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Everything posted by EntMan

  1. Looks like that unit of Greenskins has a banner held up high. Any bowmen who can see that (and are in range) have line of sight and can therefore shoot at the unit.
  2. You missed out Battletome: Silent Moot Wardens.
  3. Does this mean that the Nexus Syphon has a rival for 'coolest looking scenery that should have rules but doesn't'?
  4. Thanks! So I'm not just showing up how out of the loop I am, but also how unobservant... Especially as this is a model I have been considering adding to my wish list!
  5. Sorry to show how out of the loop I can be, but did we get a solution the this Rumour Engine yet? (And is there a resource somewhere of rumour engine images showing which are unsolved and the models from the solved ones?)
  6. Greetings to you in Green Bay from me and my Packers inspired Stormcast! And also from the old school Space Marines
  7. From the warcom article: "some distinctly Chaos-flavoured mischief is on the horizon," Chaos flavoured mischief sounds like Tzeentch or Skaven to me.
  8. Does the minimum range for the rocket battery have to be taken from the closest point of the model(s)? So having a crew out front would extend the "can't fire here" zone further from the launcher?
  9. Both the Helblaster Volley Gun and Rocket Battery get buffs if they are within 3 inches of an Ironweld Engineer, and a Cogsmith can buff them if they are within 3 inches. Does this 3 inches have to be measured to the war machine itself or does it count if one of the crew models is in range of the engineer but the war machine itself isn't? Edit: Just re-read the scrolls and noticed it says the machine and the crew are considered as a single model. Not sure how I missed that before posting... So I can use carefully positioned crew to extend access to engineer buffs to 5 inches. I guess this also means line of sight and range can be taken from a crew model too?
  10. You might be on to something https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insects_as_food
  11. Disappointing preview AoS wise, but wow those Eldar look sweet 😍 Not quite enough to get me back to 40k after over 30 years though, that'll take something special. #BringOnTheSquats
  12. I'd object to 'renting' the rules. If I want rules for my faction I'll pay once to own them forever. I don't want to loose them when I stop paying. Like I buy music rather than subscribng to stream. If times get hard for me and I have to cut back financially I don't want at that point to loose all my music/rules/stuff that makes me happy. I'll stop now, this has been done to death in other threads when the app came out and free warscrolls disappeared.
  13. You promoted me to look again at the terrain kits. That Nexus Syphon looks really nice. Are there rules associated with it and is it only available to certain factions (SCEs and Cities?) Can't find it on the app and nothing rules wise showing up on the Google.
  14. So, based on this, you're guessing that Dawnbringer Crusades have fizzled out for now?
  15. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/01/23/sunday-preview-enter-war-zone-nachmund-and-muster-the-might-of-the-tau-empire/ Well, they managed to get to 2:03 in the video before they revealed A NEW SPACE MARINE MODEL!
  16. Well, it gives us something to talk about in the absence of any either official or reliable rumours!
  17. Forget various ruinous powers and mutants and daemons and rotting undead things. These have to be the most disturbing models GW has ever produced!
  18. Yeah, if they do ever actually bring Squats back that'll probably be how they do it. And it'll be a boring wasted opportunity. I want vengeful Squats out for revenge on the Imps for abandoning them to the Nids. (although mainly I just want Squats)
  19. Nah, I reckon Squats will be thier own faction outside the Imperium, not a sub faction of Imp Guards.
  20. If you are predicting Dispossessed going in the Dwarf Soup are you also predicting their removal from Cities? And the Dwarfy bits of Ironweld Arsenal? Maybe dwarf soup will be able to include Dwarf keyworded Cities units as coalition?
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