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Everything posted by OkayestDM

  1. But they'll never have those sweet mustache guns! In other news, I'm definitely starting to feel the yen for more news. The fluff pieces on the GW community site just aren't doing anything for me any more.
  2. I mean, with the newer helmets, they're kind of already half way there . . .
  3. So, this is a crazy thought that's been rattling around in my head for a while. With all of the SCE shields now increasing saves, I wonder if the Stormcast are going to get some kind of allegiance ability for their Sigmarite Armor that allows them to reroll 1's to save across the board. Don't know if that's actually going to be a thing, bit it would be an appreciable boost to their overall toughness (save of course against mortal wounds.)
  4. As they are now, you may be right. Hopefully, the new battletome will give them that extra bit of punch they need to be worth taking. August can't come soon enough.
  5. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they start to cycle out the old Stormcast once we hit 4th edition, and I do see a certain logic to it: Firstly, they're going to want to unify the aesthetic. The new design for SCE looks distinctly different (despite doing a good job of clearly belonging to the same faction), and now enjoys a visual identity distinct from its "fantasy space marines" roots, which they're going to want to double down on. Second, the original models weren't made with a balanced game in mind, and the plethora of build options and optional weapon profiles that can be taken or added into a unit (and the resulting number of wars rolls) make them a trial to point and balance for play (especially since wargear isn't pointed in AoS - which I'm not complaining about.) Finally, whether we like it or not, they're going to keep releasing new models, and they'll need to free up the design space to give everything its own role and home without causing too much redundancy. I tend to agree with everyone here that SCE are bloated with models, and that fazing out a model range that is so new (7 years old come 4th edition) would be poorly received, particularly when there are so many other ranges that would benefit from that kind of attention. GW seems to be trying to find a Space Marines equivalent for AoS. They're obviously pushing it hard with SCE, but I had the distinct impression that they were testing the waters with Lumineth when they released them. A lot of the language used in the faction tome and articles heralded their arrival as a huge shift in power for Order, and the rapid release of the Wind Temple echoed the Stormcast releases of old. End of the day, I'm always happy to add more models to my Stormcast collection, and I don't give a fig about redundancy (though that's obviously a personal opinion that has no bearing on how others view the matter.) I just like having the build diversity. To stay on topic, I think we've seen most of what's in store for the new SCE. Mounted units are really the only thing left, so Drake's and pegasus are still in the running. The KruelBoyz are missing a "standard" cav option (the speculated wolf-cav come to mind), and don't seem to have a small elite melee unit in their ranks yet. I wouldn't be surprised by one or two more heroes either.
  6. Not everything is gonna resonate with everybody, and there's nothing to apologize for on that score. For my part, I find myself in love with the new and original sculpts alike. I remember seeing the Slaanesh Myrmidesh Painbringers and thinking "darn it, why can they make SCE with armor fitted like that?" The Aesthetics don't match perfectly, but that's a minor quibble I'm happy to overlack because now I feel like the Stormcast have their own identity, far more removed from their "fantasy space marines" roots, and I love the distinct noble/knightly theme to their redesign. If people are turned off by the new design, that's perfectly fine. More for me
  7. I wonder if he's on a 50mm base. You know, like Gardus . . . ?
  8. Right now, Castigators are a very disappointing unit. You're pretty much always better off taking any other SCE ranged unit. The Dracolines, on the other hand, are a pretty solid unit. They won't win you a game in their own right, but they're fast, pack a decent punch, and have some magic at their disposal. A perfectly respectable addition to any SCE force you run.
  9. That's just the sort of thing an Umbraneth would say! On topic, are we thinking there might be a Fist of Gork/Mouth of Mork diorama model along the lines of Gluttos and Katakros, or that the Mouth of Mork would be his own thing?
  10. Is it just me, or was the Bonesplitter at the end of the story the same one from the first Broken Realms short story?
  11. The new models represent a different kind of armor, but not a new chamber. In fact, it looks like each of the existing chambers is getting at least one model with the new style armor.
  12. I don't know, MW on 6s definitely has its place. Regardless, these points will be irrelevant once the new SCE battletome drops
  13. Hard to say, though for my money they'll hold off on revealing too much of the new stuff until after Dominion has dropped. I don't think they want to show anything that might cause folks to back out of buying their big starter box in favor of waiting for other thing.
  14. Even if they do get souped, that doesn't necessarily mean they won't also get new units.
  15. The legs and arms are noticably leaner on the Thunderstrike armor, but the aesthetics as a whole match quite nicely with classic Stormcast armor.
  16. That was my thought. Lord Arcanum on Tauralon is starting to look a lot better . . . Admittedly though, Stormcast wizards in general are a lot scarier with the new Arcane bolt.
  17. The 3+ armor will probably apply to paladin units and standard troops with shields. The big difference between SCE and Petrifex is that - as far as we know - SCE don't have access to save rerolls, wound negation, or the ability to return masses of slain models. This makes the 3+ save very good, but not outrageously so. Armies that lack rend or mortal wounds will probably struggle against them in a straight up fight, but they can still win if they play the objective game (winning by dying tactically isn't the most fun, but it does work.) Additionally, I strongly suspect that those armies will be among the first in line for a new battletome, and their drawbacks will be addressed.
  18. Agreed, but I'm optimistic. The only Kruelboyz allegiance ability we've seen so far is turning 6's to hit into mortal wounds (which isn't terrible.) It's been said/hinted that they focus on ambushing, and I wouldn't be surprised if maneuverability was one of their strengths. Retreat and charge type abilities would be a very thematic fit for this army, given that they're supposed to be kunnin', but we haven't heard anything about that thus far. We know that the Killaboss can mitigate battleshock, which might be another tactical lever that they pull. Also, they may have some kind of WAAAGH! ability, and I'd be facinated to see how that translates with an army of kunnin' orks. Heck, even if it's just +1 to attacks, that would be a pretty big deal given the MW potential.
  19. I quite like the sound of this. It would make min-sized units more commonplace and add a nice layer to list-building strategies: who gets the extra bits? Granted, several factions would need some boosts to their units, particularly those that have built in synergies based on unit size - which I've personally never been a fan of. Assuming it's true, of course, but rumored rules feel pretty believable. I look forward to seeing them confirmed or disproved.
  20. I've been slowly picking away at some Lumineth units. Very slowly. Mostly waiting for Dominion to drop, and then the eventual battletomes and expansions to both ranges. I have Stormcast and Warclans, so GW's getting all my money on this one. It's been a while since I was excited about Stormcast (my first and favorite army), so these are good times for me.
  21. In their defense, I think they mean without a command point being spent or spell being used. I like the fact that these "free" abilities are gated behind a die roll. It's good, but not a given.
  22. I hear ya, man. I confess that I am getting a bit excited, but the wiser course would be to step back and reserve judgment until we see the full rules.
  23. Oh, absolutely. The loss of MW on the landing will definitely decrease their value. Unless our lightning down rules will now be tied to the new armor.
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