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The Brotherhood of Necros

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Everything posted by The Brotherhood of Necros

  1. Looking for multiples of this guy: I’m UK-based. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
  2. Yes, that would be the Cities update and it sounds like there might be a change of focus for Cities when the next battletome drops. Dawnbringers Crusades has been positioned as a Wrath of the Everchosen/Broken Realms style campaign/narrative, not a battletome. The story has felt quite static to me for a while now; I’m excited for the next chapter and to see what happens next!
  3. “When war rages, the statuary to Basth and Basth-Settra step from their plinths to bring sand and ruin to those who would dare march against Bubasthis.” My budget Warsphinx / Sepulchral Stalkers.
  4. When you have so few models in an army, it really does matter that they don’t all look the same. Especially when those models are towering centrepieces. I’m a huge fan of the Mega kits but an alternative leg pose would have made building an army of them so much more appealing.
  5. Would that I had felt something. The coldness of that shadow as it swept overhead. The passing of my brethren from this life to the next. Not so. I went about my prayers like a blind beggar, oblivious to the horror unfolding above. Not until the first runner stumbled into the sanctuary did I glimpse it, etched in his stricken features: the turning of the hourglass on centuries of ritual and tradition. I heard it, in the cries carrying from the streets overhead, where before I had heard nothing. I, the Hierophant of Usirian, High Priest of Bubasthis’ Mortuary Cult, less wise to the welcoming of my people into my patron’s arms than the slave trembling prostrate at my feet. Two of my Liche Priests. (Hierophant to come.)
  6. In the 62nd year of Qu’aph the Cunning, the blessed goddess of love and grace learned what it meant to hate. The shadow swept across the sands more quietly than the wind. No dune disturbed, no water broke. Only the gardens stirred as birds of every feather took wing to sing in the sudden dusk. A shroud enveloped Bubasthis, through which even Ptra could not see, and where it fell, Basth’s children screamed, and their chosen servants dropped stone-dead. Greetings, Nehekharans. I’m creating this log to track my hobby progress for my Basth-themed Tomb Kings army. It will be a small force from a temple dedicated to Nehekhara’s cat goddess, worshipped for her grace, love and protection, all things that would be lost with the coming of the Usurper, Nagash. They are based for WHFB/The Old World, and will use base converters for games of AoS. Here’s my first regiment of skellies converted from Deathrattle and TK skeletons. Thanks for following and I hope you like.
  7. Do you think they’ll release the Rotmire Creed on their own at some point? (I’d like to pick up a few.)
  8. I know it’s a long shot but is anyone willing to part with her? I’m UK-based. Thank you 🙏🏻
  9. Would be so great if it was the lineup for the remaining Battletomes. Do they correlate to the outstanding tomes?
  10. Hello, I’m interested in picking up one of the Lauchon the Soulseeker endless spells from the Forbidden Power box. Do you have one you’d be willing to sell? I’m in the UK. Thanks in advance 🙏🏻 T
  11. Is this pretty much it for the year then for AoS? Trying to think if there’s anything else coming beyond the one-hero releases and the leaked Slaves stuff
  12. It is, they’ve done a great job. I actually really like this sculpt, which is never something I thought I’d say about any of the ogors/ogres. They have always looked so squat and static and cartoonish to me. This guy looks taller (even if he actually isn’t) and faster and appears more like a mountain of flesh and muscle than the previous style, which never looked remotely frightening (or like the ogors could do any more than shuffle at all) IMO. This guy emerges from the treeline, shouldering snow and branches, small eyes blinking between those makeshift antlers, I’d want to run a mile, and for the first time I’d worry this particular ogor might catch me. (If he didn’t pin me to the tree on one of those spear-sized arrows first.)
  13. Starting to paint my converted Dread Dragon Ogor Shaggoth… *Johann for scale.
  14. This is SO beautiful. It’s really struck me. Must have!
  15. Has there been a rumour that we’ll get a TOW update tonight? Or are people just being hopeful?
  16. My impression of the Dawnbringers, from what little we’ve heard so far, is that they won’t be a specific group or religious sect at all but that it’s a name given to a movement, a general push, at most an organised campaign, by the forces of Order to establish new strongholds and cities in the Chaos-infested realms. I don’t imagine (I’d love to be wrong!) that we’ll see specific Dawnbringer units but we might well get new units across many Order factions that lend themselves well to The theme of expansion (eg. a playable Cogfort). A little bit like how the swell of life magic and the Era of the Beast has birthed new Sylvaneth units, which fit nicely into the advancing narrative but aren’t tied in name or faction to the Era of the Beast specifically.
  17. I think Whitefang has outright stated that Dawnbringers isn’t a new faction or a replacement of Cities of Sigmar. It’s some kind of campaign/narrative focus.
  18. 😍 aaaaand just like that I’m staying up to watch it
  19. My only doubt is that there’s nothing to reveal for those tomes (that we’re aware of)? They’re unlikely to even have new cover art? I don’t know how you make a 10-15 min feature or segment out of that for the show. So either: —they ‘reveal’ those tomes alongside something new and exciting for them (cool!) —they ‘reveal’ them alongside more AoS stuff like the Destruction tomes — dreamy —they just announce that LRL and DoT are coming (because as this point it’s not even really a reveal) and we have 10 mins of them taking about… rules?
  20. Sounds to me like a new (likely much improved) iteration of Grand Alliance: Order, in that it’s a system where you can draw from across multiple Order factions to build your crusade? Edit: and not a ‘new’ Cities faction at all
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