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Everything posted by EntMan

  1. Thanks. Now I'm wondering where I got it into my head that they couldn't...
  2. Two new Space Marine heroes! We're in for a treat 😂 Although actually the "cult uprising" bit makes me think it's the Genestealers who have turned up on Earth.
  3. Can Living Cities have Kharadron Overlords as allies? I had thought they couldn't but can't now actually find anything to say no.
  4. It would make sense for GW, they need to get new Battletomes out with codes in them (or however they're doing it) so they can lock them in the app like they have with SCE and Orks and presumably Nurgle soon. I'd therefore not be surprised if the Battletome spamming bit of the rumour is true.
  5. Add in the return of Squats to 40k and I'll wishlist believe any rumour you chuck my way!
  6. Overall it does look great. But I'm not a fan of the hopping frog/toad things. Also I would have imagined Papa Nurgle's folk to sound a bit more jolly than this, but I guess that wouldn't fit in with the Total War vibe.
  7. How long is it usually between a rumour engine and its solution/reveal?
  8. Alas I guess these are a bit too small to proxy as something in AoS? They do look amazing.
  9. But with these we get a good sense of size because of the Stormcast rider on them. The opposite effect - when I saw the original tease of the Stormcast chariot I thought it was AMAZING. But since seeing more views and angles on the webstore it's now in the meh category...
  10. Yeah, definitely something like that! I will probably wait and keep an eye on eBay when I have the money spare for split sets to get half a set/1 dragon (depending on if the sprues allow)
  11. 😀 Thanks, that takes the sting out of it. The qty in pack column said 1 which confused me. I thought it meant you only got 1 model, rather than a 1 pair! At £34 per model it's an expensive luxury but justifyable at some point.
  12. No new dragons for me then. I'd never really expected to be able to afford the big guys. But £68 for one Stormdrake Guard isn't justifyable to my budget. 😞 Which is a real shame because they look awesome.
  13. Oh wow, not surprised but that's more than I'd hoped. £50 of my limited hobby cash will get me more hours of gluing and painting hobby time via a start collecting Stormcast box instead.
  14. I seem to remember the big dragons are going to cost lots but have we had price leaks for the smaller 2?
  15. Dragons! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/11/21/dragons-outcasts-petite-knights-and-a-cave-troll-in-this-massive-sunday-preview/
  16. The consensus seems to be that if something is only in the app and not in books or FAQs then it doesn't count and is probably a mistake/unintended.
  17. Yes, Destruction first. But also maybe Order - highly structured social insect swarms/hives/colonies but completely indifferent or hostile to traditional Order folk. Most anything can be wrangled into Chaos. But Death? Unless they are somehow undead? But then where are all the living insectoid people before they became undead?
  18. I'm no lore expert (far from it) but I am really struggling to see insectoid Silent People in Death. Probably the last grand alliance I can mentally put them in actually. Hoping the more Dwarves and them staying in Cities part of the rumour is right though.
  19. That's a fine looking character there. And using parts from at least 7 different models in one single figure, that's impressive!
  20. I'm only interested in Elves if it's Wanderer Elves, or maybe Phoenix Guard and a phoenix.
  21. None of these would tempt me away from my current spending plans.
  22. Any idea what time the battleforce boxes will be announced today?
  23. I was never a fan based on the images on the webstore. But the picture at the top of this thread looks gorgeous.
  24. If by "rumours" you mean "totally unrealistic dreaming that definitely won't happen" then I'm looking forward to the Living Cities battleforce box that includes a Steamtank, Wild Riders, a Treelord, some Kurnoth Hunters and all the other things I'm saving up for!
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