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Everything posted by TimeToWaste85

  1. I completely forgot about allying in Tzeentch. Lol. Three Bladebringers on exalted seeker chariots two Slaanesh soul grinders two flaming chariots of tzeentch Three units of Chaos Warriors w/ MoS One unit of Slickblades mesmerizing mirror fane heavy shooting, solid impact hits, a couple small units for holding objectives with decent saves and the mirror for control shenanigans. If battalions are a thing of the past, I’m rocking it! Lol
  2. Really? I found the second to be the most PITA to build. The leader was easiest. Made me think everyone was whining for nothing. Then I built the second...I haven’t touched my second box yet. Lol
  3. Maybe he’s a renamed Kholek Suneater for BoC: named Dragon Ogor Shaggoth *shrug* centaur, beast, huge centerpiece model...used to have rules but no official model.
  4. With the possibility of getting rid of battalions in the near future, this is what I am looking at right now for an army list. Keeper of secrets as the general with slothful stupor as the spell Sigvald belakor two units of slick blade Seekers 2 5-man units of chaos warriors 1 unit of Daemonettes one exulted chariot mesmerizing mirror, and chromatic Cogs. nine units, two endless spells, 2000 points on the dot and 113 wounds. Two sources to mess up enemy heroes, a bunch of big-wound units, and improved charge range combined with deep striking...should be fun
  5. Well, I’m all set for the Newborn box. I’ve been selling off old stuff and just made a sale that’ll fund one up to $200 retail. ....please only cost $165 at the most though. Lol
  6. Got it. Ok. I only saw 9 units, and I thought it was one ally for each four other units. I rarely bother with allies, so it’s not like a whoopsie on my end would affect me. Meaning I thought you needed 8 HoS drops to have the two S2D drops added.
  7. I mean, you can put the rod on the Chaos Lord instead, but the Darkoath Chief and Splintered Fang are only available as allies, since they can’t have the MoS. You only have 6 other units, so by rule of allies you need two more non-allied units to have them. Definitely needs a rework to be a legal list (unless your opponent doesn’t care).
  8. I didn’t think Darkoaths could get marks? I don’t think you can give him MoSlaanesh. Unless a book from Broken Realms allows that somewhere. Meaning he can’t be a general, just an ally. Same w/splintered fang unit.
  9. Oh, FFS...I already own three new plastic Keepers...I didn’t need two more special characters! Beautiful sculpts though!!
  10. Model wishlist? Stuff for armies I don’t play! Lol. The past few years have seen incredible Chaos stuff, and I am tapped out! Got my Be’Lakor ordered, I was lucky enough to get a guaranteed one with a book, and I’d love to hit pause. So give everybody the goblins, the beasts, dinosaurs and free guild! I was everything to come out that isn’t of the five gods of chaos (yeah, the rat now counts). I don’t collect beasts, so go nuts with them.
  11. Can you custom make a Chronomatic Cog piece? Some steampunk cogs from Michael’s/HobbyLobby/AC Moore, etc will do it (three cogs, size 1/2”, 3/4”, 1”) on a 40mm base will do it. I’ll second using the Lurid Haze from WotE book, only one or two keepers as generals (keep the third as a non-general). Those three are half your points. ER battalion will soak up the fiends and daemonettes, but you can’t get all 9 fiends in (with or without the cogs). Take battalion with 6 fiends, or skip battalion for all 9. make and take the cogs, put all the fiends into a single unit (-1 to hit and wound them). If Haze gives 1 outflank unit, outflank the fiends, cast the Cogs. If it gives two, outflank 2 keepers (one general, one regular) cast cogs. If it gives 3, do 2 keepers and the fiends. Cast cogs. Try to keep the Keeper casting cogs far back and away from dispel range. You need that spell if outflanking.
  12. That article was very fun. Obviously written by someone who enjoyed what they were doing. It’s like 90’s GW all over again! (That’s a good thing, btw) I seriously can’t wait for this model. I’ve already been warned though, allocations are rough. Pre-order if you want one. My store BARELY got two: one for myself and one for another guy.
  13. I’d like to go back to WHFB style where artifacts cost points, and just keep the limit that no character can have more than 1. Some artifacts NEVER see use because they all cost the same, but if they had different costs from each other, it could cause a nice shift (ex: run and charge artifact is worth way more than “one use only” anything artifact). Currently everything has an equal, identical cost: first is free, second (or more) cost battalions.
  14. It was done w/Silver Tower. $30USD/model. Shadows over Hammerhal used old model sculpts from WHFB, plus a Stormcast thrown in.
  15. My last was a Shardspeaker of Slaanesh. Pretty sure I’m doomed. Also requested my friend’s shop to order me a Be’Lakor model the second it’s available to order.
  16. So I know Lurid Haze is amazing, but has anyone noticed that a Faultless Blades Pretenders Host using a Seeker Cavalcade can pile in 9”? It gives you an extra 3” on top of the bonus 3” from the Cavalcade.
  17. If you swap the uncertain Shardspeaker to a Herald, you gain 20pts and can take an extra command point. Well worth it in a CP heavy book.
  18. Well, we’re currently costed the way we are (depending on what you read) based on summoning cost. If they can remove every body that can summon AND remove the terrain that can summon...it’s a bit disturbing. Our costs really hurt at that point.
  19. Well, their f***ing wind-cat-spirit has a base move of 24”, destroys faction terrain on a 2+...I got that far and moved away.
  20. So how worthwhile is it to run the Dread Pagent? I’ve seen that we have the only worthwhile Underworlds team in AoS proper.
  21. Honestly, I prime white, then use Gryph Charger grey (contrast) over all skin (mortal and daemon alike). Then they get a dry-brush of Ulthuan grey. This gives a sort of marble/statue type skin finish. Which given the “flawless perfection” of Slaanesh, it’s very in character. Here’s an example for a Keeper and a Lord of Pain and of course I use a picture of an unfinished keeper. Lol
  22. Personal opinion...Syll’Eske host would be a great option if it gave the S2D units the Hedonite keyword. Of course, the BoC battalion should do the same.
  23. Wording looks like if 5 battleshock tests lead to 5 points...Syll’Eske Host brings it up to 6. With the limitations of no command ability, no magic item, it’s not worth it. Now, if it was on each battleshock test, making it go from 5 to 10 (in the theoretical example I gave)...now we’d be cooking. Too limiting, as it is currently.
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