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  1. So Morathi is a worse caster than in the first and second book ? What a shame. I hope the Shadow Stone is back to its previous form, otherwise it won't be fun to cast spells. Is the witchbrew only giving +1 Blood Rites? No more Battleshock and wound rolls bonus?
  2. But ?... The "core" units of this temple already run and charge ! Maybe that would be the new melee melusai temple.
  3. Did the SoS or Khinerai see a price change in this box? I won't play SoS for their current price, even with the new hero.
  4. Of course, and as long as you own the minis/rules you can play!
  5. I know all this, and I agree. Maybe I'm just biased because my country (France) has a lot of gaming associations and clubs, much more than hobby shops. You just have to find one (they are everywhere, and we have internet now, no excuses), say hello and ask what games are played. I managed to play games of "Infinity" everywhere in France, just by going on Discord/FB/Whatsapp and asking : I'm in this town for 7h, anyone wants to play some games? It's not harder than going to your Warhammer shop and ask who's playing here. I've yet to hear people playing "Star Wars: Legion" say : I'm afraid the game could die tomorrow. Yet that's a big dilema for GW players: will the other game i want to try survive the next 6 months? Maybe, maybe not. WFB died, Mordheim died, Gorka Morka died, GW games aren't immune to a collapse either.
  6. I keep hearing this from GW games players (and only from them), yet in my country I can go in many places and play any wargame I want to. We're not in the 90's anymore, Wargaming, TTRPG, Boardgame aren't that niche anymore. Heck, i can even play Mars Code Aurora in a small village of 200 people, did you even know that game?
  7. Shadow & Pain box cards had the final warscroll printed on them.
  8. On the other hands an army can be an absolute casual stomper and struggle against better players/armies. If you're nerfing this noob stomping army it might become useless at higher level play, but if you try to buff it to appeal to the better players then the casuals will have even more trouble... One could argue that the only people that should care about balance are the best players. Only these people will know enough about the game and the different army to really see the differences between a S faction and a A faction.
  9. Do you have Warhammer +? Free users can't see anything on the 40k app.
  10. Hi, I'll go to a tournament in 1 month with my DoK but I coud use a hand with my list... It's a 1k tournament with no unit or warscroll taking more than 50% of your army, so no Morathi I was thinking about Gotrek + snakes (Medusa + Stalkers) but I will have a really low model count and if my snakes die, well, game over!
  11. Does a ward save work on both wound and mortal wounds? Let's say I had a 5+ FnP against MW, now it's a ward save. Will it work on wounds, as "ward save" affects both?
  12. The model is removed from the battlefield before the next wound or mortal wound is allocated to the unit. It is removed, then the next wound is allocated to the unit? the model isn't slain but... 😑 I don't know what to think about that rule.
  13. We just have a new BT, you'll wait a long time before seeing a new one.
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