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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Welcome! Warcry is a great game. I am always happy if more people join that subforum.
  2. I am a simple man. I just want more Qulathis style Kurnothi. Maybe make them a multipart kit like Aeldari where u can make regular and Ynnari units, but like faun and less faun versions.
  3. We on a podcast? XD Nice to see some more Nighthaunt.
  4. I agree with the Destruction part to get rid of faction forums. Its a bit too thinned down. Dont know about the other grand alliances.
  5. I dont care about Chaos Warriors/Knights.
  6. I also think this is going to be a subfaction. Order is already packed with stuff and i think DoK has plenty of room to include a subfaction. Just like Sylvaneth has room for Kurnothi. I also hope Idoneth also gets something like a subfaction.
  7. Whitefang liked a bunch of posts talking about Skaven vs SCE for 4th edition box. We already received Ironjawz and FEC during Dawnbringers, and CoS if that also counts. Dont expect another big update so soon. But u never know.
  8. I would expect them beginning 2025 at least. 2024 is the year of 4th edition, then they need the dust to settle. Maybe sometime after that is my best guess. Edit: Dont remember anyone has said they would be released this year.
  9. I just want to ask the one important question. How big are the hats going to be? For sure they need to be bigger than the Lumineth hats.
  10. Looks like a tail. Could also be the end of a branch or something similar. The angle is throwing me off.
  11. Sorry but im a bit confused. What is the talk about this new box? How is it different from the boxes we had before? Are these all going to be close to a 1000 point armies? Whats the price difference and point difference with the older boxes/SC boxes. Or dont we have enough info yet?
  12. I have always seen this warband as a bunch of proxy models. We got a Savage Big Boss/champion, Arrowboyz champion, Warchanter and a Prophet.
  13. Yes we had some nice beasts put into era of the beast. But as a Destruction player this Destruction edition was a bit lacking. We had an almost complete rework of Orruk warclans but that was about it. Didnt really get more love than any other faction so far. Yes FEC and Seraphon rework is nice. But i would have rather seen an Ogor rework, new Gargants or a completely new army, Bonesplitterz, Spiderfang and more buddies for the Snarlfang Riders. It just didnt feel like THE Destruction edition at their home base Ghur. I was so exited for these 3 years, but it seems like its a Chaos party next. Edit: I know Dawnbringers isnt finished yet. Maybe we still have something good around the corner. But im not holding my breath anymore.
  14. I would love to see more lore and models on Frazzlegitz (Gitmob & Grotbag) 4th edition. Spiderfang and Bonesplitterz would be an awesome bonus.
  15. Just want to say that i love mechs. Give me these but more chorfsified .
  16. I kind of get what you are saying. I feel like gods with actual models and rules feel less godly. To me they feel more like powerfull mages that get a god status because they are that powerfull but arent actual gods. Its the belief part and the mystery behind them that make them feel like gods imho. Gods dont have to "earn" god status, they just are. Gorkamorka and the Chaos gods feel like these mighty entities with almost limitless power. Dont know if im explaining this well enough.
  17. Me returning to TGA after 24 hours. CHAOS everywhere. Chaos beasts, chaos dwarves, ToW chaos, models being moved chaos, chaos in the feels, chaos rats. Guess 4th is really the Chaos edition again. But be real, u all didnt see me destroying everything this edition.
  18. Wouldnt it be great if GW actually made a game with Starcraft minis. I would buy the whole range.
  19. Chorfs would indicate Chamon as part of 4th edition right? My chorf fu is not that strong.
  20. We also still have some Underworlds and Warcry stuff awaiting a release. I also expect Dark Angels to get some attention for a few weeks.
  21. Doesnt seem very likely to me. FEC hasnt been released yet. We also have to wait for another Dawnbringer book and potentially another one. I think they will start talking about 4th shortly after to generate hype.
  22. I fully expect the feather headbands to make way for something else.
  23. That would be fine as the model still looks great. If i could wishlist a small wave it would be this: Scuttleboss with 3 builds. A named Scuttleboss to lead the subfaction and a Scuttleboss with generic and Webspinner Shaman build. Riders with 2 builds, ranged or melee weapons. New unit elite mounted unit with a Scuttling Grot on a new type of Arachnid similar to Goregruntas or the Morbheg Knights. Edit: If i could be greedy i would like to see a doomdiver that shoots scuttling grots with webbed wings dropping spider venom bombs.
  24. I know the feeling. After half my army got squated with O&G moving to AoS i still worry about my Spiderfang and Bonesplitterz that are leftover. At least the lack of Bonesplitterz in ToW makes me somewhat hopefull. I hope the coming months when 4th is closing in we will see some leaks or more info about these older armies/ subfactions. But i would love to see what these ranges will look like AoSified. I love Hedrakkas Madmob, Ardboyz and the Snarlfangs. If those are an indication of what they can do updating some of the O&G models i cant wait to see the rest.
  25. I think GW has shown they are busy cleaning up the AoS model line. They have been removing/updating resin heroes all over the place. They have been doing the same to many of the older sculpts within their tomes. They have removed every forgeworld model. They have redesigned CoS that imho has always been a temporary tome to let people keep playing with their old models. I think its plausible that Beasts get their range updated and will receive an update similar to Soulblight or CoS where most models are replaced by new designs and the older ones are moved to ToW. I dont think it will be this year though. Unless GW somehow manages to do this before 4th and close the era of the beast with an actual beasts update.
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