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Everything posted by docofallplagues

  1. Pretty excited actually, some armies seem to have been truly shafted by the points changes but FEC has barely changed in many instances.
  2. I think that's my main issue. I adore the new mortals and want nothing more than an army of slickblades, blissbards and twinsouls, but they're costed as if I own 60 daemonettes that I can flop on the table each turn which I don't.
  3. Just seen some other points changes and seeing a KoS 40 points more expensive than skarbrand is so weird. Like I know skarbrand isn't exactly meta or BoK in general but still, seems all the daemons for HoS are so overcosted for what they do now
  4. The ideas I've had for conversions and the armies I wanted to build with the new models just all seems so fruitless in the face of enormous cost to bringing them... not 100% sure ill even bother buying any more hedonites for a while, might be throwing the towel in too soon but it's just a little disheartening
  5. Being both a hedonites and FEC player I'm pretty sure a ferocious hunger buffed ghoul king on terrorgheist could do it just because of mortal wounds, if not crypt flayers might be able to under similar circumstances. The new CP generation might mean FEC can feeding frenzy a lot more.
  6. Well I was thinking of blue skin tones for all the daemon units and glowing blue eyes. Ive had a friend suggest using clear resin to get an ice encrusted look as well but that may be a tough beyond my skill level.
  7. So I've finally decided on an ice theme for my hedonites, stemming from blue exhakted seekers with frostbitten slickblade riders with icy glaives. Ive already got some ideas like icicles dangling from Glutos' chariot but just for creative purposes, are there any other ideas you guys have that I might not come up with?
  8. You're officially liscensed to call me an idiot. Now I'm even more disappointed as a primary BoC player...
  9. So while we can probably agree slaangor are underwhelming I haven't seen anyone talk about their horde mulch ability. Might this alone make them worth considering even as just a distraction carnifex since no one will want them alive at the end of the combat phase?
  10. so I've been playing around with the idea of getting the saurian up to a 2+ save and if it would be worthwhile taking the priest and starseer to do it. is it worth pumping this much into one centre piece?
  11. so it begs the question is it worth making 35 even more tanky as coalesced or is it better to just lords of space and time it onto an objective and let it sit there literally denying that entire section of the board
  12. This may have been mentioned but did anyone notice the potential of the dread saurian in a coalesced army? reducing damage by 1 and giving it an extra flat 6 damage bit seems pretty good. not sure if it makes it worth bringing but maybe a consideration
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