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Everything posted by Feii

  1. What kind of a stupid take this is? Beastclaw are a super easy get into army because you just buy the boxes….
  2. But if you buy 2 boxes you do not have 2 decent 2000k armies because yndrasta limits you in one box and 40 hobgrots and the second big boy is meh. furthermore the points in the box are already outdated and their bettletomes will have new points. Stupid. meanwhile buying 2 indomitus boxes felt good.
  3. So Chaos vs Order is just the way to go when you want to make a successful tabletop game? Hmmmmm.
  4. They have to do something with SCE battleline units. It really feels like people which have the og liberators want to use them. I want to use my sequitors and other battleline is not doing it for me. If it goes this way I dont understand what will another battleline SCE unit offer to us in some years time. not to mention we are getting another shooty boys. krule boyz bot having their battletome feels like a huge mistake. I was hoping for a standalone faction that can ally in orruks or so and is centered around Kragnos. Second fiddle crackheads is not exactly the best advertising motto.
  5. so this is what my friends who don't play warhammer hear when I start talking about it. huh.
  6. So about the June WD and Grungni's discussion with Sigmar.
  7. a personal question of mine but do you know/jave any information if the GK box is only a new Crowe and nothing else for the GK side?
  8. source? I just don;t see why would they be releasing grimaldus atm space marines have had their releases and other rumour engines point towards eldar/GSC/Orks/TSons
  9. 👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️
  10. you don't have the base as the correct round shape but you still get the swirly things right?
  11. I have read some of them, the last one was with gotrek clearing some tombs with the WD.
  12. Wait where is this from? Is he reshaping the white dwarf??
  13. do you expect the gw middle school interns to successfully port databases?!?!?!
  14. wait. I can understand if something becomes unplayable or rotates out but nerfing slaanesh that has an absolutely terrible new battletome, Slaangors and other new warscrolls are just terrible, their point costs are equally bad is nothing like that. I don't remember any gaming company that would just double down and straight out ****** on their product in such a way. This is either huge incompetence or somebody hates slaanesh or both. (given a lot of those weird dominion prerelease copies targets, giving GHB to random niche UK based channels it just smells of nepotism) For people who play 40k it would be as if GW took Tau/GSC in their latest recent point updates and increased their points 20% across the roster. (having that said at least GSC and Tau are getting their codex within some months - rumour engines - but there is no light at the end for Hedonites) As a customer I am looking forward to my 40k codex and box that is coming for Grey Knights. As an AoS player I'm afraid who will write SCE/Krule Boyz rules. That's not ok. (also is it just me or anybody else finds kinda unprofessional that they are selling the dominion boxset with Krule Boyz but we have absolutely no idea whether they will get a new book or what will be their introduction into the Orruks like etc.? + their rules and points so far look rather weak)
  15. I don't understand how can you be missing the point so much and be so egoistical about it.
  16. Imagine raising post of Hedonites as much as DoK, Disciples, Seraphon. Must have missed the memo about them being a top tier army.
  17. WIP on my Kragnos. This model feels really nice to paint. Scared of the face paint job
  18. could you just rewrite the battletome and warscrolls instead? Thanks haha
  19. Saurus aren't bad. Every Seraphon subfaction is good when you compare it to other things. Idk buffed up saurus warriors with heal/returning models etc. could be really good in AoS 3.0
  20. Things that are up to people aren't popular and people usually don't have time to decide about that.
  21. Eh even if you decided to replay the second ed of AoS you wouldn't be sure whether to play with realm artifacts or not in some years time.
  22. Don't know if I fully like the sentiment. I think the main and entry level format (matched play from the latest edition in the case of AoS) should be a rotating rule set - like it is. But I kinda wish there was some kind of thought how to play and combine certain features. Would it be a "broken" casual format? Yes. Would it be fun in 10 years time to have some rules for my future boomer self to play with combination of books and rules from several editions and from books I bought? Also yes. Combining warscroll battalions and their effects with some future game systems (such as the new realm oriented battalions) and with realm artifacts or anvil of apotheosis could be a very fun mode for some part of the playerbase imo. In MTG there is a way for me to be nostalgic and play different formats and decades old cards - and I will admit it is easier for MTG to work in that way - but why is it ok for people to just buy rule sets/content that will be completely invalidated in just some years. Hundreds of dollars. All those freight ship emissions and physical books being hauled across half of the planert to be useless in a blink of an eye. With tabletop gaming and nerdy stuff becoming more and more mainstream/popular maybe there should be a consideration for nostalgia/longevity of rule sets?
  23. I just want to say that maybe it is the new krule boyz guy on the swamp crocodile or the dragon unit from the leaks? I hope not but don't expect too much because the let down could be real
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