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Everything posted by KingBrodd

  1. Haha that's what I'm banking on with the Sons!! 2 kits with a variety of options and then perhaps a separate Leader kit, again with options.
  2. In that case I'll selfishly prefer not to have one.
  3. I'm all for more Stormhosts it's only logical, just not Sons of Behemat as one haha They can still be civilised and fight for Destruction. It would make for an even more interesting Faction. We need more diversity amongst the Factions, Destruction only has 3 .
  4. Honestly I'd be more than an little angry at that. Order has the most Factions of any of the Alliances not to mention the highest number of models with the Stormcast, so to add yet another Faction to Order and make it another Stormcast Chamber would be a kick in the face to Destruction. I mean what's more Destruction than Gargants?! P.S I know this was a hypothetical joke but it's something that has me concerned GW may pull.
  5. They've literally just announced a Space Wolves VS Orkz Battle Box. I'd love a Sons/Lumineth box so long as there isnt an exclusive Gargant model.
  6. I'd love to see Siege orientated Stormcast. Hammer Throwing Ballistae.
  7. Perhaps even to tie in the Lumineth, Excelsis is on the verge of collapse but the Realm Lords arrive and fend off the Waaagh leaving the city standing but a shadow of its former self.
  8. I mean there still could be one, just with a unique Lumineth hero and the Sons side is almost like a Start Collecting Box. I'm thinking at least 2 new kits much like the Imperial Knights, but I'm hoping for 3. Then a Scenery piece and the Battletome.
  9. I'd be all about it so long as one of the Gargant kits isnt exclusive. Otherwise I'll have to wait who knows how long to pick it up. At least a Year if they start releasing all the boxed exclusives of the previous year in the next.
  10. I'm hoping for 2 things. Sons of Behemat tease/reveal. With the Lumineth release imminent I wouldnt be suprised if the Sons are more teased then revealed, though I'd rather the latter. Seeing as they would realistically only be 2 or 3 kits (Heres hoping for 3) potentially a Scenery piece and a Battletome they could very well be unveiled. If they're not fully revealed they will be at Warhammer Fest for a May/June release. And the other being an Order VS Destruction Campaign book.
  11. I'd really love a new Campaign book, especially if its Order VS Destruction, I loved Wrath of the Everchosen. Heres hoping if there is a new Campaign book that the Lumineth and Sons make an appearance.
  12. I'm guessing Sons will either be announced if not definitely teased for the 'Adepticon' reveals and then fully revealed at Warhammer Fest for a May-June release.
  13. I'm just excited to see what Behemoths and Monsters they have.
  14. Sons of Behemat are my dream army come true. For over 20 years I've wanted to field an all giant army and I cannot believe this dream is coming true. I cannot wait for the Sons.
  15. Hey guys new to the community and keen to jump right into discussion. Personally as you can guess my Username I am beyond excited for the Sons of Behemat. Here's hoping the 'Adepticon' reveals show us at least a tease of what's to come. I've not yet been this excited for anything Warhammer related in all my life. Bring on the Gargants!!
  16. Then here's hoping AOS goes first, I'm beyond excited for even a tease of Sons of Behemat.
  17. With the announcements spread over two weekends, will we see one devoted to AOS, Warcry, Beastgrave and one to 40K, Necromunda, Titanicus etc?
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