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Everything posted by Ragest

  1. I still trust the leak, more becasue i really want to see Belakor being released mid April. I'm really interested on the lore that book can contain.
  2. Half the army can deal with heroes The problem with Blademasters are not they can deal with X or Y, the problem is that those spots are already occuped by other units. I thought they were going to be our elite-cleaning units, but i can't see it unless they get +1 damage to their first profile from something.
  3. I've played a pair of TTS matches using Slaneesh while I wait for new Lumineth's book and i think Slaneesh is not a competitive army. Is hard, but is my honest opinion. But It's one of the most fun casual army in the game. Everything they do is simple, easy to understand, easy to play around and way more strategic than before. I think a point reduction will make the book S tier? No, far away. But, at least, will make the book shine a little more.
  4. They are going to get shinning, the double CA effect in Illiatha, MW on 6 and possibly the mage leader with power of hysh.
  5. I think I won't care anymore about Warcom articles, because is impossible to be optimistic with half rules and no context. I can’t understand that marketing strategy. But I will be ready to discuss with all of you when the books get shown or leaked in this thread. I won’t keep going to the rumor thread.
  6. You think we are going to see decimators dominating meta game if they were mages, ignoring spells and being -1 to hit? Te answer is no, and decimators have 3 wounds with 4+ save that can dr.
  7. The problem is that bannerlord should be tied to blademasters if they want him to do that, because if not, wardens with 3 attacks are just the best unit in the game.
  8. To be honest, stoneguard are better because we know all support they are capable to absorb, maybe we have a cool battalion for blademasters, maybe sone nice tricks with bannerlord or an ability we don't know. But, unless hurakans that look pretty cool, the 3 partial warscrolls we already know are just bad.
  9. I hope they have some bodyguard ability to at least put 5 on my lists
  10. I really give up abut this situation. I'm tired of being arguing everyday about things that are CLEARLY fair (hurakan) or even WEAK (named regent and blademasters). Let them hate, we will love our army anyway.
  11. Thanks for the numbers, i know people are calling me crazy because blademasters are "OP" 'cause of the autohit
  12. The first profile should be damage 2. Damage 1 is just terrible
  13. Let's be honest there, i think they are Pretty weak
  14. Is what i allways think. Imo a BROKEN ARMY should win easily, or at least win much more than lose, but with lumineth you need at least >10 matches to start knowing how to play it.
  15. Seems like we returned to releasing every week, so one week to announce next preorder, the next to perorder items and the next to receive those items or being avaliable on stores.
  16. Hurakan would be broken if hurakan units were melee focused, but they are ranged, so their melee is going to be pretty weak, same as salvation characteristic. So that don't worry me. The problem is that they add something like "2+ d3 MW when charging"
  17. There is a leak saying that cursed city will be on preorder the 3rd April and belakor the 17th, so everything can be sooner than expected
  18. I think the same, maybe they put some "sub faction" abilities tied to generic Allegiances to make hurakan fit in Ymetrica.
  19. The first thing that comes to my mind if they add overwatch is that shooting units can't shoot in combat. That is a nerf? A buff? For most of shooting units the "-1" penalty hurts, but not to te "unmodified mortal wound" ones. That has to be changed to 6+ if they want this to work.
  20. We know the kurnothi coming in cursed city is Sylvaneth, so that would be weird.
  21. The narrative commentary implies that horrors split JUST when they die in combat, and that's the closest we have to know what the designer’s team was thinking about when the rule was wrote. What I can't get is why Tzeentch players decided the rest must play with their rules to the point that now in every tournament is taken for granted that they do split when, at least, is a ambiguous or controversial and when you ask why is because “my to said it”, “in my community do split” and “it has been done allways like this”
  22. Oh so you will get the same as moving to the objetive without charging. Pure NPE. And if you are playing vs them you obviously are going to place your units out of the objective, becasue you are a super tactician and want that objective to be stealed.
  23. So you won't attack them and the opponent can pile in 3" and make 1 or 2 attacks. I see it fair.
  24. And they think you can pile in even if you didn't charge, and people think hurakans can go away like skinks... And suddenly hurakans will be NPE.
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