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Everything posted by SirSalabean

  1. Hi all. So I’ve got a decent selection of models now for Lumineth and I wasn’t sure if I need to get anymore? I have: 1 x Teclis 1 x Moontain 1 x stonemage 1 x Cathallar 1 x Eltharion 2 x Wardens 2 x Sentinels 2 x Stoneguard 2 x Dawnriders im not sure if I need anything else for an army? I got one of everything for painting. also what paint scheme should I go for? I like the box art one especially the hurakan stuff on the way with the blue and yellow. I’m just unsure with the way to paint them as I can only use an airbrush to paint them as I live in a flat and I can’t find an alternative to wraithbone for an air primer.
  2. I much prefer releases like this where they release it all in one week as opposed to multiple waves across a month or so. Hopefully they do that soon with the Lumineth.
  3. Sweet, one release closer to the new Lumineth
  4. What does everyone think will be the pre orders for Saturday? Slanesh?
  5. I’d be interested to know full statistics outside of competitions as to what armies are most played by different gender and ages groups.
  6. The new death rattle stuff looks cool. I consider OBR more bone golems than skeletons as they are just mashed up bones. Do prefer OBR for the eastern look though
  7. Hmm very interesting maybe the blademasters will be a tyrionic unit? There’s quite a lot hidden away in that video so it’s exciting to find out. Hopefully we hear in the next few weeks.
  8. Hah questionable he got me into it when he brought the age of Sigmar starter set years ago. hmm it’s possible I just think of red and Phoenixs with the helmet silhouette to all resemble Tyrion as I see Tyrion red and teclis as blue. I’m not a lore bank though.
  9. Thank you wise one I honestly wish I knew as much knowledge as you. My only experience of the old world is walking into the Warhammer shop with my dad pointing out dinosaur people, my dad seeing the price and walking out 😂 I think that this second wave of models was made or at least in the works when it was written as it seems all those shadows match up nicely. Would be cool to see it fleshed out even further however I’d also like pre existing factions to get that love more. despite lore I’m curious as to what the lord regents named character version will be, it’s a similar build with red cloth and a Phoenix emblem on the shield and a tyrionic looking helmet so I’m curious if they’d make that Tyrion or a character from his side. hopefully we will hear more of him in the broken realms book.
  10. What’s yet to come for Lumineth? I’m of the impression they might not make every temple and Tyrionic order as there will be a point where everything is covered. I’m imagining that when the next waves comes it will covers most holes that need filling and they might release Tyrion with them not sure though.
  11. I’m cautious to believe what’s revealed in WD is the whole plot I think it’s just a vague setting so people can play the flashpoint or whatever. Would be a bit blind to ruin the book for a flashpoint mission.
  12. What’s most likely going to be the box set armies?
  13. How popular are Lumineth? I know there’s a lot of criticism of the cow elves but I’ve seen a lot more praises with the hurakan so far. Personally I love the new direction but I was wondering what the overall consensus is?
  14. That’s great I cannot wait for all the sweet juicy lore. Hopefully they detail the other temples but I’m hoping it’s a while before more big releases I need to save money lol Lumineth only came out in like September
  15. When the new units and hurakan temple come out do you reckon we can mix hurakan with alarith?
  16. I love warhammer, It’s honestly a massive part of my life I’ve been on and off painting for 4 years or so but I got my own place in July with my partner and got my own hobby space and since I have been trying to do a bit each day. I’ve never even played a game before and now have almost finished painting my second army, with a sizeable backlog still to paint 😂 this is the way of course. I’ve just invested in a Lumineth army in preparation for the new releases that I’m so hyped for. I love the wacky direction it’s going. I suffer with depression and anxiety badly and the pandemic hasn’t helped but I’ve actually been in a better headspace since consistently doing a bit of the hobby each week. I cannot wait for the store to open back up for matches so I can finally learn to play.
  17. Nice!!! I got my Teclis the other day. I’m so pumped for the new models I just had to get into Lumineth now.
  18. Yeah it’s weird to get so many orders with my Haribo order
  19. This came today alongside a Lumineth army kit and another lot of sentinels. I have some more stoneguard and wardens on the way too. So hyped for the new units hopefully I can get some of these done before they come out.
  20. Hi there, thank you that’s really helpful I’ll get another 20 wardens then. Would you suggest more than one set of any other units?
  21. How good are sentinels? I’m starting my army with the intention of focusing on Hurakan. I’m getting Alarith stuff too but overall I dislike the spearman due to how flimsy the spears are and Blademasters for the win. I’d like to have a sword and bow heavy army eventually however I’ve got two sets of stoneguard on the way as I like the hammers. sorry I’m just so excited and I’ve got no clue about how the army is as my focus is painting and thanks to Covid I haven’t even been able to play at all yet. Loving painting though.
  22. In my opinion Lumineth are overpriced. I’m budgeting for the new releases at the same prices as current Lumineth models and it’s costly, If they go up in price it’s not going to be very good I can’t see it becoming a hobby I can maintain in the same way. Just going to be people dropping off or buying less. With the great year they’ve had despite Covid they don’t need to increases prices so frequently
  23. Do you think we will get an alt build for it like the big bow mountain?
  24. So with the new Vanari and Wind temple releases inbound filling out the army a lot and making it one of the bigger army selections, what’s the likelyhood of all this happening again next year with another temple etc? I want to invest in Lumineth especially with the new release and I think it’s highly likely the new additions will be given rules in BR: Teclis and then towards the later half of the year a battletome. However I am reluctant to invest in books only to be outdated within a year or so, I’m also reluctant to believe that they will keep doing yearly releases due to them not doing this with previous new armies. im not sure what to think
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