhere that i just need to have in my life.
  14. Why doesnt purple tier include Bonesplitterz and Big Waaagh?
  15. Wanted to post this here to see what people think of my theory. I crossed the armies off the list that have been covered already last year. Gargants havent had a release recently but i think they are fine the way they are for now. I'm pretty sure now that Dragon ogors will get a release this season. I also noticed a link with Fyreslayers and Ogors exists in Ghur. A sign for Firebellies?
  16. I am wondering how much GW will stick to the races of Ghur going forward. Pulled this bit from a wiki, dont know how accurate this is (its missing Silent People for one). While we just started this edition the first thing i notice is that a few races have already been covered. Soulblight Avengorii also just got updated with Lauka Vai. Does this mean a possible new race or model update could be among these races? Another thing that jumps at me are that most of these are rumoured for updates. Shaggoths could be in a rumoured StD update and fit the monster theme. Ogors/ Skaven are also in this list. Could be going crazy but i think i'm onto something here. I dont think the Worm-riders will be a thing because of Dune copyright battles. But if they decide to do the Worm thing they can have all my money. Any thoughts? Ghur Inhabitants Aelves: Dhom-hain enclave of the Idoneth Deepkin Ionrach enclave of the Idoneth Deepkin Various Scourge Privateers fleets can be found in the Realm. Duardin: Lofnir Lodge: Fyreslayers with large numbers of magmadroth's and who are often paid to march to war alongside the Ogor clans of the realm. Gargants Great Worms Grots Humans: Vurm-tai nomads: The worm-riders, horse clans of the Amber Steppes who took to following the migration routes of the Great Worms and picking over what was left in their wake, or simply raiding the caravans that traveled to and from the worm-cities. Hunter-tribes of the Great Coil: Hunters who move vast haunches of meat thanks to Trade Pioneers. Treestriders of the Gnarlwood: Tribesfolk who reside in a deadly forest of groping vines, hunting strange species and gathering medicinal herbs. Ogors Orruks Sankrit: A reptilian race with a small empire at the northern edge of the Sea of Bones. Skaven: Clan Rhukrit: They sweep across the Ravenous Plains with swarms of attack vehicles, followed by crawlburrows. Sunwyrm Shaggoth Soulblight Vampires: The Avengorii: A dynasty that dwells in the Sascathran Dunes. Sylvaneth: The Aerchhoi: Bitter and dangerous, they inhabit the Druichan Forest near the city of Izalend.
  17. Where did we get the idea of Duardin getting anything more than the battlebox? At this point im actually starting to think this will be all for a while. Im also wondering where all the talk about Gloomspite Gitz is comming from, does anyone know? I do think they need an updated battletome but i think the model range looks best of all the Destruction factions. If they do release a hero and tome combo i am hoping for something Spiderfang related. Troggs and Squigs got all the nice stuff and i'd like some new lore in the Spiderfang corner. I think they can do a lot more with a Spider-god themed faction. This would be a nice line up for the year. I'm also looking forward to the Underworlds Warbands to be honest, They have some real awesome looking models and are a blast to paint. I've been happily surprised by the subfactions they picked at least for all the Destruction releases.
  18. I bought one and want to try it out some time. I like the potential it has as a distraction piece and potential hammer.
  19. I dont know about majority running narrative battles/campaigns. However i do think the majority of people are painters and collectors who maybe play a few games a year (matched or not) and dont care one bit about 1 warscroll being slightly broken at some point. Most people including myself dont play tournaments and dont min/max their lists and play with what they own already.
  20. That adds some fuel to the Dominion didnt sell well discussion.
  21. Dont know if u heard but Nighthaunt Ghost Pirates are all the hype right now. Vampirates are 2021 XD.
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