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Everything posted by pixieproxy

  1. From a marketing and sales perspective why would they release a launch box for a new edition with old models?
  2. Right! So I recently started a Hedonites army and I want to know where to go from here: 1 Keeper 5 Slickblade Seekers 11 Blisbarb Archers 20 Demonettes 5 Seekers 5 Hellstriders 1 Lord of Pain 1 Infernal Enrapturess 1 Shardspeaker (And 3 Slaangor but... yeah) Now I know probably should be looking at more Archers and Mortal Seekers, the LGS near me also has a cheap Dexcessa/Synessa kit. Thoughts?
  3. Anyone know why Sigvald is shown as sold out online?
  4. Whats the general opinion on the points changes? Was thinking about maybe picking up one of the twins...
  5. Right got a whole bunch of nighthaunt along with the xmas box. Olynder Reikenor Spirit Torment Coach Guardian of Souls 10 Bladegheist 4 Myrmourn 10 Dreadscythe 5 Hexwraiths 10 Grimghast Reapers Where the hell should I go from here? This is already almost 2k points but is a little all over the place. Probably need some spirit hosts, but unsure what else to do.
  6. They said that destruction is tomorrow, so looks like "mon to fri" is it
  7. Will note however, they did confirm the free rules they'll be releasing for warcry will be ALL 800+ fighters and the factions therein, no mention of the compendium either.
  8. I really think Covid ate a lot of Warcry and AoS scheduling, 40k, Kill Team and HH definitely took precedent it feels like
  9. Spite revenants too! Also 3 attacks and mortals on 6s for spites. Kurnoth swords have 2 mortals on sixes but -1 rend, scythes get -3 rend and an anti-pile in mortal wound. Definitely interesting choices here. Revenant seekers are nuts in that they can res any model with 5 wounds or less in a unit, so Kurnoth and other seekers
  10. It took us a huge ass leak to get anything like that
  11. almost everything in the book is a viable option, there are multiple flavourful and powerful builds, nearly everything can be battleline(Just not all at once) and the options in the book have skyrocketed compared to the last few years of eels. I think Idoneth are pretty happy atm.
  12. The models in the skaven line most people complain about aren't those ones to be fair. They're the resin/metal stuff that permeates the line, along with models like Gutter Runners
  13. To be fair even *with* the extra lady, if you can sell off the skaven it's a real good deal. 5 Gossamids, 3 Kurnoth and a Tree Lord are definitely worth more retail than half that box
  14. I just hope both of the old revenant units get something that makes them relevant, the buff to Namarti thralls was great and I'd love something similar. The current scroll for BowKurnoth is especially bad too when compared to Gossamids tbh.
  15. Man I really hope we get some extra battleline options in the new book. Gossamids and Kurnoth would be great, almost every 3rd ed book seems to be expanding battleline greatly
  16. With awesome new centrepiece models my main worry is always that the rules mean they'll never hit the table. However I am so glad that LoV here is looking absolutely sharp. My only hope is she isn't completely auto-include, as that's not quite as fun either.
  17. Personally I'm hoping for more bespoke sylvaneth in warcry, but that's probably a bit greedy right now.
  18. Box up for preorder next week! That was a fairly quick turnaround, hopefully we can expect the book soon too.
  19. I don't see this, the books is barely that much of a change from what it was really, and yeah its at top tables but not overrunning everything
  20. In the new books warscrolls like hers don't have that line of text on the warscroll, instead its in the spells section in the tome.
  21. I just really hope the overgrown terrain thing isn't JUST on her
  22. But yeah, a mobile woods? I hope this is part of what lines up for the new book to be less reliant on the woods themselves. Spell to turn random terrain into woods pls
  23. That's a very large Wholly Within given her base size looks to be 80mm
  24. It is indeed, it's all on the same sprue(s)
  25. Aaaaand the whole nighthaunt book is out there. Wow, a dam broke somewhere it feels like
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