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  1. hey I haven't read this thread in a while. Can the Sacrosanct units do any work from a competitive sense or are they still dead in the water?
  2. Hey guys, I'm interested in starting Slaves to Darkness but don't want to do an army with Archaon. What's a list that's been doing well with Knights of the empty throne? I like the idea of a chunky unit of varanguard forming the core of my army
  3. The Honest Wargamer had some good insight into this. Many of the rules and flavour comes down to +1 to this or -1 to that. With that sort of aspect books quickly come down to which warscrolls have better numbers which is not an interesting place to be.
  4. After the dumpster fire that is the Stormcast battletome I wouldn't be so keen on seeing any faction I play receive a 3rd edition book yet. Better to wait until powercreep gets into motion rather than be saddled with an early and deficient book.
  5. 76 warscrolls is a tough number to balance for sure, but I think most of us would have been sanguine if perhaps the Knight Zephyros wasn't quite on par with a Lord Imperitant say. It's that the book disregards almost everything except for that which people haven't bought. I've been waiting since the early days of AOS2.0 for Stormcast to be useable. Now that I need to wait some years yet I genuinely feel scammed. This new battletome is a cynical marketing ploy rather than a good faith product designed to help us get the most from our miniatures.
  6. I admire the positivity but I really don't understand how you can call the book quite solid overall. We have very situational allegiance abilities, inconsequential stormhosts and bland warscrolls with few if any synergies. At least when stormcast dropped last edition they had a brief moment in the sun before other books left it behind. This time around it seems dead on arrival (dragons excepted of course). I am curious though, how would you build an interesting list with Sacrosanct units?
  7. All of our magic characters remaining one cast wizards is the most surprising thing to me. Do the rules writers not realise how many armies have an abundance of 2 cast wizards for fewer points. 3+ armour just isn't that good with all of the mortal wounds flying around these days
  8. Not to mention that you get extra VP for completing battle tactics. On balance they benefit from being Monsters
  9. That's exactly what I'm saying though. Stormdrake guard and Knight Draconis together overshadow almost everything else in the book. You could take just about any 285 chunk of the book and ask "would stormdrake guard be better?" and the answer would be "probably". Do you genuinely think that an army made up of Sacrosanct units could go toe-to-toe with any strong build out there? I cannot conceive of a Sacrosanct list that has the tools and teeth to stand a chance against Tzeentch Archaon, Morathi Bowsnakes, Gargants, Harukan wind spirits etc. The new battletome being more competitive than the last one is hardly praiseworthy, the previous book (apart from maybe one build) was totally pillowfisted. Disappointment with this battletome is legitimate.
  10. Warhammer is a long term hobby, but we've all been waiting quite some time for a better battletome. Only for it to invalidate all our units for another 4+ years. This battletome is a cynical marketing ploy rather than a good faith product to help us get the most from our miniatures.
  11. I'm massively disappointed with the Stormcast book. I've been waiting years for my Soul Wars sacrosanct army to become playable and sadly that will never be the case. With overpriced units and weak warscrolls I can't see a way for the army to meaningfully play against Lumineth, Seraphon etc. I want to play this game but the risk that any army I buy will get neutered in a future book (re Sylvaneth and Slaanesh) is really holding me back. On an unrelated note I have a stormcast army that is up for sale and painted nicely, PM me if interested
  12. I'm massively disappointed with the Stormcast book. I've been waiting years for my Soul Wars sacrosanct army to become playable and sadly that will never be the case. With overpriced units and weak warscrolls I can't see a way for the army to meaningfully play against Lumineth, Seraphon etc. I want to play this game but the risk that any army I buy will get neutered in a future book (re Sylvaneth and Slaanesh) is really holding me back. On an unrelated note I have a stormcast army that is up for sale and painted nicely, PM me if interested
  13. I have about 1400 points of Sacrosanct stormcast all painted up. I can't wait for this new book! Hopefully Sequitors, Evocators, the artillery piece and castigators will have play in the new book and edition
  14. You know it may just be wishful thinking on my part but I think the sacrosanct stormcast eternals will be a part of the Be'Lakor broken realms book. In the miniature reveal video the army shot shows Be'Lakor and his daemons fighting sacrosanct stormcast (two Lord Arcanum miniatures). Secondly, the promotional video for Be'Lakor features a female sequitor laying the beatdown on some pink horrors. Since they seem to be a reoccurring part of all things Be'Lakor here's to hoping they will at least be part of the story if not receiving some nice new rules.
  15. You know it may just be wishful thinking on my part but I think the sacrosanct stormcast eternals will be a part of the Be'Lakor broken realms book. In the miniature reveal video the army shot shows Be'Lakor and his daemons fighting sacrosanct stormcast (two Lord Arcanum miniatures). Secondly, the promotional video for Be'Lakor features a female sequitor laying the beatdown on some pink horrors. Since they seem to be a reoccurring part of all things Be'Lakor here's to hoping they will at least be part of the story if not receiving some nice new rules.
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