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Everything posted by Yeknomious

  1. I've been using a warband consisting of: Slasher Crone / Dreadwarden / Dreadscythe Harridan / Chainrasp x 6 (TOTAL: 995). I've been playing against a Stormcast Eternal Sacrosanct warband comprised of Sequitor Prime with Redemption Cache / Sequitor with Stormsmite Greatmace / Evocator with Grandstave / Castigator x 2 (TOTAL: 1000pts). Games that involve movement, objectives and treasure have always been won by the Nighthaunt (the majority in my case so far). The only loss was a game that required taking down half or more of the enemy warband. The Nighthaunt in this warband just lack hitting power. The board I've been playing on also lacks verticality and platforms - with the addition of these I think the Nighthaunt would become much stronger due to gaining toughness with height (thanks to universal flying) and weakening the opposition with Aura of Dread (double for -1 strength on enemy fighter). That combo takes the average Sacrosanct Stormcast down to strength 4 and the Chainrasp up to toughness 5, so nicely 5's and 6's to wound rather than 3's. The Slasher Crone has been clutch at times for controlling the Stormcast Side which is devastating due to their low model number.. The Slasher Crone and Dreadscythe's main strength is actually just their slight speed over the Chainrasp and the fact that they can do some damage. Another key to winning with this warband was the key timing of Spectral Summons. I played two games where I had to get models off the board edge. I thought this would be easy, and it was for one game, but the second game was harder due to the Castigators and Sequitor with Stormsmite Greatmace efficiently taking down quite a few Chainrasp. Although this was the case the Dreadwarden scampered over to one corner, skulked under cover, and summoned three Chainrasp back across two rounds (third ability gained by waiting), all of which fled the field ensuring victory. The Stormcast warband could throw in some Gryph-Hounds and drop the Evocator with Grandstave as that unit underperforms (seemingly at least) and the Gryph-Hounds are great point efficient units. The Nighthaunt could certainly do with a unit or two with hitting power. I suspect I will be adding a Knight of Shrouds (possibly on Ethereal Steed), Spirit Host and perhaps the Extoller of Shyish and a couple of Grimghast Reapers. I'm unsure what the overall 'Take on all comers' List would look like. Perhaps: Knight of Shrouds / Extoller of Shyish / Spirit Host / Grimghast Reaper x 2 / Chainrasp (TOTAL:995). This list has some hitting power with enough models with the Soul Marked ability to ensure the Spirit Host can do some damage while it tanks. The leaders can bring back units as required and the single Chainrasp can 'Do his part'. I would like the KoSoES and/or a Dreadscythe Harridan but the points just don't work out. I do find the Nighthaunt odd in Warcry as in AoS we're a horde army while in Warcry we simply do not have any really cheap chaff units.
  2. I'm just glad we are getting that new hero model. I know it's not much but it is something. We'll get a new tome this summer hopefully. I'm still building/painting my army and also in lockdown which won't lift for another month yet anyway : /
  3. Here's hoping GW behave and release this as a single model not bundled in with some expensive box set.
  4. Winsor and Newton Professional Varnish. It's incredible. I've had a lot of frosting with GW varnish spray (yes, I did shake the can and warm it). I will never buy it again after using the the W&N varnish. I was so impressed with it I even tried it on some frosted models and the spray actually restored most of the vibrancy and contrast of the models. My attention was brought to the W&N spray via the Necron YouTuber IDICBeer.
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